Chapter 12

"Why! Whenever we find a piece of happiness! Why is it always followed by darkness!"

Okara stares at the ground his hands clenched into fists; he falls to his knees and raises his fists to the sky, slamming them against the ground. Shaking the area around him. He started breathing irregularly as he calmed back down.

The ground below him cracked open as he continues staring at it. However, he notices something shining in the ground. Quickly he began to dig at it pulling the rocks away from the designated spot. Then immediately he saw it. As he brushed it off a little more he picked it up and held it up to his face. It was a glass capsule with a glowing gem in it. A green glowing gem.

"What... Is this?" Okara asked himself as he stood up, holding it in between his finger and thumb. The gem was the shape of an emerald and it glowed as Okara held it.

Back in the cell Cassa slowly wakes, with Bell beside her. Comforting her.

"It's alright, Cassa. We're safe... For now."

Cassa slowly leans up, but instantly goes back down onto her back.

"Don't move, you'll only make it worse." Bell said as she looks at her stomach area.

"You've got a lot of swelling, I hope..."

"It's fine, it'll be fine." Cassa said as she gained control of her breathing.

Soon enough they both heard footsteps coming from the hallways along with voices.

"Quick you need to pretend to be unconscious."

"What about you, Bell?!"

"I'll be okay, just trust me."


They were at the door and Cassa bit her tongue. At the moment the door opened Arako and a few goons appeared.

"It's time to continue."

Arako walks in to collect Cassa, however. Bell steps between them.

"No, she's unconscious! Take me instead!"

"Please, you're just fodder, a mere hostage. What use do we have for you."

"I don't know... But I do know if you continue cloning while she's like this your clones will be weaker!"

Arako takes a look at the pretending to be unconscious Cassa, then back at Bell.

"You think you're clever, don't you. Pretending to be unconscious. While your friend takes the heat for you."

Bell doesn't change her reaction and Cassa continues pretending. Arako continued watching for a reaction but received nothing.

"Whatever, come on then, fodder." Arako ignores his mistake and grabs Bell dragging her out of the room. As the door closes we find Cassa had truly passed back out.

Back in the lab, Arako brings Bell in and Rose instantly confronts him.

"Have you lost what little mind you had? I said bring the Saiyan not this human."

"The human came up with a good point, if we continue to abuse the Saiyan she will eventually die and our clones will be weaker than their intended purpose."

Rose looks at her computer in bitter agreement.

"It seems you were right, human. But why did you bring her here, Arako?"

"I believed we could use her for something useful."

Rose began thinking.

"Maybe, you're right. Strap her down and we'll begin immediately!"

As she watched Arako strap Bell down she began inputting commands on her computer.

"Tell me human, do you know about the seven Lyrx gems?"(pronounced Lyrics)

"Lyrx? Gems?"

"Yes, precisely!"

Arako's attention was completely caught on Rose's and Bell's conversation.

"The legend goes, there are seven gems scattered throughout this entire universe! These stones each possess power from a Lyrx. A demon race that was born twenty thousand years ago. If all seven are gathered then the host who possesses all seven. Are granted power that could eradicate the entire universe itself."

"What kind of fool do you take me for?! Do you think I'd believe such a fictional story?" Bell says angrily.

"But, my dear. This isn't a fictional story as we have proof of these stones and their abilities. For example."

A list appears with six stones in a circle and a seventh one in the middle.

"These are the current stone abilities we know about as of now."

All stones were shaped differently, first up was the red stone.

"This stone is known as the ruby Lyrx gemstone, or ruby for simplicity's sake. It is shaped like a geometric diamond, and its ability is nonconclusive, but people believe it has the ability to relock powers and abilities of those it is used on."

The screen returns and brings up the next one, a green gem in the shape of an emerald.

"The emerald Lyrx gemstone, the ability of this stone Is unknown. However, it is said to be on this very planet."

Once again it returns to the screen and pulls up a yellow topaz-shaped gem.

"The topaz Lyrx gemstone, the ability of this stone is known, it converts sunlight into energy for the user. Restoring their stamina completely or in bits at a time. It depends on the amount of sunlight absorbed by the gem."

Arako's interest was peaking as he started getting head pains. Like flashes, he started getting visions of the gemstones and potential futures. He saw flashes of each gem and silhouettes of the users. But he also saw one silhouette with all of them. This silhouette was surrounded by destroyed-looking earth. Then it ended and Rose's voice continued filling his ears.

"This stone the dark blue gem, is the sapphire Lyrx gemstone, its ability is unknown as well."

Rose backs out and begins pointing out the rest of the gem abilities are unknown except for one. She pulls up a white gemstone.

"This is the opal Lyrx gemstone, its ability is the most powerful one out of the seven. As it revives a dead person completely with maximum capacity. However, it can only be done once as the stone requires a life for a life."

Rose backs out and leaves the Lyrx gemstones above her on the screen.

"None of that is proof! Just more fictional-!"

"You didn't let me finish!" Rose pushed one more button on her computer and instantly a robotic clamp brought her a capsule. With a yellow gemstone.

Bell's eyes widened as she realized what the stone was.

"That's right, this is the topaz I mentioned, and you want to know the difference between an earth topaz and a Lyrx topaz. If you look closely in the center, there's the floating soul of the once-thriving Lyrx within."

The topaz has a small swirling black soul inside of it, proving to Bell the story was true.