Chapter 13

The next day, Okara checks back into Westfall city. To see if Coll had returned. The sky was not so clear today either. The time was nine in the morning and it looked like it was gonna rain again.

"I have to see if Coll Is back. He needs to be back." Okara said as he continued walking through the almost dead city. It was almost eerie. Especially to Okara. As he got closer to the Police building he felt a disturbing Ki flow through his body. As he stopped and turned he looked outwards. It was close to his pod landing.

"Who... Is that? It's not Cassa... It's almost sinister."

Okara's attention was thrown to the Ki, but as he started walking towards it he stopped himself.

"No, I've got to see if Coll has returned..."

Okara turned back to the building and stopped once more. Hesitant at not knowing what it was. He clenched his fists.

"Damn it! Sorry Cassa, Bell. Just hold on a little longer."

Okara turned and rushed towards the sensed Ki, instantly jumping into the air and bursting off towards it faster.

Quickly the Ki was growing and another was fading as Okara boosted he realized how dense the energy was the closer he got. Soon enough he got a view of the intense scene. A golden person vs a white-haired person who looked like someone Okara knew. As he got closer he realized his mistake. As the white-haired clone looked his way. Okara realized instantly who or what it was.

"Is that... Me?!" Okara's eyes widen as he stops and floats above. Watching the white-haired him aim his palm at him.

Sudden a pink energy blast appears, in an instant, the blast is fired and Okara begins spazzing, whaling his arms and legs around. However, in a flash the golden warrior appears in front of Okara and deflects the blast right, curving it around them. Okara looks back, watching the explosion of the blast. Then as he looks forward The Golden Warrior is fighting against the white-haired him. Okara shook as he watch the speed of The Golden Warrior. Almost immediately he had the clone on the inch of its life. Till a sudden Ki blast hits the back of The Golden Warrior, causing him to turn. Revealing another white-haired him.

"Another one!"

Then an all-out two vs one battle began and from both sides, the Golden Warrior dodged and attacked against the two clones.

"I-I have to help him!" Okara said as he bursts down to take the clone on The Golden Warrior's right side. Which was the one The Golden Warrior was originally fighting first. As Okara held the clone pressed against the ground, he finally understood how right he was.

"You... Are me!"

"No, We are you!" The clone said as he bent his legs between him and Okara and extended them, launching Okara into the air. In a split second Okara used the pressure of his energy and stopped himself from flying any further back. Looking back down at the clone.

"Where did you come from!"

The clone ignored him as he raised both of his hands and generated a medium size pink Ki blast.


The Golden Warrior turned to see what was happening and realized, Okara was gonna die if he took that head-on. However, he had his hands full and couldn't help. As the other clone drove its fist into his face. The Golden Warrior steps back, his blue eyes shimmering and his golden hair whipping back from the blow.

"What a punch!" The Golden Warrior said as he held his face with his left hand.

"I'll get you back with one of my own!"

As The Golden Warrior dashed forward he drove his left fist into the gut of the clone and as the clone leaned forward from the blow, he drove his right fist straight into his face. Launching him back.


He pulled back his right arm and opened his fist, suddenly golden tiny Ki orbs appeared at the tips of his fingers; then as he thrust his right arm forward they combined into one medium-sized golden wave.

"Devil's Bane!!"

At the same time as his blast hits the clone, the other clone's blast hits Okara. Instantly exploding him in a cloud of dust and dirt. Okara's body falls within seconds to the ground as The Golden Warrior presses harder to consume the clone with his Devil's Bane. Immediately the clone was overtaken and destroyed completely. Letting the Golden Warrior relax his arm, quickly he turned to witness the rest of the scene.

"So this is the one I was created from! How pathetic! I was hoping for more of a fight!"

Okara continued laying on the ground his body beaten to death, his gi ripped to shreds.

"Aren't you gonna save your precious wife, and friend!"

Okara's eyes widen as he listens to the clone.

"Our other counterpart, Arako! Is holding them while our leader, Rose! Is torturing them till we get what we need!"


Okara's iris's vanished as he grit his teeth.

"They'll die soon enough! Especially because of how weak they are!"

Okara began pushing himself up with his fists, his neck tense, his veins popping as he got himself to fully stand. His aura appeared around his body, flaring wildly as the clone laughed and continued to taunt him.

"Arako said to let you live! But I don't think I will!"

The Golden Warrior watching to hesitant to intervene as he knows what's about to happen. Suddenly Okara's hands started to bleed from how hard he was pushing his fingernails into his palms. His hair flickering between black and gold, his aura doing the same.

"I-I will... Bring them back!!"

Okara explodes his hair turning golden and his irises settling with the color green. However, The Golden Warrior appeared behind him and chopped against his neck, instantly knocking him out, catching him before he fell.

"I'm sorry, but you aren't ready." The Golden Warrior says as he puts unconscious Okara down.

As he steps in front of the knocked-out Okara, time flew and Okara finally awoke. Finding himself alone, once again.