Chapter 14

Okara returned to Westfall, however, he was damaged and people were about. Some staring others, walking past him like he wasn't there.


Okara's body was beaten so badly he could barely breathe. Along with his profuse bleeding, from his many wounds. Okara's vision was getting blurry as he kept walking forward, with each step he fell to his knees and hands. Slowly people surrounded him as he dripped blood.

"Someone... Please."

"Stand aside! Stand aside now!" A female voice shouted to the crowding people. As she finally got through she kneeled by Okara. A group of men was with her In police outfits.

"It's alright now, we're here." The woman said as she signaled the others to help Okara up.

"We're gonna take you to get medical treatment, Okara..."

Finally from his wounds, Okara passed out, slowly finding himself in a void of darkness. Then a quick flicker of events appeared in front of his eyes. A hellish area with fire spread everywhere. The sky is orange and clouds gray, he sees himself and another standing before someone who was glowing with gems. But he didn't recognize either of the others. The thing that confused him more was his appearance.

"What is this!"

Slowly the one glowing of many gems looked up at him, his irises like that of a feline, his teeth sharp as white fangs, and his horns that were slicked back. As he looked at Past Okara he showed a bloody creepy evil smile. Which caused Okara to awaken and find himself strapped to a bed.

"W-What the hell is this..."

Okara's breathing was heavy from the shock of his dream, but more importantly, he was confused about what was happening.

"Where am...(He struggles to move his arms) I!"

"T-The last thing I remember is someone helping me."

Okara notices his wounds patched up, but machines were attached to him as well. Drawing blood from his arms.

"This doesn't look like help to me!" Okara screamed loud enough for someone to hear him.

Suddenly he found himself staring face to face with his evil self.

"Well if it isn't Okara."


"Welcome Okara, it's so good to finally meet you."

"...I would say likewise, but I can't seem to use my fists right now."

"Oh don't be like that." Arako said as he pulled a seat next to Okara's bedside.

"You and I are the same."

"Because you were made from me! Of course, we are. What's your point!"

"I want to know, have you seen it too?" Arako asked grimly.

"Seen what?"

Arako smirked evilly as he figured out a term for his vision.

"The future."

Okara slowly realized what he was talking about.

"What does it all mean?"

"I don't even know the answer to that question, Okara."

Suddenly a female walked into the room.


"Ah, so you do know each other."

Then Okara remembered.

"Where's Cassa!"

Bell held her right arm with her left hand and Arako smirked.

"She's still under our capture. For now, I'm letting this human go with you."

"I don't understand."

"I don't need you to understand. For this is just a warning."

Arako stood up and pulled his chair back to its original location.

"Get stronger, strong enough to give me one hell of a battle to the death. Because in the end once I've won. I will bring this world to its knees with the help of the Lyrx gemstones."

Okara was confused as he watched Arako walking out of the room, but stopped at the doorway turning his head a bit to talk to Bell.

"Free him once I'm fully gone, if you try to do it now I'll obliterate this place."

He smirked at Bell before walking off.

"See you around."

Bell stood out in the hallway watching him vanish from her sight completely.

"Bell, explain to me what's happening!"

"We don't have much time, we have to hurry!"

She began freeing Okara who pulled the needles from his arms without hesitation.


It hurt like a bitch, but he endured it as he stood up and grabbed a hold of the rushing Bell.

"Bell! What's going on! Damn it!"

Bell looked him in the eyes and took a deep relaxing breath.

"Okay, Okay..."

Okara loosened his grip as he let Bell speak.

"Cassa is being used for experimental cloning, to raise an army and take over the planet. However, Arako isn't much for that idea. He plans to overtake the world and send it into a fiery hellscape with the seven Lyrx gemstones."

"Experiments... Lyrx Gemstones? What are you-!"

"That's not all! Cassa's..."

"What? What's wrong with Cassa?"

Bell takes a second to think about how to approach him.

"Okara, do you have that tape recorder?"

"Yeah, I took it with me why?"

"Can you play it again, but only play the part where Cassa gets cut off."

"I mean I can."

Okara rewinds the tape a bit as he pulls it out from his back.

"Now hit the play button."

As he hits the play button Cassa's voice comes through.

"Okara you're..."

"A father." Bell finished Cassa's cut-off sentence as he stopped the tape. His eyes glimmering with tears.

"You mean... I have a kid."

"We don't know its gender yet. But that won't matter if we don't save her!"

Okara wiped his tears from his eyes as he listened to Bell.

"Arako gave me the location to the lab. Funny enough, it's closer than we thought."

"Where is it?"

"It's under where I found you and Cassa for the first time."

"Okara, if we go now we can-."

"No, I'm sorry we can't... Not yet."

"What?! Why not?!"

"As much as I want to save Cassa and my child. If we go now I'll end up dying and the chance will just be for nothing. Didn't you hear Arako's warning..."

"I did, but... Damn it. I thought for sure we'd, I thought you'd..."

"I know, I know. I hate myself for it. But it's the best choice we've got."

Okara begins searching through his bag and pulls out the emerald gem.

"Is this one of those gemstones you've been talking about?"

He hands it to Bell and she looks at it. Then.

"No way! Where did you find this, Okara?!"

"In the ground near my pod. Why?"

"This is it! This is one of the seven Lyrx gemstones. The emerald!"