Chapter 15

"What are you talking about, Bell?!" Okara asked as he held up the green capsuled gem.

"Look it's a long story, but the short part of it is. You have one of the seven gemstones that Arako and Rose are looking for!"

Okara looked at the gem with wide eyes.

"This little thing? They're doing all this for this stupid gem?!"

"No, Okara you don't understand!"

"What am I not understanding?!" Okara shouted in anger.

"The gems contain different abilities if all of them are gathered by one and set in some kind of armor. They grant unlimited power to that being! Enough to destroy the whole multiverse!"

Okara slowly began to calm as he realized what she was saying.

"But that's not all! Rose plans to take over the world with them, not destroy the multiverse. However Arako..."

"Arako, what? What is he gonna-."

"He wants to lay the world to waste, along with the multiverse."

"Of course... The creation turns on the creator."

"Okara, I'm afraid if we don't hurry. It might be a lot worse than we could imagine."

"Oh trust me... This is already worse."

"Don't be so overdramatic! You need to look at the bright side of things every once in a while."

"You're right..."

Okara looks at the green Lyrx gemstone in his right hand.

"If they all have abilities then(Okara holds it up between his and Bell's face's) what does this one do?"

"Well, the thing is... Most of the gem's abilities were unknown. So we don't entirely know what that gem does."

"So much for seeing the brighter side of things."

"Why don't we give it a try?" Bell requested as Okara looked at the capsule hesitantly.

"I don't know about that, I'd rather we get out of this place. Before Arako comes back and finds us still here."

"Okara, why would you throw away a chance to figure out its ability?"

"Because I don't know what the hell this gem does!"

"Which is why we need to find out!"

"No, we need to leave... Now!" Okara put the capsuled gem back into his bag and grabbed his bag afterward. Rushing out of the room. His body was still sore and banged up. Wounds opened the more he forced himself to walk through the dark hallway. With sealed windows and broken doors; walls with wallpaper peeling; boards on the floor cracked, some broken. They were in a run-down building and soon enough Okara was trailing blood.



"Don't act like you don't feel that."

"I do..."

"Then why are you still pushing yourself? We need to-!"

"Stop... Bell. You should know why."

"...Did you forget it's suicide if you try rescuing her now!"

"Then what am I gonna do?! (Okara stops and turns towards Bell). I can't let them torture her!"

"I understand! But it's no use if you die! You need to get stronger!"

"How do you purpose I do that?!"

"First off you use that gem and find out what it does! If you do, I'll introduce you to someone who can teach you how to get stronger!"

Okara clamped his right hand shut as he held the blood in his palm.

"Fine... But not here. We need to leave."

"Then come on! My truck is just outside."

Quickly both Bell and Okara exited the building and took her truck back home, Okara was back into some casual clothing. While Bell repaired the gi. Okara was patched up and his bleeding had ceased for now.

"Let's go, Bell." Okara said causing Bell to set down the repair kit and gi. They both walk outside and a few feet away from the house.

"So what exactly do these other stones do, Bell?"

"Well from the information they had only revealed some things about the red, yellow, and white stones. Ruby, Topaz, and Opal I believe they were. You have the emerald. But the information they had for the Ruby is theorized to be able to relock all abilities of a person; the topaz can absorb sunlight and turn it into energy for the user, and lastly, the Opal can bring back someone who died only once. But for someone else's life instead."

"What are the other gems?"

"Well from what I remember, there were several she didn't show me. But they're all based on gems from the earth so the colors were somewhat obvious. Ruby, Sapphire, Opal, Topaz, Amethyst, and maybe a Tanzanite. I'm only one hundred percent on the Ruby, Sapphire, Opal, and Topaz. But the rest were only by the colors I saw."

"Seven gemstones... Most with unknown powers."

Okara looks at the green gemstone as he holds the capsule.

"Then here I go. I hope that ruby ability is not this one's ability instead."

Okara places the capsule in the palm of his right hand and gently closes his hand. Applying enough pressure to crush the capsule and not the gem. With the sound of cracking, Okara opened his hand. Tiny shards of glass surround the green gemstone. However, within seconds the gemstone began floating upwards from Okara's hand.

"What's happening, Bell?!"

"I-I don't know!"

The very tiny gem begins creating a wind storm around Okara and Bell. However, it wasn't strong enough to take them off their feet. As Okara watched the gem, It begins brightening with an intense green glow blinding both Okara and Bell. As it shined almost to Westfall city's view. It quickly calmed allowing Okara and Bell to open their eyes. In shock at what had appeared before them.

"O-Okara... What is-."

A green being appeared the height of Okara, but it wasn't human nor was it there. It had no eyes and its head was stretched back with spikes for hair. It had no ears, but its mouth had sharp teeth. Its fingers and toes were nails and lastly, its chest had the green emerald gem protruding from it, doubled... No tripled in size.

"Uoy knaht a sa siht tpecca os. redleiw ym eb lliw uoy. eerf I won dna, deniatnoc neeb eavh I sreay rof."

However, as it spoke in an unknown language it reached out to Okara and vanished. Okara's eyes widened as his body was encased in a green shell for a moment, and the full-sized emerald floated before him.


"O-Okara? Are you okay? What's happening?"

The emerald floated into Okara's hands. As he felt amazing, all of his pain was gone. His body was light and as he stripped off his bandages to see nothing. His wounds were gone completely. Like they were fully healed.