Chapter 17

"What are you doing here? Saiyan?"

Okara and Bell's eyes widen at her grandfather's question.

"Grandpa! You know what he is?"

"Of course, I do. This isn't my first time dealing with Saiyan's."

"How... Is that possible? Tell me, geezer, how can you tell I'm a Saiyan?" Asked Okara as he stared at the old man.

"First off Saiyan, my name isn't geezer. It's Kal, and second off. I promised I would not tell his story or experience. As I will not tell yours."


Okara closed his eyes for a moment remembering a golden warrior. But instantly he opened his eyes as Kal continued talking.

"You came at the right time, however."

Kal looked at Okara and then Bell.

"Okara, as of now your current power level is one hundred and twenty-five. Your current abilities are also needing improvements as the five categories to stand like this. Ki, Strength, Agility, Defense, and Health. As it stands your abilities levels are such. Ki is three: Strength is five: Agility is three: Defense is five: and Lastly your health is five."

"You can see all that? How is that even possible?"

"Short story is, my father was a pure martial art teacher day and night. I was by his side watching him teaching and training younger martial artists, who later become champions and legends. Soon enough I was able to see a person's stats and numbers."

"I see... That's impressive."

"So, Grandpa? Will you train him?"

Kal looked at Okara and then turned looking out into the deep nightly forest.

"It's late, but training waits for no warrior. Tell me Okara are you prepared to take on my first task and prove to me you are worth training?"

Okara looks at Kal with intense determination.

"I am! I'll do whatever it takes! I need to get stronger!"

"Then we will begin your training now. Put this on."

Kal walks over to some hanging clothing from a wire. Then tossed them to Okara. As Okara unfolded them he realized what he was given.

"This gi... It's."

"The same one you found in the dresser in the room I gave you." Said Bell with a smile.

"That's my grandpa's signature gi."

Quickly Okara disappeared behind the truck and put the gi on once again.

"Good as new."

The gi had a white marking on the front of it. It was Japanese kanji.

"This symbol stands for my clan. I train those in the blackest, nights for those to outgrow their fears and became battle-hardened heroes! My clan and fighting style are known as Night!"

"That sounds awesome!"

"You won't be saying that for long."

Okara's excited expression changed from happy to serious in seconds as Kal pointed into the dark forest.

"Head in that direction and once you reach deep enough you will travel a hill. At the top of the hill is a giant boulder that is impossible for a normal human to break. Don't come back without breaking it."

"Uh, question? How will you know if I break it? What if I just wait for a while and come back?"

"I'll know... When you know."

"That doesn't..."

"I forgot to mention... You have a time limit, starting now. You have till sunrise. If you don't arrive back here by dusk and the stone broken. You will not be trained by me."


Okara darts off into the dark forest, the time is currently seven forty-six and Okara's time begins to dwindle. Kal stands with his finger still up and eyes wide as he didn't expect Okara to burst off.

"I didn't even get to tell him, about the dangers coming back. Oh well, I'll just have to wait and see what he's made of."

Okara runs at full speed, pushing past branches and bushes; jumping over stumps, and squeezing through trees. With each step crunching on sticks and leaves. It was almost completely dark and his eyes were slowly adjusting. Noises from crickets, to birds, were filling the air along with bushes rustling and wolves howling. Okara was getting deep as he looked back slightly he lost complete sight of the hut and truck. The darkness consumed it all. But as the sound of running water filled the air he continued running then instantly leaping with might over a dark river.

"That was close!" Okara shouted as he continued running, his breathing heated and lungs on fire.

"Come on, Okara! You got this!"

Okara continuously passed more trees and bushes as he placed one foot after another. Then in no time at all, he came upon the hill Kal was talking about.

"So this is it!" Okara said as he looked up at it and leaped diagonally at it. As he gripped it. He instantly began climbing diagonally up it. Then forced himself onto just his feet.

His body was pulsing and sweating as his legs were heated from the exercise. He looked up at darkness wondering when the hill would end. However, it felt endless as he started grabbing leaning trees to use as climbing handles. After climbing for an hour he found himself struggling to pull himself up to the top. However, with one last pull, he threw himself over the hill and onto flat horizontal land. He laid on his back breathing heavily, his eyes closed his body pulsing. Slowly he felt like falling asleep, and his eyes quickly shut as his breathing eased. He drifted into nothingness. Till


Cassa's voice filled his head and his eyes suddenly shot open. Okara got up quickly, sweat sliding down his face from his forehead.

"I can't fall asleep! I've got to do this."

Okara forced his still asleep body to stand and as he stepped forwards he found himself face to face with the giant boulder Kal was talking about.

"This is it! All I have to do is punch it hard enough. Well if an ordinary human can't do it. Then that doesn't mean a Saiyan can't!"

Okara pulled back his right fist and felt his joints unhinging as he thrust it forward slamming his right fist against the giant stone. As he waited a few seconds a sudden burning and aching appeared in his fist.


Okara's scream shot throughout the whole forest as he pulled his fist back.

"D-Damn it! That hurt!"

Okara looked at his fist, it was bleeding and dislocated.


The time is ten forty-nine. He has seven hours and eleven minutes till dusk will he succeed?