Chapter 22

Okara and Crimson find themselves in a rocky area. Crimson on a higher rock structure than Okara. Both feel a rush of adrenaline for the upcoming fight.

"Let's go! Crimson!"

"Here I come! Okara!!"

Okara vanishes instantly above Crimson; swinging his left leg at Crimson's head; however Crimson dodged with amazing reaction speed, leaning his head forward. Allowing Okara's leg to sweep by, only letting the breeze from the attack flow through his hair. Crimson smirked as he pulled his head back up and turned it to glare at Okara; Okara once again attacks, this time with his right fist; jabbing it quickly at Crimson. As it makes contact it phases through his vanishing body and instantly Okara is smacked down into the tiny rock structure that was below them. As the rock structure splits and crumbles apart around Okara. Crimson looks down at him with his arms down to his sides.

Okara laying on the ground surrounded by different-sized boulders of the mountain looking back up at Crimson.

"Damn, he hits hard." Okara says as he forces himself to get off the ground.

"I guess I should take this more seriously."

Okara looked up at Crimson who was still smirking in excitement.

"You must enjoy this!" Okara shouted

"It's been ages since I've fought another Saiyan! So please make this even more enjoyable!"

Crimson swiftly pulls back his right arm; creating six tiny orbs of red Ki in his hand; Crimson then swiftly sweeps his arm back to his body launching the six orbs at Okara; Okara crosses his arms in an X defense position as the orbs come flying at him at high speed. Immediately the ground around him explodes, but so do his arms and body as he gets dug into the ground. With little visual Okara could see Crimson bringing another wave. This time with his left, and his right repeatedly. Orbs started waving down on him almost relentlessly.

"Crap! I-If I don't do something soon. My bodies gonna give out." Okara said as he clamped his eyes shut from the amount of pressure and burning pain building on his body.

As the last wave is fired Crimson raises his right arm and his hand becomes encased in Ki. At a simultaneous time, Crimson appeared behind Okara, and Okara broke his arms forcefully out of his X guard. However Okara was too busy to realize his mistake, Crimson swiftly drove his right arm downwards vertically unleashing a wave of Ki. That presses against Okara's back, driving him away into the distance. Okara's body was almost hit with whiplash at the speed and cancelation of the attack. As the wave dissolved Okara's body bounced three times before sliding to a stop. His back cut open and his body bruised from the bouncing.

"Oh, no did I overdo it?" Crimson worried as he watched Okara.

Okara wasn't moving and Crimson's worry worsened.

"Okara! Get up! You need to get up!"

No reaction, Crimson knew his mistake and felt some kind of dread seep within him.


As Crimson mourned over his mistake a sudden cough came from Okara as he watched him push himself up.

"I-I'm not done... Yet."

Suddenly the emerald Okara had laid in front of him on the ground. He stared at it as he spoke.

"I won't give up!"

The emerald was glowing bright like before, and Okara instantly grabbed hold of it with his right hand. Slowly he pushed himself to get up on his feet and as he did he held the emerald proudly in his right hand. Slowly he turned to face Crimson facing sideways. His face bleeding from his forehead, the blood sliding down over his right eye, and a smile on his scratched-up face. Crimson's eyes widen in shock as he noticed the gem in Okara's hand. Suddenly the emerald's Lyrx spirit form appeared before Okara and once again healed his wounds. Okara's body felt invigorated, his wounds healed fully and his power skyrocketing. The gem dimmed as the Lyrx vanished.

"Okara, you have the green Lyrx?!"

"Y-You know what that was?"

Crimson bit his tongue.

"I-I mean I only know about the legend, and it wasn't my first time seeing a Lyrx."

"Do you know where any other gems are?"

"Nope, that was the first one I've seen."

"I see... Then shall we continue?" Okara asked as he put the emerald away.

Crimson nervously smiled as he got back into his fighting stance.

"Yeah. Let's do it!"

Okara smirked as he vanished and reappeared even faster than last time. Crimson unexpecting of the new speed lifted his left arm for a block but is instant, greeted with an attack to his right side from Okara's left leg. Crimson goes flying sideways and Okara instantly rushes at him on foot. As he catches up to him, Okara drives his right elbow downwards; bouncing Crimson onto the ground. Crimson gasps for air as he bounces off the ground and immediately takes another blow. Okara places his left hand on Crimson's chest and immediately hydro presses him to the ground; finishing with a shockwave. Crimson lays against the ground his iris's whitened and his breathing stopped for a second. However, he revitalizes and looks up at Okara only smirking. Okara raises his left hand and Crimson attacks instantly, grabbing Okara's gi and pulling him forcefully down to the ground; Crimson instantly topples onto Okara and holds him down by his wrists.

"I've got you n-!"

Okara bends his legs against Crimson's back and wraps his feet around his neck. Forcefully pulling him off the top of him. As Okara slams Crimson's head against the ground, he quickly shoves the rest of Crimson's body off him, freeing himself as he stands. Crimson also quickly stands and both find themselves face to face on foot once again.

"You're something else, Okara."

"I could say the same thing to you, Crimson."

"With that Zenkai boost, it's almost like you've reached a whole new level."

"I might have, let's see if you can keep up with the next round."

Crimson begins to laugh at Okara's cockiness.

"Don't get too cocky, Okara. Because there's still something I have yet to use."

Okara's expression turned serious as he watched Crimson pull his arms back with a closed fist. His knees bent.

"Let's see what you can do against it!"

Crimson's aura turned golden as he erupted into a golden light. Instantly his hair changed to gold, his red eyes to green. He had transformed into a Super Saiyan.

"My Super Saiyan power!"