Chapter 23

"Let's see what you can do against my Super Saiyan power, Okara!!"

Crimson had transformed into a Super Saiyan to counter Okara's new Zenkai Boost. With the transformation, a new round begins!

"Ready! (Crimson floats up.) Go!"

Crimson bursts up into the sky and Okara bursts after him, Crimson's aura trails a curve in the air as he stops. Okara comes charging at him his right arm extending his hand open; his left arm just falling behind. His expression was serious, it was the afternoon and the sun was set perfectly for the two warriors to fight. As Okara reached Crimson, Crimson pushed his extended right arm out of the way and spun, driving his left elbow into Okara's body, followed by a rapid counter-clockwise roundhouse kick. That sends Okara directly into the ground below. Okara's arms extend horizontally in the ground as he watched Crimson come charging down at him from above. Okara growled as he forced himself out of the ground that molded around him. As Crimson reached him; Okara held up his right forearm in front of him, and took Crimson's heavy right punch. Okara's feet broke down deeper into the ground below from the force. Okara's eyes sharpened as he shoved Crimson's fist back and darted upwards driving his left fist into Crimson's gut. Crimson leaning over Okara's shoulder from the blow. As Crimson took a second to breathe; Okara followed up with the next attack, bright streaks of a blast from Okara's hands shined before Crimson's eyes; and instantly Crimson was fired back into the air from Okara's ball of energy. Dragging Crimson into the air and quickly consuming his body. Crimson's eyes started changing his iris's sharpening vertically till.

"No!!" Crimson screamed as he exploded his Ki pressure from inside Okara's blast. Causing the attack to dissolve into an explosion around Crimson. As the explosion residue breezed away. Crimson was seen in the cloud holding his face with both hands.

"Stop it! I-I don't need it! You!! I don't want you, just go back to sleep!"

"Crimson! What's the hold-up?"


Crimson removes his left hand from his face, revealing his green feline-like eye.

"What's going on here?"

"Okara, run!"

Suddenly Crimson's Super Saiyan form redacted and he was reverted to base. However, a sinister aura flowed around his body. Mixed of black and red, his black hair spiking into his Super Saiyan hairstyle. His eyes reverted to the red color they were. Most of all the part that freaked Okara was Crimson's teeth and claws. His teeth sharpened into fangs, his fingernails lengthened into black claws and soon enough Crimson was something else.

"C-Crimson! Crimson! Can you hear me?!"

Slowly Crimson removes his right hand from his face and revealed the monster. As Okara stood in fear, Crimson instantly darted at him. Growling in the process.


Crimson was faster than his Super Saiyan form's speed, and Okara instantly found himself staring face to face with the monster.

"Crimson, this isn't you! What's happening?!"

Crimson's face twitched in anger as he tasted Okara's words. However Crimson instantly slashed diagonally with his right claws, Okara's eyes whiten from the laceration of the slash. Okara quickly steps back and looks down at the slashes. Five thin diagonal slashes were on his chest, shredded pasted his clothing, bleeding instantly.

"This isn't a joke! You could kill me! Crimson!"

Crimson leaned forward before pouncing at Okara with his arms extended outwards. Claws ready to pierce Okara's flesh.

As Okara tried to move he felt the burning pain from the laceration and instantly stopped in his tracks. Then everything bleeds red, with a silhouette view, Crimson pierces his two sets of claws into Okara's shoulders and Okara falls to his knees. Colors and visuals return as Okara finds himself bleeding out, and anger slowly building within him.

"This is... Madness, Crimson." Okara had tears appear in his eyes as he stared Crimson in the face.

"W-Why are you doing this?"

As a tear slides down Okara's cheek Crimson's consciousness reappears for a second.

"O-Okara... I-I'm sorry."

Crimson pulls his claws out of Okara's shoulders and steps back grabbing his head and screaming in agony.


Crimson streaking Okara's blood on his face from his claws.

"I can't control it!! P-Please!!"

Okara watched Crimson struggling to fight whatever was wrong with him.



Crimson slide his hands down from over his eyes and revealed his tears. Okara's eyes widened as his rage started building faster. Okara's pasts and current moments started swarming his mind. At this moment something began bubbling within Okara, as he slammed his right fist down into the ground creating a tiny crater. Listening to Crimson plead for help. Thus begins his remembrance of Cassa, and switches to his left fist slamming it down as well. Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes down beside him as he impacted the ground. His memories still flooding his mind, Okara rapidly slams against the ground with his right, then left fist. Right, left, right, left. Veins popping from his neck and forehead, his hair flickering between golden and black. His iris's gone from his whites. As his hair statics upwards he begins to feel the limit to his rage hit, slowly thinking he's reached his end, till.

"Okara, please... I don't want to be like, this!"

Okara jerks his head back as he simultaneously raises his fists at the same time, and in the last of his awakening. Okara slams downwards with both his fists and is instantly struck by a massive lightning bolt. From within Crimson heard Okara screaming in anger at the top of his lungs.


At the same time, the beast controlling Crimson took back control and leaned back with its arms and legs bent. As it watched Okara's transformation finish. The massive lightning bolt dissolving slowly, the bright light from it dimming. Revealing a golden Okara. Standing with his new flowing golden aura and spiky golden hair, but the most intimidating thing for Crimson was his glowing green eyes. Okara looked at the beast that controlled Crimson and grits his teeth in anger.

"I don't know what's going on, and I don't care. But I do know this..."

Okara stepped forward with his right knee bent, his left leg slightly bent behind his right; his torso turned slightly left, his right arm bent outwards with a closed fist, and his left arm extended outwards from his chest, hand open.

"Don't you give up on me now, Crimson!!"