Chapter 25

The night passes and Crimson finds himself waking up in a cold, dark place. However, his eyes could see in the darkness revealing the small square room he was in.

"M-My night vision is u-useful sometimes." Whispered Crimson as he continued looking around the room.

"What is this place?..."

Crimson moved off the uncomfortable bed he was placed on and stood up. As he began walking around he could hear chains rattling and a cold grip around his ankles.

"What the hell."

Crimson was shackled to his bed.

"Yeah, now I'm getting a bad feeling..."

Crimson slowly remembered what had happened.

"Shit, I lost control and Okara was forced to... That's right."

Crimson remembered Okara going Super Saiyan before fully blacking out.

"He must've won, but why would he lock me up?"

Suddenly commotion could be heard from outside the doors.

"Get a move on! Now!" Said a strong male voice commanded someone else.

"O-Okara will come for me! Just you wait!"

Crimson then heard a female voice and Okara's name.

"Wait... Okara isn't responsible for this... Which means."

"He will come for me!" Screamed the female voice.

"Shut up!"

Crimson heard the male voice scream along with the female voice grunt in pain.

"Keep talking and it'll hurt a lot more!"

Crimson heard the sound of a door open from the right wall then a giant thud.

"I'll be back for you, once Rose is ready to continue your cloning process." The male voice said as the door closed.

He could also be heard laughing as he walked to Crimson's door. As Crimson's door opens lights come on and his night vision quickly adjusts.

"Oh, you're awake! Perfect!"

Crimson grits his teeth as he saw Arako standing before him.

"So it was you who captured me."

"Thanks to Okara, I was able to find you and contain you easily."

Crimson smirked as he stared Arako dead in the eyes.

"Don't think some weak chains and a bed are gonna keep me contained. I will escape!"

Arako then smirked as well.

"By all means... Give it a try."

Crimson's grin transformed into a frown as he forcefully jerked himself towards Arako dragging the bed with him. As he reaches at Arako's with both of his hands, Arako pulls out a remote and presses one of the buttons. Suddenly Crimson feels a burst of electricity shoot throughout his body. He tenses up as the electricity continues for a while.

"I think that should be good." Arako says with a smirk as he lets go of the button.

Crimson falls to the ground on his hands and knees, shaking and sweating.


Crimson didn't realize it till now, but he had a chain around his neck that wasn't connected to the bed.

Slowly Arako crouches down to Crimson and lifts his head with a smug smirk on his face.

"The chain around your neck is generated with a small battery that adjusts to the person's body. It'll pump enough jolts to put them at bay."

Arako tosses his head down with a bit of force and stands back up.

"Welcome to your new home, Crimson. Better get comfortable."

As Arako reaches for the door button another female voice speaks out to him.

"Hang on a minute, Arako."

As the female appears beside Arako she instantly looks into the cell.

"Is this the one from the footage?"

"Yes, Rose."

Arako steps back away from the door as Rose walks into the room.

"My, my aren't you cute."

Rose crouched down to Crimson and held his face up by his chin with her right hand.

"It's almost a shame I have to defile you with my experiments."

"Experiments... Good luck with that."

"Well, someone's still got some spunk to them."

Rose moved her right hand down to Crimson's throat and slowly began lifting him into the air.

"I don't tolerate idiots, morons, or all of the above. You'll learn manners if you want to survive longer than you should."

Rose tosses him onto his back and instantly mounts his waist. Holding his body down.

"Now, Crimson. You and I are gonna get close."

Rose held Crimson's throat with her right hand as she began moving her left around Crimson's chest and stomach area's

"Very good physique, superior in strength to others. Tell me are you single? I've been looking for a suitable replacement for my dead husband. Arako was an idea, but he's far too incomplete. However, you're closer to perfect... But you've got something inside you. What could it be?"

Crimson's body was pulsing and sweat was slowly dripping from his face.

Slowly Rose moves her right hand down to Crimson's chest as well.

"Don't move or I will have you electrocuted for disobedience."

Slowly she caressed Crimson's body and moved to his arms. Then as she worked her way back, she moved down to Crimson's lower half.

"Tell me, Crimson who are you?"

Crimson shut his eyes to restrain his Lyrx eyes from showing.

"Come on! Crimson. Show me what you are!"

Suddenly breaking the restraints that were binding him Crimson erupted. As he turned Super Saiyan he forced Rose off of him and into Arako's arms. Slowly he got off the ground and his eyes became visible.

"Those eyes! Those fangs! That's it!" Said Rose excitedly

Arako got the remote out and was ready to push the button.

"No! Don't you dare push that button, Arako!"

"But, Rose!"

"Fight him, Arako!"

"We'll destroy the lab!"

Suddenly Crimson raised his right hand and fired a giant hole through the ceiling. As the energy shot through the ceiling and dirt of the underground. It appeared above the surface and into the sky.

Then within seconds, Crimson was bursting with electricity. His Super Saiyan deforming as his body fell unconscious.

"You damn fool! I told you not to push the button!"

"He would've destroyed this place, and killed us all!"

"I don't want to hear any damn excuses! Get him in a new cell now, and give me the remote!"

Arako grits his teeth as his head dropped. His hair shadowing over his eyes.

"You know..."

Arako grabbed Rose's left arm and lifted his head to stare her in the face.

"Why don't you get in the cell instead!" Arako said with malicious intent as he shoved Rose into the same cell as Crimson. Instantly closing the door and deactivating the lights.

Now Rose found herself stuck in the cell with the only light coming from the hole Crimson had created.

"Arako! Arako let me out right this instant! You damn failure! I will have you destroyed! Limb by limb! Piece by piece! You hear me!!"