Chapter 26

Times passes after Arako's betrayal and the sun begins to set. The time is eight twenty, and Currently, Okara is training with Kal as a sudden guest returns.

The honking of a loud truck horn approaches Kal's hut and as it becomes visible. They instantly realize who it is.

"Bell! You're back!" Okara shouted in happiness.

Bell quickly jumped out of her truck leaving it on.

"Okara! I found Rose's lab!"

"Wait! What?"

"I'll explain more get in!"

Okara looks at Kal with a worried look.

"We will conclude your training for now. You've done well, Okara."

"Thank you, Master Kal."

Quickly Okara dashed and jumped over and into Bell's trunk bed.

"Let's go!"

Bell instantly U-turned and charged off back down the forest path. Zooming past trees, animals, and occasionally people. The wind was blowing hard as she drove nearly eight to a hundred.

"Are you sure you've found it?!" Asked Okara as he held his arm up to block some of the wind blowing in his face.

"I'm positive!"

"Like how positive?!"

"Okara! I saw an energy blast come from the location!"

"An energy blast?! Could it have been Cassa's?"

"Let's hope so!"

Suddenly they pull onto the main road and Bell drifts into a lane leaving tire marks behind.

"Okara, are you ready to do this?"

"Honestly! I'm not sure... I know I've trained a lot, but I still feel terrified that I could die!"

Bell concentrated on the road as she listened to Okara.

"But! I know if I don't try especially with this amount of power then I won't know, and I'll have let Cassa down!"

Bell smirked at Okara's words.

"That's the spirit!" Bell said as she pressed down on the gas pedal, even more, to go even faster.

They were zooming past cars switching lanes and swerving back into place. Cars honking as they leave marks and scared people behind them.

"Have you heard anything from, Crimson?" Asked Bell

"Wait, you know Crimson?"

"Yeah! He's an old friend. I know almost everyone my grandfather has trained!"

"Oh! Well no I haven't. Ever since our training match. I haven't seen him at all."

"That's weird, usually Crimson comes back after training matches! Any clue why he hasn't?"

"Not one! I just hope he shows up when we need him the most!"

Suddenly flashes of red and blue appear behind Bell and Okara.

"Um, Bell! We've got company!"

"I know that was the plan, just hold on Okara!"

A loud masculine voice shouts from the police car behind them.

"Pull over! Now!"

Almost immediately more police cars appear with their sirens and lights on. Cars in front of Bell pulled over to the sides giving her a clear way to drive.


"I know!!"

Police cars were on all sides of Bell and Okara. All she could do was drive forward.

"Why are the police more aggressive today! Damn!" Bell said as she gripped her steering wheel more and pressed the gas pedal down to the floor.

Okara and Bell went flying even faster reaching one hundred and forty miles per hour.

"Okara! Can you lift us off the ground and fly?"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What?!"

Suddenly a police car got in front of Bell and kept the same speed to prevent a collision. They were fully surrounded and out of options.

"Okara! You need to lift us off the ground now!!"

Okara looked back at the police car behind him and the officer giving him a mean look. Okara smiled and mouthed sorry to the officer.

Instantly Okara jump up out of the bed of the truck and the police car that was following behind hit the breaks. However, as he came to a full stop Okara was already flying and was grabbing a hold of the trucks from its back.

"Here we go! Bell!"

"Do it! Okara!"

Okara gripped onto the bed of the truck and pulled upwards. As he slowly lifted it off the ground the police cars started breaking in shock. Immediately as they stop Okara lifts the truck off the ground fully and continues flying with it in his hands.

"D-Damn! This is heavy!"

The police were in shock at the sight, however, they didn't give up their pursuit as they continued right back up after them.

"Stop them at any cost! They must not get away!" Said the leader of the police chase.

Finally, they were getting closer to the lab's known location as they flew over onto a dirt road, the police follow.

"C-Can I set the truck down now!"

"Just hang on I've gotta get it set to the speed!"

"Well hurry up!"

Bell pushed the gas to get the tires to speed up their rotation as they continued Okara felt the truck slipping because of the rotation.


"Hang on, almost there!"

Okara felt his grip giving and began lowering to the ground.


Okara did everything he could to prevent the truck from falling.

"Okara! Now!!"

Okara quickly lowered the truck and let go. Instantly watching it burst off from him. Looking back he saw the police catching up. As he waved them on Okara burst off back to the truck and got back into the bed.

"You! Ever make me do that again! I will never forgive you!"

"Sorry! But I couldn't think of anything else."

Bell darted past the country at a rapid speed. The crops of corn, and lush grass. The view of blue skies with bits of white clouds. However, Okara knew instantly where they were heading.

"Why are we leading them to my pod?!"

"Because, Okara-!"

Okara stood up in the bed of the truck holding onto the roof. Looking ahead of Bell.

"Rose's lab is under your pod!"

As they approach the pod Bell hits the breaks and Okara is thrown into the edge of the roof. Leaning over it as his legs give out and Bell finally comes to a complete stop.

"Bell, what the hell..."

"Sorry, should've warned you first!"

Immediately police cars gather behind them and all get out with their guns aimed at them. Ready to arrest.

"Hands up! and step out and away from the vehicles."

Okara held his hands out towards them as Bell stepped out of her truck.

"Wait! We-."

"I said hands up and step away from the vehicle, now!"

"Listen to us! We need-" Bell was interrupted again.

"This is your last warning!"

Okara felt anger slowly building

"Bell, was this part of your plan?"

"N-No I was hoping they'd listen a bit more."