Chapter 27

"I expected them to at least listen to us." Said Bell as she looked worried about the police.

"Last warning! Hands up now!"

Bell raises her hands into the air. However, Okara stood with his hair shadowing over his eyes, then slowly steps down from the bed and walks past Bell.


His fists gripped closed as he walked closer to the police officers. Their guns aimed at him, all feeling worried.

"Hold your fire! Don't shoot unless I tell you to!"

Suddenly Okara stops before them nearly four feet left between them.

"Hear me now! My name is Okara! I am a Saiyan whose homeworld was destroyed! Ever since I came here. I wanted nothing, but peace and a new life. But it's been an endless loop of suffering!"

"Get to the point!" Shouted one of the background police officers.

"The point is! We lead you here because this is the location of the wanted criminal Lament Roseburg! Her lab is located under the pod I arrived in with my wife! Who is currently a prisoner to this wanted criminal!"

"All of this sounds sketchy as hell! How do we know we can trust you!"

"I'm friends with detective Coll."

"You know Coll?"

"Yes, but I haven't seen him a while."

"Wait so you don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Coll's body was found about four days ago. He's dead."

Okara looked irritated even more.

"W-What happened..."

"We aren't sure, however, the autopsy showed his neck was broken. Meaning his neck was snapped."

"What's your name, officer?"


"Alright, Jay. We need you and your friend's help."

"What exactly are we helping you with?" Asked Jay.

"We're gonna infiltrate the lab! Save my wife and stop Rose and Arako!"

"Arako? Whos that?"

Bell walks up beside Okara.

"Rose has been cloning people she could get a hold of. Including Okara's wife. So to put it simply Okara is Arako, and Arako is Okara."

"Wait, wait, wait. Cloning? You want us to believe she's cloning people?" Jay asked with arrogance

"Why wouldn't you believe it?"

"Because Lament Roseburg is dead."

Okara and Bell both gained an instant shocked expression.

"That's impossible!"

"It's not impossible. Lament Roseburg was the daughter of Rosaria Lament and Julius Lament. Which means you've found her mother who is still a wanted criminal."

"So this whole time she's been using her daughter's name as cover... That's awful." Said Bell with a bitter expression.

"Okara, you said her lab was below this ship of yours?"

"Yes, but we're not sure how to get in."

"Okara, there's a hole around here somewhere remember." Said Bell as she reminded Okara.

"That's right!"

"I want every officer looking around for that hole! Now! This is our only chance to finally catch Rosaria Lament!"

"Wait!" Okara shouted to get everyone's attention.

"There is a good chance everyone could die. Are you guys sure you're ready for this?"

The officers all smiled and shrug off the idea of death.

"It's okay Okara we're police officers were made to do this kind of thing, and risk our lives to make this world a better place."

"Jay... Thank you."

"Alright! Everyone spread out! You find that hole you call it in! Let's go!"

Jay circles his index finger in the air and everyone spreads out. After thirty minutes of looking a call comes in and everyone surrounds the hole. The time is nine and night has fallen in. The moon slightly bulges into the sky as everyone looks down into the dark hole.

"Alright, no one knows how deep this hole is or where it leads. Which is why I should go in first. Once I do I'll look for an actual entrance so everyone else can enter."

"Okara, please be safe. Heaven knows what's down there waiting for you."

"I know, I'm prepared for Arako, this time I will win."

"Good luck, and may you come out successful, Okara."

Okara nods to Jay and leaps down into the hole. Wind flowing through his hair as he falls rapidly. His gi waving as he falls, soon enough he hits the ground and ends up in a darker room.

"What is this place? I can barely see anything."

Okara's eyes were slowly adjusting to the darkness so he was unable to see anything.

"Who's there?!" Calls out a voice that rattles with chains.


"Wait! Okara is that you?"

"W-Who's there?"

"Okara? Do you mean the guy Arako was cloned from? He's here?"

"Shut it, Rose. Okara! It's me Crimson."

"Crimson?! I can't see anything how can you?"

"Uh, long story. can you bust down the door behind you?"

"Oh, a door?"

"Yeah, it's directly behind you all you got to do is-"

Suddenly the door goes flying off and slams against the wall in front of it. Floating light into the tiny cell they were in. Revealing Crimson and Rose.

"Crimson! You're chained up? What happened?"

"Look I'll explain later, but we need to hurry Arako could be coming any moment now."

"He's right you know." Rose said as she stood up off the cold stone floor.

"If we don't hurry we won't be able to stop him. Quickly destroy the chains holding Crimson and let's go."

"I'll decide that you just be quiet." Okara said as he gripped the chains holding Crimson and ripped them apart.

"We'll get the rest later for now. I can deal with them."

Crimson ran out of the room looking both left and right. Noticing black-masked goons coming from both sides.

"Okara! There's someone in the room beside us! Hurry up and save them too."

Okara instant exited the room and got in front of the door of the other room.

"Hey! If anyone's in there I recommend stepping out of the way! Okay!"

Okara waits a few seconds before driving his right fist into the door shooting it off the wall. As he walks in he finds no one present.

"Crimson, I thought you said someone was in here?"

Rose exits the other room as Okara holds his head out of the door.

"Arako probably took her for more cloning. Or worse..."

"Her? Wait are you talking about Cassa?!"

"Yes, Okara... You're wife Cassa is being held captive because of Arako."

"Of course!" Okara screams as he exits the room.

Crimson currently fighting off goons as he piles them up on his side.

"Once we clear the way you're going to lead us where Arako is holding Cassa! Got it, Rose!"

"I'll do whatever to get control of my lab back!"

"Then(Okara beats down a mob of goons as he tries to speak to Rose.) Lead the way!"