Chapter 30

As Crimson held Cobalt's right wrist tightly with his right hand. They stared each other in the eyes and mixed feelings were boiling in both of them.

"Show me how terrifying you are!"


Crimson's red eyes turned green his hair quickly spiking and shining golden along with his aura flowing around his body flashing golden as well. Crimson had transformed into a Super Saiyan.

"Get ready! Cobalt!"

Instantly Crimson pulls back his left fist and drives it into Cobalt's face simultaneously as he releases Cobalt's right wrist. Instantly he descends at a rapid speed. His mind was dizzy and his body almost did not respond.

"Okara! Toss him back up!"

Crimson's voice echoed throughout the whole elevator shaft and Okara heard. As he watched for the falling body, he shifted Rose into his left arm and readied his right. Instantly as the body appears Okara grabbed ahold of his shoulder and launched him back up with all his might. Crimson smirked as Cobalt came back, however, Cobalt was perfect composure as he reached Crimson, he drove a roundhouse kick at high speeds. Instantly clashing into Crimson's left shoulder and neck area. As Crimson's neck leaned right Cobalt chuckled thinking how effective his hit was.

"How'd you like that, Crimson?"

"As much as you'd like this!"

Crimson grabbed Cobalt's right leg and forcefully rotated him clockwise, Crimson waiting for the right moment to release his leg and grapple Cobalt's face. The moment he grasps it with his left arm, Crimson hastily charges towards the nearest wall and slams Cobalt forcefully into it. As Crimson holds his left hand openly aimed at Cobalt he slowly floats backward.

"You're strong, I'll give you that. But that's only because it's my strength. You didn't train through blood, sweat, and tears to get to where I truly am!"

Suddenly Arako's voice came onto an intercom that echoed throughout the whole building and elevator shaft.

"It's good to see you again, Okara... Crimson. I know what you're here for. I know what you're here to do. But our plans just won't mesh together well. So I'll give you this warning. I have over one hundred masked clones at each elevator door. Ready and waiting for my order to flood in and eradicate the three of you. All you have is five seconds."

Immediately Arako's evil laugh flooded the intercom and then a female voice counted down from five.


"Crimson! We've gotta go now!"

Crimson looked at Cobalt who was staring back at him.

"Like you'll get out alive."

Crimson frown at him with dead cold eyes.


"Chase if you want... Just know you'll die too."

Crimson quickly started to descend to Okara.


Slowly Rose awoke to the count down.

"W-What's happening?!"

"We're about to get bombarded with energy!" Okara exclaimed as he and Crimson flew down to the bottom of the elevator shaft.

"Rose, is there anything at the bottom of this thing?"

"No, no there isn't... Wait! Yes, there's a giant fan that leads into another part of the ventilation system!"


"We need to hurry, Okara!"

"I know!"

Okara and Crimson burst downwards faster, this causes Rose to grip harder onto Okara's body.

"I've got you, Rose. Calm your grip a bit."


Suddenly the elevator shaft room turned red and the doors opened clones started flooding inwards lining up along the walls and ladders. All with one to two hands aimed downwards at Okara and Crimson. As they finally reach the bottom Crimson sees the fan and instantly fires a Ki blast at it. Destroying it, however.

Thousands of Ki blasts started raining down on them.


Okara looked up at the almost infinite barrage and dashed towards Crimson and the fan, thinking he wasn't gonna make it he tossed Rose to him. Instant Rose crashed into Crimson's arms pushing him onto his back. Okara came flying in past them. Rolling forwards onto his back. A shockwave starts generating from the heavy fire of Ki blasts.

"We need to-" Crimson is interrupted by the intense shockwave that was generated. Pushing them further into the ventilation system. All collided against each other. As they fall into the descending tunneling tube. They descend the shoot getting thrown around as they hit another curve and are finally shot into a dark room once again.

"D-Damn that hurt..." Okara said as he rubbed his head and sat up.

"You're telling me..."

Crimson says as he looks up to see Rose laying on him.

"C-Could you get off me please?"

Rose quickly stands up off Crimson.


"It's alright." Crimson coughs as he stands up as well.

"Where are we?"

Roses looks around, but can only see darkness. Crimson, however.

"Rose... You better have a damn good explanation for this."

"What are you talking about! A good explanation for what?"

Suddenly as Crimson generates a giant ball of Ki it creates a large amount of light reveals a horrid sight.

"O-Oh my..."

"R-Rose... What the hell is this."

Crimson and Okara were both in an angrily shocked expression. Both were angry but surprised by what they were seeing.

"I-I... I forgot about all this..."

What they saw was a room filled with dead clones. No matter where they stepped or walked, a dead clone was there. However, most of them were little girls that looked alike. Others were different male humans, some were failed Arako's, and some were even Cassa's.

"This is where she took them after I deemed them failures..."

"She? Who is she?"

Rose looked at the closest little girl clone to her and point at her.

"My daughter."


"You need to explain, now." Crimson demanded

"My daughter is the artificial intelligence that runs the whole building. But before that, I tried to bring her back to life by restoring all her real bodies memories into a clone's body. But it never worked... So I decided to place her into the AI system for the lab. Of course, that was my only other option."

"S-So you're daughter is..."

"This build... Yes."

Everyone went silent until.

"Wait how long have these been down here?" Asked Crimson with curiosity

"Some for years, others recent."

"Years? Why don't they smell?"

"Well that's because they don't rot, or age like humans. They don't decompose."