Chapter 31

"You see our bodies are made to decompose, but I learned how to make clones absent of those natural effects. It was very complicated and the science behind is too advanced for simple minds. So I won't explain it to you. All I can tell say is. The only way they can die is by being killed.

"Well, that just makes this more fun. Doesn't it, Crimson."

"What's so fun about killing?"

"Well, I meant like beating the bad guys..."

"Nah, I'm just messin with you. Yeah, I'm ready to give these guys a run for their life."

"Run for their life? Couldn't you have come up with anything better?" Questioned Rose with disappointment.

"Don't forget you're the one who got us in this mess."

"Forget I said anything."

"Now, how do we get out of here?" Asked Okara.

"Well, there should be a shoot that leads straight to the lab."

Crimson releases his Ki orb to float around the room as he controls it. It lights the area around slowly and surely they find the shoot where the bodies fall from.

"So going up this will allow us to reach the lab?"


"Wow, this is kinda like one of those moments in video games where you get a choice that asks if you're ready to fight the final boss." Said Crimson with a smirk.

"Video games? What's that?"

"You have a lot to learn about the earth. Remind me to teach you once all of this is over. Okay?"

"Wow really? You'll do that for me?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Thank you so much, Crimson."

"Hey, no problem."

Crimson sticks out his left fist towards Okara.

"W-What now you want to fight me? I thought you were being nice!"

"I-I am this is just a fist bump. You just use your right or left and punch it against mine. Don't try to do it too hard though."

"Oh? Like this."

Okara places his right fist against Crimson's left.

"Yeah, just like that."

"Wow... That's so cool!"

"I mean it's just a fist bump. But if your happy, I'm happy."

"Look I love the bonding moment going on here. But I'd like to get my lab back and rid Arako of this world."

"Yeah, yeah. We're getting there." Okara said with a smile on his face.

"You ready, Okara?"

"Yeah, are you?"


"Alright, let's do this!"

Okara and Crimson look up the shoot with smirks on their faces and their right fists shoved into their left palms.

"W-Wait are you guys gonna leave me down here!"

Okara quickly ascends into the shoot as Crimson looks back at Rose.

"It's best if you stay down here. Wouldn't want you to get hurt now, would we."

"How do you plan on disabling all the clones?"

"Simple... We're gonna kill everyone single one of them."

"B-But it'd be easier if I disabled them!"

"Look it's too dangerous I wouldn't want to see you get hurt. Nor do you need to get hurt."

Rose felt her cheeks blush a bit at Crimson's remark. However, that changed as Crimson ascends into the shoot as well.

"Don't leave me down here! ALONE!!"

Okara and Crimson were gone leaving only Rose and the darkness.

"Oh god, I'm gonna go insane..."

As Crimson and Okara quickly ascend the tube, Okara reaches the end, and Crimson stops below him.

"Hey, why'd you stop?"

"I can't go any further."

"Oh, what do you see?"

"Wait I see, Ara-!"

Suddenly glass Is broken and Okara finds a right hand around his throat. As Crimson blocks his face with his arm to prevent the glass from falling into his eyes. Okara is forcefully pulled out of the tube and into the lab.


Crimson quickly rushed up and entered the lab as well.


"Ah! Crimson! Nice of you to join us."

Arako held Okara up by his throat, he struggled as he grabbed at Arako's wrist with both hands. Then he heard a voice from behind him.


Slightly struggling to turn his head he finally saw her.


Crimson looked over at Cassa who was chained up with a very revealing outfit on. Almost like she was wearing nothing, but her underwear.

"Y-You bastard."

Okara used his right arm and tried reaching for Arako's neck. But his length cut him off before he could even reach him.

"Not so fast, Okara. You just got here, so why don't you stay and have a nice chat with me."

Okara's eyes were furious his irises sharp as hell. As he grits his teeth. Rage was flowing through him and it was about to peak.

"Do it, Okara! Remember our training!"

"Oh ho, ho! You're training! Yes by all means let's see this training of yours!"

"Screw you! Screw your little chat! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to end your pathetic fucking life!"

"You've got a mouth on you! You shouldn't talk like that! (Arako lowers Okara and drives his right knee into Okara's gut) Okara!"

Arako releases Okara as he tries to regain his breath. Okara holds his stomach almost unable to breathe entirely, then finally it kicks back in and his oxygen started to flow again.

"Now, Okara... As I was saying. Let's a have little chat between the three of us."

Arako walked over to the computer and brings up the seven gemstones.

"I'm sure both of you are informed about these."

Crimson examined the screen and instantly felt his heart sink, and Arako could see this on his face.

"You especially. You see when I found both of you after your little training match. I happened upon two of these gemstones, however, I only could truly find one."

Arako pulls out the emerald gemstone and notices the look on Okara's face.

"I-I forgot about that..."

"Okara, if I knew you had this sooner you would've been dead. You got lucky I found it on you when you were already knocked out."

Arako looks over to Crimson.

"As for you, I never found the Lyrx gemstone you had. So I'll make you a deal. Give it to me and you can leave with that collar off."

"...I can't give it to you."

"Well... That's a shame."

Arako pulled out the remote and instantly pushed the button. Causing Crimson to deform from Super Saiyan and scream out in agony.

"This could've been avoided, but you wanna be a hard ass."

"Stop it! Arako!"

"Or what, Okara! What are you gonna do!"

Okara looked back down to the ground and his hands clenched into fists.

"You wanna know what I'm gonna do... I'll show you!"