Chapter 40

"This...(Crimson stands with his hair spiked even more and a single bang also pointing upwards. His teeth paired into fangs, his aura and body gaining sparks of electricity around it.) Is Super Saiyan Two!"

Okara looked at Crimson with a bit of disappointment and Cassa was just plain bored.

"Don't give me that look, this form makes me strong enough to destroy planets."

"If that's true why don't you test it on us."

"Well, Okara. That was the idea."

Within seconds Crimson vanished from Okara and Cassa's eyes. As a gust of wind passed them Crimson was instantly behind them.

"Now then!"

Crimson turned with a lifted right knee driving it into Okara's back and sending him flying, then instantly changing his body's position and driving his right fist into Cassa's gut, time slowed as she slowly bent over his fist. As he continued pushing forward. With a lift upwards, Crimson held Cassa in the air then completely drove her into the ground. Instantly pulling his fist from the ground.

"Can you see it now? What I'm trying to help you achieve!"

Suddenly Okara comes flying towards Crimson and as he reaches him, he attacks with a hasty flying kick. However, his left leg darts past Crimson's head and time again begin to slow. As Crimson turns towards Okara's open body. He raises his left arm in the process. Okara's eyes widen as he watches Crimson creating a giant ball of red and black energy before him. Okara witnessed Crimson mouth two words before firing the blast.

"Devil's Bane..."

Immediately Okara is consumed by Crimson's black and red wave, sending him diagonally into the air. With a blurred view, Cassa could only hear Okara's agonizing screams, seeing only blurred black and red color. However, this was enough to start pushing Cassa. As memories started filling her mind. Escar, Arako, her torture, and abuse from her parents. Everything was flooding and so was her anger. Suddenly the ground below Crimson started shaking, breaking from Cassa's anger. As he breaks from his wave he quickly hovers upwards. To see the cracked ground radiating golden light.

"That's it, Cassa. Transform from that anger." Crimson whispered waiting to see a female Super Saiyan for the first time. As the ground continued to shake the light slowly stopped shining and started to dim.

"No! Cassa what are..."

However, he underestimated her as a scream came from her location and an eruption of golden streams shot from the cracks. Crimson drops his head to look down at Cassa. He realized it finally happened. Suddenly the ground breaks open and Cassa comes flying out of it with golden hair, golden eyebrows, a golden aura, and green eyes. She had done it. She had transformed into a Super Saiyan!

"Perfect Cassa! Now just-."

Cassa rams against Crimson instantly sending him flying backward diagonally into the ground. Within seconds he found himself sliding and bouncing along the ground. Then slowly came to a halt as he drug his fingers in the grass and looked up at Cassa.

"That's it! Get angry!"

Cassa's attention was thrown to the direction Okara was blasted to. As she watched she noticed in the far distance a heavily breathing Okara. With his gi ripped to shreds and his body scratched up.

"Good you survived!" Crimson shouted towards Okara. Instantly Okara dashes back over to the fight and floated beside Cassa.

"Wow, look at you. Finally awakened into a Super Saiyan."

"The fights not over! Get your head out of your ass and get focused! Okara!"

Okara's eyes widen at Cassa's response, but he fully understood which lead him to try the next idea he had. Okara quickly landed, leaving Cassa floating in the air by herself. As he stares Crimson down with a good amount of space between them.

"Let's see if I'm ready to ascend to the next level!!"

Okara spreads his legs and bends his knees as he leans forward a bit, his hands gripped into fists, Arms bent, His aura wildly flaring around him as he screams to power up.


Okara's powering up began to shake the earth as he tried pushing himself.

"That's it, Okara! Push your body past its limits! Break the wall standing before you! Ascend Okara! Ascend!!"

Okara listened to Crimson and continued moving forward with his ascension. However, he began running out of stamina and eventually came to a sudden halt. Falling to his knees and hands.

"C-Crap..." Okara was breathing heavily as Crimson saw what had happened.

"It seems you weren't pushing hard enough... Okara how bad do you want to beat Arako?"

"W-What kind of a question is that?"

"Answer it!"

"...I-I really want to beat him. I want to make sure he stays defeated too!"

"Then why aren't you pushing yourself past your limits!"

"I-I don't know..."

Crimson got up and closed some of the space between him and Okara.

"Okara watch carefully, because this form, will give you a reason to push even harder. Just know this form is very intense. So be prepared..."

Crimson's eyes widened as he spread his legs and bends his knees. His aura instantly erupted around his body as he extended his bent arms out in front of his leaning body. Slowly Okara and Cassa noticed his hair branching down his back. Then there it was the pressure of the form Crimson warned them about. Suddenly it got hard to breath as Crimson's screaming reached over the mountain tops and into the sky. His eruption massively generated before their eyes. The world-shaking from Crimson's immense power. As the ground around Crimson broke from him, leaving him on a singular pillar. His hair had finally reached its end and his transformation comes to an end. As Crimson slowly looked up, he reveals his new form. His eyebrows were gone and replaced with muscle, his hair reached down to the bottom of his back, and lighting sparked with every second.

"This... Is Super Saiyan Three."

His voice was calm and deep, it sent chills through Okara and Cassa's bodies as they stared at him.

"Do you feel it, Okara? The power you can achieve when you fully embrace the Saiyan's thirst for strength."

Okara stared at Crimson with awe and suddenly he got the strength to get back up and try again.

"You're right, Crimson!"

Okara reached for a part of his overshirt hanging on his right shoulder. Gripping it and instantly ripping it off, tossing it to the side. His aura erupts around him within seconds.

"Here goes nothin!!"