Chapter 43

As Okara and Crimson looked down at the huge lake from the sky, Crimson holding Okara above his head. Both laugh until Crimson does the unexpected.

"Look out below!!" Crimson shouts as he cocked Okara back.

"Wait! Crimson! What are you doing!"

Within seconds Crimson unloaded, launching Okara straight down into the huge lake. Okara's screaming ends quickly as he hits the water and sinks in. Crimson was laughing as he was the next to dive in. Within seconds water erupted upwards from the lake creating a huge waterfall. Which spread widely around the area. Watering some of the lush wildlife and soaking Lily, Ru, and Cassa in the process.

Ru was ecstatic at the event, but Cassa was a bit irritated. However, that changed quickly.

"Hey, Cassa. I can watch Ru if you wanna go swim for a bit."

"R-Really? You don't have to Lily."

"Oh, I love children so I don't mind. Go on, I'll watch him."

Cassa handed Ru over to Lily and stood up. Quickly taking off her soaked jacket and skirt. At the same moment, Okara comes back up from underwater to peek at Cassa. Stunned at her pure black bikini. However, his time was cut short as he was pulled back under by Crimson. Instantly they began play fighting at the same time Cassa got in. While Rose was trying to get out, but Bell kept pulling her back in. Then immediately Cassa was splashed by Bell. Within no time everyone was throwing water at each other as Crimson and Okara wrestled underwater. Crimson gets Okara in a forceful chokehold leaving his left forearm open to Okara's mouth. So without thinking Okara opened his mouth and accidentally bit down on Crimson's forearm. Causing him to let go and take another approach, however, he instantly started laughing underwater, which caused him to surface for air. As he surfaced and coughed a bit Okara also appeared.

"You bit me!"

Okara just gave Crimson a look of "yeah what are you gonna do about it." As the look proceeds a burst of sudden laughter filled around them.

"I can't believe you actually bit me!" Crimson was cracking up at that which also caused Okara to start dying of laughter as well. Then from where the ladies were playing. A sudden scream filled the air. Immediately catching their attention. However, it was not a good time to look as Rose was holding her chest with her arms.

"G-Give it back, Bell!!"

Bell had stolen Rose's top, teasing Rose with it. Cassa just watched as Crimson and Okara slowly sank back into the lake. Both blushing embarrassingly. Time flew by and it was already three. Everyone was hungry so they set up the baskets and pulled out food for every. As everyone sat together on the blankets. Okara, Cassa, and Ru. Crimson sat between Bell and Rose, because of Bell's attempts to remove her top again, and lastly, Lily sat beside Bell with a nervous smile on her face. Everyone was served either an applair, orango, or watergrape for their fruit; with either water or fizzy orange soda; and a PB and J sandwich or a fried egg sandwich. Everyone ate with joy. Even Ru who everyone watched as he ate his first fried egg sandwich, then dropped it halfway.

"It's times like these... That reminds me why I love this planet so much." Crimson says with a realization smile. Suddenly everyone stared at him and he suddenly apologized for the comment.

"No, you're right, Crimson. It is times like these that show the earth is a peaceful planet. It shows we aren't just protecting it for no reason or because we're forced to." Okara smiled as he took a drink of his fizzy soda.

"Yeah, if Okara and I hadn't been sent here accidentally we would've never experienced any of this."

"Accidently? You mean you never meant to come to earth in the first place?"

"Well, no. We had no idea what this planet was like. We only had the slight information our race had acquired for it."

"But, wait what do you mean by accident?" Lily asked with curiosity.

"Well, we were hit by the shockwave of our planet's explosion. Which damaged the pod and sent us towards the earth."

Everyone was in awe at the story that they just heard, till Crimson stood with his soda in his hand.

"Well how about a toast then!"

"To what, honey?"

"Isn't it obvious? To the accidental arrival of Okara and Cassa, and their little unexpected addition, Ru!"

Everyone took a second before breaking out in laughter. However in the end they all ended up raising their water and soda to the toast. All shouting in sync.

"To the accidental arrival of Okara and Cassa, and their little unexpected addition, Ru!"

With their words, Okara and Cassa looked at each other with warmth in their hearts. Then at Ru who was reaching up at them.

"Now! Who's ready to get back in and enjoy ourselves some more!" Okara asks as he gets up and races towards the water.

"Uh, should we tell him it's not a good idea to get back in yet?" Asked Bell.

"Nah, he'll figure it out." Crimson said with a smile on his face.

Cassa looked confused at everyone's topic.

"Why isn't it a good-."

Suddenly Okara shouted from within the water.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! What is this! Pain!!"

Everyone laughed nervously as Crimson walked down the concrete ramp towards the water sighing in exhaustion.

"I'll get him."

After that everyone eventually got back in even Okara, who was hesitant at first. Ru even got a chance to splash around in the shallow part the ramp was in. Then the time came and they all packed up and prepared to leave. Once they hit the road everyone in the bed was out. Except for Crimson and Okara. Crimson had Rose laying against him and Lily laying against Rose, Okara was by himself and they both stared out into the country. While up in the front Cassa was holding a sleepy Ru. They finally made it home and it was seven the sun was going down and everyone parted ways. Crimson, Rose, and Lily changed at Bell's and left for their home. Okara, Cassa, Bell, and Ru all changed back into their normal clothes and all decided to call it a night.