Chapter 44

The next day came and it wasn't as eventful. It was raining hard and the complete opposite of yesterday. It was two in the afternoon and Ru was still asleep. Bell, Cassa, and Okara were sitting at the dining table talking.

"Yeah, things like this happen all the time. Especially in the spring. One minute it's so nice outside that you could go swimming and the next day, endless rain pour." Bell said with a genuine sigh as she looked out the window above the kitchen sink.

"It looks so morbid outside too. I hope it clears up soon enough."

"I do too, I bet the animals are starving right now."

Bell got up and began putting on a raincoat and boots.

"Hey Okara, mind helping me with the animals?"

Okara was out of it, as he stared down at his cup which was filled with cold coffee. Bell called out to Okara three times before he snapped back into reality.

"Huh? What?"

"I asked if you could help me with the animals. Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah, I was just thinking about the rain."

"Oh, well there's nothing to be scared of if that's what you were thinking about."

"No, no. I was just thinking of how pleasant it kinda is."

"Okay, sure pal!"

Bell held up an okay sign with her hand.

"I-I'm serious!" Okara said abruptly as he stood up and walked outside with Bell.

"Okara! Aren't you gonna put a raincoat on and boots?"

Okara was in his white tank top and blue jeans with his normal gray slip-on.

"I mean should I?"


Within a few minutes, Okara came back out with a yellow raincoat on and black rubber boats.

"Will this work."

"Yes, now let's go. I'm sure the animals are dying to eat something."

Bell lead Okara to the big blue barn she had. As she struggled to get the door open, Okara decided to help and instantly got it open.

"Thanks, I can never get the damn thing sometimes."

As they walk inside they see animals just minding their own business.

"Okay, you see that bucket to your left?"


"Pick it up and scoop some of that stuff in the container over there."


As Okara grabbed the bucket he instantly walked over to the container and saw a sludge-like substance in it.

"Are you sure this is it?"

"Yeah, I know it looks gross, but it's just good food for them. They really enjoy it."

"What is it?"

"It's mostly just carrots, potatoes, and some greens mixed in some kind of earth-made substance."

"I see." Okara says as he scoops the sledge up into the bucket with a curious look on his face.

"Okay, what now?"

"Take it over to the pigs and pour it into the giant triangle container."

As Okara traveled over to the pig's den, he saw the pink creatures waddling around, some rolling in the mud that they've created. Others stared at him menacingly. As he raised the bucket and leaned over the fence he poured the bucket into the triangle container. Within seconds the pigs all stopped what they were doing and squealed towards him. As he shook the bucket to make sure it was empty he quickly pulled away and good thing he did as he saw them devour every bit of the sludge.

"Okay! Are you done? It's time to go feed the chickens!"

"Yeah! Yeah, we're good over here!"

Quickly Okara rushed to Bell after putting the bucket back. As they exited the barn and closed it back up. Bell had Okara grab another bucket this time it was filled with seeds. As they entered the chicken pen, Okara suddenly remembered Bell The Second.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't able to do anything for Bell The Second."

"Okara, we've been through this and that was a long time ago. So it's okay." Bell says with a smile as they enter the chicken's home. There were ten chickens all sitting on their nests.

"Okay, So Okara you're gonna fill these little feeders. But not too full, okay, and if you happen to see any eggs when they get up to get food. Grab them and put them in this basket."

Bell hands Okara a basket and slowly backs away out of the pen. Okara didn't realize It and as he filled the feeders he watched the chickens spread their wings and get up from their nests. Revealing a load of eggs.

"Oh wow!"

Quickly Okara picked up the basket and reached for the eggs as he got the basket filled with about ten. He reached for the last visible one then all hell broke loose. Okara was caught red-handed by the mother of the egg and suddenly he was having a stare-off with the chicken. As he slowly continued picking it up, they attacked. All flocking at him within seconds caused him to hit his head as he exited the pen.


Bell watched from outside the pen as Okara ran with the basket of eggs that were getting drenched in the rain.

"Okara, be careful with the eggs!"

"That's easy for you to say! You aren't getting chicken chased!"

As Okara approached the gate Bell was ready to open it. However, he leaped over it and landed perfectly on the other side. Quickly he handed the eggs over to Bell and turned towards the mother chickens. Sticking his tongue out and mocking them with stupid faces. Most of the chickens ignored him and walked back into the pen, however one wasn't standing for it and she ran and flapped over the pen gate. Okara's eyes widen as he quickly ran from the chicken that was pecking at the back of his ankles.

"Ow! Ow! Stop! Ow!! Cut it out!!" Please!! Help me!!"

Time passed as Bell got the chicken back into the pen. Allowing Okara to breathe easier, they continue inside the house and remove their boots and raincoats. As Bell takes the eggs to the kitchen sink to wash them. The phone begins to ring, Bell quickly picks it up to answer it. As she's washing the eggs she comes to a sudden stop and reaches for the towel.

"You said channel eight?"

Bell quickly put down the towel and walked over to the television. She picked up the remote, causing Okara and Cassa to walk over with curiosity. As Bell turns the TV on and changes it to channel eight. Tension fills the room.