Chapter 45

As Bell turns the television on and changes it to channel eight. Tension fills the air. It was a news channel and it was all currently live. From the streets of Westfall city, a cameraman was recording the city being destroyed. Slight fires roar as the rain tries to put them out. Then it happens, a familiar face appears before everyone.

"Is that..." Cassa's eyes widen in fear.

"Arako... He's finally shown himself."

Arako had finally returned and with a bigger entrance than last time. As he walks towards the cameraman, he smirks evilly as a beam of energy is shot towards the camera. However, it misses and the camera falls. For a moment the only visible thing was rain and blood mixing on the concrete, that was until Arako grabbed the camera and held it up to his face.

"I bet you're surprised to see me again. I hope you've enjoyed your time of peace because it's officially ending today!" Arako laughs evilly as he sets the camera down on the roof of a destroyed car.

"As you can see heroes, I've destroyed a good bit of this city just so you could see me. I even slaughter most of the civilians in the area. Wanna see?"

Arako picks up the camera, however, this time he slowly pans around the destroyed city showing off the chaos and destruction he's caused. Bodies laying everywhere ranging from adults to children.

"Can you see it! The beautiful chaos I have created!"

Arako sets the camera back down with it focused on him.

"Hopefully you're seeing this, Okara... Crimson. Because today I will bring about the destruction of... You!"

Suddenly Okara's hands clench in anger his teeth visible showing as he grits them towards the television. Then he walks off towards his room.

"Okara... What are you doing?"

As Cassa rushes to the room she instantly sees Okara getting changed into his Gi.

"Okara, no... You can't fight him!"

"I don't have a choice, Cassa."

"No, can't you see this is what he wants!"

"I know it's what he wants, but-!"

"But what?!"

"But I don't have a choice! Okay!"

"Okara, everyone has a choice."

"No, not this time. Crimson and I have to fight him."

"Then let me come with-."

"No, you can't! As strong as you've gotten. I'm not sure you'd be any help... I'm sure he has something up his sleeve."

"Okara, please."

"Cassa, I'm sorry, but I have to do this." Okara says with determination in his voice as he finishes tightening his belt around his waist. As he gets up he walks over to Cassa and places his hands on her shoulders.

"I'll come back, I promise..."

They engage in a breathless hug as Cassa tears up.

"Y-You better!"

As they break apart Okara walks out of the room with one last smile.

"Okara! Are you going?" Bell asked as she held the phone up to her ear.

"Yes, I'm heading out now."

Okara takes one last look at the TV as it shows Arako resuming his destruction of the city. Then the camera explodes. Cutting off the signal.

"He's going, Rose. What about Crimson?"

Okara notices Bell's conversation.

"He's already on his way there?"

Okara's eyes widen as he rushes out the door and bursts off from the steps. Cassa and Bell watch as he flies away at a high speed.

"Okara just left... Yes, let's hope they can put an end to this monster once and for all."

Bell hangs up the phone breaking the connection from Rose. As Cassa sits on the couch she puts her face into her hands and begins to cry. Bell quickly sits beside her to comfort her.

"It's okay... It's okay."

Then from the other room, Bell could hear Ru crying as well.

"He better be okay..."

At the speed, Okara flew he barely managed to meet up with Crimson.

"Are you ready, Crimson?"

"I should be asking you that, Okara."

They start to come up on Westfall City and witness the destruction from their views.

"That bastard! Damn him!"

"It's okay Crimson... We'll make sure he pays for all this."

As Okara and Crimson burst down to the streets they find themselves surrounded by burning cars, lifeless bodies, and debris from builds. The rain made it even more morbid as the blood from the bodies drained from their feet to the nearest sewer drain.

"That damn monster!" Crimson felt rage swelling within him as he stared at the chaos Arako had created.

"Beautiful isn't it!"

A sudden clapping came from behind them and without hesitation. Okara and Crimson turned with tense posture. Finally coming face to face with Arako once again.

"You must be surprised. To see me alive."

"Not one bit. You left quite a clue back at Rose's lab."

"So you did find it! That makes this even better, please tell me you've been training to get stronger."

"Wouldn't you like to know!" Okara said as he stared the sinister smirking Arako down.

"It's a shame we're on opposite sides. We three could've ruled this world together, maybe even taken out the future ruler ourselves."

"What the hell are you blabbering on about!" Crimson spat as he got into his fighting stance

"Exactly that my friend, I'm blabbering about hell!"

"Because that's where you'll be going after we're through with you!" Okara also readied into his fighting stance.

"Simple-minded Saiyan's would never understand! So why don't we cut to the chase so I can end both of your lives right now!"

Arako instantly transformed into a Super Saiyan and in reaction, Okara and Crimson did as well.

"Now this is fun! A battle of many attributes! I hope to see that you give me somewhat of a challenge before I end your miserable lives!"

"Some much talk for someone who's already died once!" Crimson said as he got ready to charge forth.

"Oh, I assure you this time, this time will be different! I swear it!"

Arako readied into his personal stance and instantly the battle has begun with a stand-off. As the rain barreled down and the fires sizzled against it. Okara and Crimson were about to enter the battle of life and death with Arako, one last time.