Chapter 46

Okara and Crimson prepare themselves for the battle of life and death with Arako, the storm rages on, fires roar as the blood drains from the dead among them. All three are in Super Saiyan. As they stand in a standoff. It's dead silent, except for the rain that splashes against the ground and sizzles against the fire. Okara and Crimson's eyes locked onto Arako's. Who stands with a sinister smirk on his face. Then without warning, a strike of lightning initiates the fight and the three begin their deathmatch. Instantly Arako clashes with Okara and thus begins combat between them. As they both dodge, block, parry, and attack each other. They move down the street. Leaving Crimson in their dust.

"Ah hell no!" Crimson growled as he charged towards them and instantly started attacking Arako as well. However, to their surprise, Arako began dodging and blocking both of them at once.

"What's wrong! You two are slower than last time!"

At this taunt, Crimson and Okara begin speeding up, and yet Arako was still leveling with them. Then immediately Arako slips out of their way and both Okara and Crimson Glock each other in the face. As they both float back from their blows. Arako intervenes and attacks. Driving Okara down with a simple mid-air stomp that drives him into the ground. Arako presses his right leg implanted against Okara, then vanishes within seconds, whiffing Crimson with a left hook, sending him down towards the ground as well. However, before he crashes landed, Arako returned to Okara and ripped him out of the ground. Rightfully using him as a weapon, Arako launched him at Crimson and instantly they collided against each other.

"Isn't this fun!!" Arako shouts at Crimson and Okara as they lay on the ground, on top of each other.

"He's definitely stronger than before..."

"But so are we... Let's keep going, Crimson."

Okara and Crimson quickly got up and once again stood before Arako.

"That's what I like to see!"

Okara looked at Crimson, and they both nodded at each other.

"Go!" Okara shouts as he charges towards Arako, Arako responds with a rush back at him. While Crimson stayed behind and began firing Ki blasts that trailed with Okara. As he and Arako reached each other. Arako swiped with his left forearm and hit nothing, but a false afterimage. Allowing Crimson's Ki blasts to collide against Arako causing him to stagger back. While he leaned back Okara appeared behind him and spun with a roundhouse kick. As he felt confident, Arako instantly recovered and raised his left arm blocking Okara's kick. Arako's arm shook as he struggled to keep Okara's kick in check, he slowly turned his head to look at Okara with an evil smirk.

"It's gonna take more than that to defeat me!" Arako says as he shakes.

Within mere seconds Arako parries Okara's leg off his arm, throwing him into a counterclockwise rotation. Before Okara could even fully rotate Arako drove his right fist sharply against Okara's left side. His eyes widen as he instantly coughs up blood, due to it being a direct hit to his liver. As he flings off Arako's fist he barrels through multiple buildings and suddenly ends up inside one. Crimson watched as Arako pulled his fist back slowly and stood tall.

"One down,(Arako turned his head towards Crimson) One to go."

"You bastard! You'll pay for that! You'll pay!!!"

Crimson's aura erupted around him from anger, lightning sparking angrily in front of him as his teeth grew fangs. His hair spiked even more along with one of his four bangs. His fingernails extended into claws, However suddenly Crimson's eyes slit vertically as he pulled back, he unleashed a deep beastly roar. That shook the world around him, shattering any glass within the area. As he leaned forward he slowly looked up at Arako.

"Get ready to die, you bastard!!"

Crimson leaned over and down onto all fours his body cocked back as he stares at Arako.

"There it is! The beast within you! You're a demon! You're... Lyrx!"

Suddenly Crimson darts forward running on all fours leaping with every chance. Arako's eyes widened in excitement as Crimson leaps onto the side of a broken car then directly at Arako, Arako attempted to catch Crimson, but instantly rolled on the ground and ended up on the bottom. The rain dripping on Arako's evil smile as Crimson grimly stares him in the face. Teeth baring at him.

"So it was true! You're more vicious than Rose thought!"

Crimson squeezed his claws into Arako's wrists.

"Don't speak her name!"

"Why not! Did something happen between you tw-!"

Crimson decked Arako with a left hook. Blood slowly drooled from his nose.

"Something did happen! Oh, that's great!"

Crimson struck him again this time with his right. Blood began oozing. After Arako's choked laugh he looked back at Crimson.

"That means my fun doesn't end with you."

Then Crimson snapped suddenly Crimson began driving hooks relentlessly. Left then right, left then right. Arako's head jerked at every punch.

"Shut up! Shut up!! Shut up!!!"

Crimson got faster as Arako managed to get a laugh out during his barrage. Blood spewing, left and right. His face became redder as Crimson continued. Then the unexpected happened. Crimson drove his left hook once again into Arako's face and instantly he felt resistance. Arako forcefully pushed his head back to face Crimson and with his face bloodied he smiled evilly once again.

"My turn."

Crimson attempted his right hook, but Arako spat blood into his eyes, catching him off guard. While his eyes were closed, Arako raised both of his hands and held them against Crimson's body. Instantly releasing a white wave that carries Crimson diagonally into the air. As he held his hands up Arako stood up with a bit of wobbling. However, once he was on his feet he looked up and let the rain wash his face. Blood drooled from his face and soon enough his face was clean. However his nose, and mouth still had blood leaking from them.

"That hurt you know... That really fucking hurt!!"

Arako broke from his wave and watched as Crimson exploded in midair.