Chapter 48-Ultra Chapter

As Arako turned he found himself standing face to face with a monster, a beast... A demon.

"So you survived... Crimson!"

It was Crimson, but something was different about him, very different about him. His hair was spiky like it would be in Super Saiyan two, but his hair wasn't golden, and his eyes... His eyes have reverted to their original red color. Yet the irises were still slit vertically. His fangs and claws were still present and his aura was almost nonexistent. Mainly his intimidating power came from his devilish eyes. They glowed bright red as he stared at Arako. Soon enough the rain started causing moisture to appear from his breath.

"How is it that you are still standing! That blast was strong enough to kill almost anyone!"

Crimson let out a low rubble than a loud growl. He was done playing with Arako, he was ready for a blood bath! Crimson leaps at Arako with his claws ready to pierce into his flesh. Arako's reaction was slim, but he managed as he leaned back all the way allowing Crimson to lunge over him. As Crimson reached the other side Arako leaned forward and turned. Instantly firing Ki blasts from his hands. He begins running in a circle around Crimson trying to hit him from every angle. As hundreds of Ki blasts collide with Crimson's body. A large dust cloud begins appearing concealing Crimson's location. However Arako wasn't done as he jumped up with his right hand in the air, his left gripped to his right wrist. A giant white ball of energy appeared above his right hand.

"Now die for real! This time!!"

Arako pulls the loaded Ki blast out to his right side and rotates clockwise. Unloading it the moment the dust cloud was in view. As he unloads it, it collides with Crimson. Causing a giant explosion to occur. Which also created a giant shockwave that finally collapsed some of the builds that were standing on their last legs. Which creates an even bigger dust cloud around Arako, Okara's unconscious body, and Crimson's unknown location.

"Shit! I might have overdone it!"

Arako hovered in the air watching the dusty ground for shadows. However, it was so thick thanks to the rain that it was almost impossible. Then as more lightning crackled in the sky. A shadow finally appeared.

"Ha! I've got you now!"

As Arako fires another Ki blast at the shadow, he is greeted from the opposite side by Crimson who is holding a stop sign. Arako tries to react, but Crimson was too fast, and instantly Crimson hits a home run with his stop sign. Arako was sent further into the city. Finally below him the giant dust storm that covered the area dissolved revealing another standing warrior.

"Thanks, Crimson! I really owe you one!"

It was Okara he was standing once again, but how.

"If you hadn't given me some of your energy I would've been a goner." Okara smiled and instantly ascend into the air as well. However little did he know, thanks to his smile.

"Okara... Thank you."

Okara turned to face Crimson, who suddenly had tears in his eyes.

"Oh, Crimson what's wrong?"

Crimson looked at his hands and smiled as tears dropped from his eyes and mixed with the rain.

"Thanks to you, I regained control once again over my demon."

"Wait you weren't under control?!"

Crimson shook his head as he wiped his tears from his eyes.

"Not one bit."

Okara was shaken at this fact, however, he smiled in the end. Then came the more surprising part. The rain finally stopped and the clouds opened up. Revealing rays of sunlight down onto the destroyed part of Westfall City. Crimson and Okara looked around at the beautiful yet morbid scene of Westfall City.

"Crimson, this fight has been nothing, but close calls. What do you say we start tipping it to our scale this time?"

"Okara(He smirks as he looks in the direction he smacked Arako, holding his stop sign even tighter) I'm with you every step of the way."

Okara turned his head the moment he felt Arako's energy coming back towards them. Enraged Arako rushed back over to the battlefield and immediately saw Okara back in action.

"Like pests! Like, damn fucking pests! You never die! You never stay dead!!!"

Arako's Super Saiyan Two aura erupted greatly with his anger and instantly the fight resumed as he charged after Crimson. Quickly Crimson tossed the stop sign to Okara. Who caught it and waited. Arako struggled with Crimson hand in hand. Pushing back and forth, back and forth until one gave out. However Crimson wasn't about that repetition, so with ideal fighting skill. Crimson used Arako's momentum and pulled him into a clockwise rotation. Then instantly launched him at Okara, who was ready to swing.

"Hey! Batter, Batter!"

Arako reached Okara's strike zone and with a forceful swing, Okara destroyed the stop sign against Arako's body. But also causing a massive amount of damage.

"Uh, strike?" Okara jokingly questioned as he dropped the stop signs handle and allowed Arako to engage hand to hand combat with him.

Okara was able to see everything Arako was doing and dodged every bit of it.

"Oh man, you've gotten sloppy all of a sudden! What's wrong? Your body not made for this?"

Suddenly Arako stopped attacking and erupted with a sudden burst of anger.

"SHUT UP!!!"

Arako extends his entire body and created a massive Ki explosion that pushed both Okara and Crimson back. However they were not unscathed as Okara lost even more of his outfit, and so did Crimson. As Arako's range ceased, Okara and Crimson stood even more battle damaged. Okara's top is fully gone and his pants are a bit ripped. Crimson's red tank top was obliterated and one of his pant legs missing. As all three float in the air at a reasonable distance from each other Arako finds himself breathing heavily.

"F-Fine! You want to play dirty! Then I'll play dirty too!"

Arako took a deep breath and turned flying towards some of the remained tall buildings.

"Oh no, you don't!"

Okara and Crimson chase after him immediately as the midair chase begins. As Arako flies at high speeds, the wind blowing through his hair and his aura trailing. Okara and Crimson are not too far behind. However, things take a turn for the worst as Arako barrels through one of the multi-floored builds. But Okara and Crimson knew exactly what to do as they curve around opposite sides of the building. As Arako breaks through, the civilians inside were freaked out. Looking at the abrasion to their build. However as Arako exited the opposite end, Crimson appears around the corner instantly driving both of his feet into Arako's side sending him flying diagonally towards the ground. Okara reaches his side and instantly sees Arako zoom right past him crashing into the populated area below. Cars were stopped as Arako slammed in the middle of the road and created a medium-sized crater. As civilians got out of their cars and explore the matter. Others gathered and soon enough things got out of hand. As Okara and Crimson quickly fly towards Arako, Arako appeared already standing and his first victims were the ones hovering over the crater. As he obliterated their bodies with concentrated Ki blasts. Blood splatted everyone and panic ran amuck. Finally Okara and Crimson land and instantly catch Arako in the act.

"Even when you're getting beaten! You can't help, but slaughter innocent people! Can you!" Crimson's hair frizzled as Arako looked at him with blood covering his hands.

"Oh come now, you're the ones who brought us here after all."

"To hell with you!"

Crimson raced towards Arako and instantly regretted it as Arako lifted one of the civilian's cars and threw it at him. With his instincts kicking in last second. The car collides with Crimson, however, he grips hold of it as it guides him to his knees. Then Arako thought of the perfect plan. As he walked to the next car closest to him and began breaking it to pieces. Finally, he broke the car into two and picked up both parts in each hand.


Arako yells as he turns and launches one of the car pieces at Okara, he quickly dodges it by flying upwards. Arako appears above with the other half in his right hand, he instantly slams it against Okara. While Okara darts down towards the ground Arako spins clockwise and flings the car part at him. Instantly colliding with his crash sight. While Arako was focused on Okara, Crimson had managed to get a proper hold of the car and instantly flew back at Arako with it. Driving it into him, causing a struggle between both him and Arako.

"You're a real pain in the ass! Anyone ever tell you that, Arako!!"

Suddenly the resistance to the car was loosened and Crimson pushed the car forward. However, Arako also appeared behind him at the same time.

"No, because they never lived long enough to say it."

Arako chopped hastily with his left hand, launching Crimson; causing him to release his grip on the car. As Crimson crashes into the ground near Westfall city's park pond. Arako grabs hold of the car and lifts it above his head.

"Sweet dreams! (Arako launches the car with full force at Crimson's location.) Crimson!!"

Instantly the car flies through the air and directly into Crimson's location. As It crash lands a giant dirt cloud appears around his location.


However, his attention to Crimson was cut short as Okara comes flying out of nowhere with a stoplight pole. Okara had it cocked back behind his head, and when he got close enough. He swung it downwards, Arako's reaction was to reach out and block it with his hands. However, it still ended up pressing him down to the ground. As Arako laid on his back holding the stoplight pole. A sudden eruption happened from Crimson's area. Arako looked over as he still struggled to hold the pole that Okara was forcing down on him. His eyes widened as he saw Crimson walking out of the dust cloud with a full tree that he ripped from the ground.

"Well, shit..."

Crimson's walk didn't last forever as he then started sprinting towards Arako. Arako quickly parried the pole to his left side, sliding out from under it. Getting up in the nick of time as Crimson was hovering above him with his tree cocked back. The only thing visible was his glowing red eyes from his shadowed face. As he forcefully slammed his giant tree down onto Arako who caught it with his hands and left shoulder.

"S-Shit this got heavy!"

Crimson was forcing it down onto Arako as he held it. Arako's feet started digging into the ground as they were giving out from holding such weight. As his feet sunk, Okara landed at the same time. With his light pole aimed like a javelin towards Arako. Okara charged at him with it, making him realize he was trapped. As Okara was about to ram him, a yellow glow shined from Arako's pocket and Arako's body suddenly filled with energy. Immediately Arako was given the strength to hold Crimson's forceful tree with his left hand only, and once Okara reached him, he stuck out his right hand and countered the charging pole. This time Arako was in control and he had both of the heroes' weapons.

"I almost forgot about those!" Arako suddenly vanished from his captive spot and appeared in the air. As Crimson slammed his tree down into the ground with Okara's pole stuck under it.

"W-What the hell just happened!"

Arako smirked as Okara looked up

"How did you get out of that!"

Arako began laughing evilly as he reached into his pockets and immediately pulled out the Topaz and Emerald.

Crimson and Okara's eyes widen as they watch Arako.

"You should feel lucky that I now just remembered these. Because you wouldn't have pushed me this far if I hadn't forgotten about them."

The topaz and emerald glow brightly as Arako holds them in separate hands.

"Now prepare for your end!!"

Suddenly both gems glow brightly and create their inner Lyrx spirits.

"Okara! We can't let him use them!"

Suddenly Okara and Crimson burst towards Arako, however, it was too late as the Lyrx that were so impossible to describe vanished before his eyes. He was brought back to full power. His broken body rejuvenated, his energy-filled to the brim. Yes, he was at full power and brought back from the brink of death.

"Oh!! This feels great!! So much power overflowing within me!"

Arako broke out into a maniacal laugh as Crimson and Okara reached him. Then as they reached out for the gemstones. Arako vanished, leaving them wide open. Both thinking the same thing at the same time.


Instantly Okara and Crimson were struck to the ground in mere seconds. Put on their hands and knees at Arako's mercy.

"Thanks to these gems, I feel I can finally reach the next stage of Saiyan evolution!!"

Okara and Crimson look up at Arako with worried eyes. As he puts away the gemstones and begins to power up.

"Yes, Yes!! I can feel it!"

Arako's golden hair begins extending down his backside, the world-shaking, the builds around them breaking. While the ground started shattering as his aura contracted the clouds into him. The world was fearing for itself as Arako was about to unleash a new amount of power. Finally, his hair had reached its growth point, his eyebrows have become pure muscle and his aura sparked even more with lightning. It was complete Arako had transformed into a Super Saiyan Three.

"N-No..." Okara says as he and Crimson slowly stand up to the intimidating Arako.

"This is incredible! This power is out of this world!! I have reached the pinnacle of Saiyan evolution! Outstanding!!"

"W-What do we do now, Crimson?..."

Crimson grits his teeth at Okara's question.

"The only thing we can do... Fight till the end!"

Suddenly a news chopper arrived and people all around the world could watch the fight. Cassa, Bell, Ru, Rose, Lily, and Kal. Along with every surviving citizen of Westfall city.

Bell and Rose were on the phone the whole time even when the fight started.

"Yes, I'm seeing it now. Yes Rose I see them. But... It doesn't look good."

Cassa watches and immediately realizes Arako's appearance.

"T-That's not possible."

"What is it, Cassa?"

"A-Arako he's... He's a Super Saiyan Three!"

"What are you talking about?! Super Saiyan Three?"

Over the phone, Rose started explaining it to Bell and soon enough she understood.

"You're telling me they're powerless against him!"

Rose also explains that Arako has possession of both Lyrx Gemstones so he's sure to have used them during their fight. But that wasn't all. Suddenly Arako's voice came through the televisions and his voice could be heard all around the world.

"I bet you're probably thinking, we need to wear him out, wait for his Super Saiyan Three to end. But don't take me for a fool. You see I know about the power strain on this form and I know why Saiyan's struggle to handle it. However, I have the perfect solution to this flaw of Saiyan evolution!"

Arako pulls out the topaz once again so the world could see it.

"This gem allows me to absorb the sunlight and refill my energy as much as I want! I am bound to an unlimited power source!!"

Then out of nowhere, his evil laughter erupted while people around the world witnessed him and his evil personality. They were soon to watch the most brutal brawl ever in the history of the Saiyans.

"Now! Shall we entertain the people at home! Okara! Crimson!"

Arako smirked as he put away the topaz one last time and instantly vanished from the camera's view. The news reporter spoke on how these beings are far too fast for their cameras to even see them. So they'll try their best to catch the whole thing. As Arako appeared before Okara and Crimson, he stared at them and taunted them. With his index finger telling them to come on, and so they did as Okara stepped forward and unloaded his cocked right arm. Without even moving his legs, Arako parried Okara's arm and instantly swatted him away. Then came Crimson with a midair shin kick. That collides against the left side of Arako's neck. As Arako's head leans over the foot. Crimson tried to retract it, however, Arako held his leg in place with his head and gave himself enough time to grab hold of Crimson's leg with both of his hands. With an instant squeeze, Crimson's leg could be heard cracking loudly.

"Who's the brute now! Crimson!!" Arako said with an evil smirk on his face, as Okara come flying back at them. He decided to use Crimson once more and batted Okara with him. However, as he collided them both he released Crimson. Letting them both fly away from him. Arako dusted his hands and turned towards the heroes location. However, as he watched them stand once more the topaz once again glowed and Arako was back at the peak of his energy.

"It's impossible! He's too strong!" Cassa whined as she watched Okara and Crimson get back up on the television.

"They can't give up, Cassa... Or else the world will fall."

Bell tried her best to comfort her, but she couldn't help, but cry. As tears slip down her cheeks and onto baby Ru's face. He looked up at her and reached out. Patting her cheeks gently.

"Gu, gu, ga."

Baby Ru was trying to speak to her, but Cassa knew what he was saying.

"Believe in dad, believe in your father and Crimson... Oh, Ru."

She hugged Ru and then he started to struggle. But Cassa wouldn't stop hugging him. So he stopped struggling and just sat with a why is she like this face. On the television, the cameraman is zooming in on the three fighters. It appears Arako is holding Crimson down with his right foot and holding Okara up by the throat with his left hand.

"What a shame two Saiyan's, reduced to weak trash!"

Arako turns towards the hovering chopper and speaks towards them.

"Do you see this everyone! Your mightiest warriors are underneath me! Just like you will be after I take over this pathetic planet!"

"L-Like we'll let you! Arako!" Okara says as he feels Arako's grip tighten around his throat. Arako's attention switches to him and his remark.

"Do you not understand! Did you get hit too many times! It's over, I've won! You're incapable of beating me!!"

"I-Incapable my ass!" Crimson says grunting as he opens his mouth wide enough.

"You're so infuriating!! I've had enough of this stupidity! It's time for both of you to-!"

Suddenly a blast is shot from Crimson's mouth and into Arako's face, Arako doesn't move, but his vision is blocked for a moment, giving Crimson time. As Arako opens his eyes he presses his foot down even harder imprinting Crimson deeper into the ground.

"C-Crimson! No!"

Crimson was shoved deep within the ground that Arako had to raise his leg into a high knee position, to fully get it out of the ground. Then with Okara still in hand Arako floated into the air. The chopper keeping its sights on them.

"Tell me Okara, how did you imagine this going down? You and Crimson defeating me? Or me joining your side? I'm really curious. So tell me."

Arako began squeezing Okara's throat even harder. Preventing him from even speaking a single word. Then with one raise to the sky, Arako held him to the clouds.

"Okara! This is finally the end for you! After everything, I can finally rest easy knowing I was the one who killed you!"

Okara's eyes twitched out as he tried to keep them open, he gripped at Arako's wrist and even kicked him in the body a few times, but nothing worked.

"Now die!"

Okara couldn't breathe, his vision was darkening as his body slowly stopped responding. An explosion that shoved Arako, caused him to release his grip a bit. Which allowed Okara to finally breathe again, but ever so slightly.

"What was that!" Arako turned to look around the ground to see if he could find the culprit. Slowly as he examined the ground his eyes moved everywhere and even pasted Crimson's crater. Then he finally saw it. He looked back to Crimson's crater and there he stood once again back in action.

"Alright! How many lives do you have!!"

However, this time was different as he held up a shiny yellow object to the sky. It glowed brightly that it even covered the camera that was recording the whole thing. Suddenly Crimson was filled with energy and Arako had realized his mistake.

"You bastard! You, you snatched the topaz from me!! When I wasn't looking!"

"Damn right I did, and now that you've already used the emerald, Okara and I can finally turn the tide! Speaking of which!"

Crimson teleported beside Okara and instantly broke Arako's hold. But Crimson wasn't done as he also raised his left leg, and quickly dropped it downwards ax kicking Arako to the ground. As Crimson held Okara, he once again held the topaz to the sky, and it slowly regenerated its yellow brightness.

"Okara, hold on to this okay."

Crimson put the topaz in Okara's hands and let the gemstone do the work. As it quickly grew brighter Arako watched from below and instantly deformed back to Super Saiyan Two.

"These bastards! They manage to get me at my every weakness! Even now I'm powerless against them! Damn it, Damn you two!!"

Suddenly red lightning started sparking away from Arako's body as he started powering up. At the same time, the topaz was fully charged and Okara was fully energized.

"Okara! This doesn't look good." Crimson says as he sets Okara down so he can float beside him.

"Crimson stay here... I'm going to counter against him and if I fail then, be prepared to back me up, alright."

"Okara, what are you planning?!"

"Well isn't it obvious? My all-out attack vs his!"

Crimson reached out to Okara as he quickly descended before Arako leveling with him on equal ground.

"You better not die!"

"W-What is he doing! That idiot he gets brought back into the fight and he already wants to throw himself into danger!" Cassa ranted as she watched Okara begin powering up as well. His lightning sparks green as he pulls back his left arm. Both warriors' bodies were bloodied and beaten, tensions high, and determination for different goals filling their willpower to fight on. As Okara's cocked back arm begins charging even more and Arako's bend knees and bent arms generating red lightning. The area around them starts to change as they put everything they've got into it. Okara's arm encases in green lightning that wildly flares like rapids, Arako's hands and arms generated with his red electricity as he pushes his body even further. Suddenly their final blows were ready and the world wasn't. The world once again shook at the intense power coming from the two warriors. Their ultimate attacks pressure breaks the ground around them. As they're finally ready Okara steps forward in slow motion the world bleeding into black and white, and his body only showing the colors of his bloody red body and green electricity.

"Gigantic Clash!!!"

Arako's hands filled with Ki orbs as his hand's streak red lightning, he hesitates to fire it and gets a clever idea that puts a smirk on his face.

Finally, as the world reaches pure black and white, everyone that's watching is out of their seats. Their eyes widened in shock and excitement to see who will win. Forgetting that their lives could be on the line for just this moment!

The ultimate clash begins and Okara is the first to fire as he thrusts his left arm forward-firing off a gigantic green energy wave at Arako. Consuming the ground it slides against as It travels towards Arako. Arako's eyes widen as it approaches, but as it got close enough he's expression changes and he had a better idea. As he jumped into Okara's ultimate attack. Okara's eyes widened at his suicidal action, that was until he saw Arako's silhouette appearing in it. Arako instantly popped out of Okara's ultimate attack that traveled over the park's lake at the same moment. Only his top half was visible, and Okara saw it coming.

"Galactic Crash!!"

Arako thrust his arms forward and connected his palms. Unleashing his gigantic red wave down upon Okara. Who was forced to take it head-on! As Okara's ultimate move dissolved the ground around his body was eaten up within seconds. Arako screaming from excitement his blast dissolving quickly. As he was ready to see Okara down and out for good. So the moment his view was clear, he was not surprised and his happiness turned to anger. As Okara was still standing his right hand was facing Arako and so were his eyes.

"See, Crimson... I told you I'd counter him."

The moment Arako had unleashed his wave, it blocked his view giving Okara the chance to create a Ki orb in his right hand as well. At that same moment, he used the Ki orb and fired a thin Ki wall against it. Causing the blast to shoot around him and take anything it touched with it. However Okara was severely drained and Crimson had to intervene, as Arako fell onto Okara's platform, they both struggle to fight.

"W-Why won't you two just die!!" Arako was breathing heavily as he stood up, also letting Okara stand.

They both stood on the small platform that appeared after Arako's blast. Exhausted and desperate to beat each other. Okara swung a sloppy right that connected with Arako, causing him to step back. However, he instantly threw his body at Okara ramming his shoulder into him. They both stumble in one direction nearly falling off the platform together. As Okara pushes Arako off him, he messes up his balance and fully falls off the cliff. Falling into the deep crater.

"Ha!... Ha... I win..."

Arako fell to his knees and Crimson slowly descended to the platform himself.

"This is almost hard to watch, why don't you give up already, Arako."

Arako just laid curled up on his knees secretly holding the emerald. Squeezing hard.

"Come on... Give me another life... Do it!"

Crimson looked confused as he watched Arako scream at the ground.

"This was your second chance, and you ruined it yourself. Do you hear me... All you have to blame for this is... Yourself." Crimson says grimly as he jumps and floats down into the super deep crater where Okara was. As it takes him a minute to reach the button, Crimson finally makes it and finds Okara. Barely breathing.

"You're a moron, you know that right?"

Okara painfully chuckles at Crimson's remark.

"Y-Yeah... I know."

"He's done for, so let's get out of here."


Crimson crouches down to pick Okara and puts him over his shoulder.

"We're pretty beaten up aren't we..."

"Yeah, yeah we are."

Crimson slowly started ascending with Okara in hand.

"D-Damn it! Why won't you work! You're supposed to be all-powerful!! Why won't you work!!"

Suddenly Arako uses enough force to crack the emerald, thus unleashing the anger of the Lyrx inside of it. As the emerald started glowing brighter, Arako's body starts feeling rejuvenated once again.

"Yes! Yes!! More!!!"

Arako stood up with a completely healed body! However, the emerald had been cracked and the Lyrx wasn't happy. The emerald forced itself out of his hand and aimed at his chest. Arako was confused until the emerald charged at him. Slamming into his chest and instantly the emerald begins mending itself into Arako's body. Arako couldn't stop it as it burrowed deep within his chest and implanted itself. In no time at all, Arako's mind was infected. Suddenly he too had a Lyrx within him and was even more powerful. As a green aura erupts around him the platform he had been standing on breaks and drops as debris. Crimson and Okara looked up seeing a shine of green come from the top. Both getting a bad feeling.

"T-This isn't good."

"Seems we've got one last obstacle before we can end this!" Crimson quickly flew straight up and burst out of the deep hole. Instantly as they pass Arako they see him completely different. Crimson and Okara land on the edge of the giant crater where Arako floated in the center. His white hair had filled black along with his eyebrows, his aura had vanished, his teeth grew a pair of fangs, his fingernails grew out into claws, and that was all. All of his wounds were healing themselves right before Okara and Crimson's eyes.

"T-This really isn't good!" Okara said as Crimson allowed him to stand. Handing him the topaz once again.

"You're gonna need this more than me."

Okara looked at him with confusion and then from his chest a ruby gemstone slowly emerged.

"Wait... You have the ruby gemstone!?!"

"Yeah, sorry for not telling you. Honestly, I thought you'd figure it out at some point."

"No, I just thought you had some kind of dark power. I never fully expected you to have a Lyrx within you."

"Oh, wow. Well sorry for keeping it from you."

Suddenly Arako's attention was set on them and Crimson concealed his ruby once again.

"Look that information on the ruby gemstone was true... But-."

"But what?"

"I can't fully access that power, so we can't use it at all. I'm just not able to."

Okara puts the topaz in his left hand and places his right on Crimson's shoulder.

"Looks it's alright, we can do this without it! I believe in us!"

Crimson smiled at Okara's remark as he held the Topaz to the sunlight. Instantly regenerating all his lost energy.

"Now, let's show this monster what we're capable of!"

"Yeah! Let's do it! Okara!"

A pure Saiyan and a half-breed preparing to take the last stage of the boss in the final battle between warriors!

*Character Analysis!*

Crimson Super Saiyan Two!

Okara Super Saiyan Two!

Arako Super Saiyan Three!