Chapter 49

Okara and Crimson stand on the cliffside to Arako's recent ultimate attack. However, after attempting to use the emerald once again, Arako cracked it and now it has merged itself with him. Arako is no longer a Saiyan he is now a half-breed. After revealing Crimson was also a Lyrx. Okara and Crimson's bond grows even stronger, and now they are about to take on the last obstacle towards peace.

"He's going to be as strong as his Super Saiyan Three form, but it should take a minute before he fully learns how to use its power. So we need to take him head-on and end this quickly!" Crimson said as he pulled back his arms and begins powering up.

Okara watches as Crimson's eyebrows raise and his aura shoots into the sky like a pillar. Suddenly as the light dims Crimson finds himself in Super Saiyan Three.

"Hey, you wanna use the Topaz?"

"Nah, it's alright we're gonna end this before my minutes up."

"Let's hope so!"

Okara puts away the topaz and immediately Lyrx Arako dashes at them hovering in midair. His claws looking for blood as he reaches out towards Crimson and Okara.

"He's lost all sense of who he is, and what he's doing."

"Which means?" Okara questions as Arako gets closer.

"He's no longer going to destroy the world, he's going to end the entire solar system if he gets past us!"

"Then let's keep him grounded!"

Instantly as Okara finishes speaking, Lyrx Arako lands into their arms, and the race to end the fight begins. Crimson grabs hold of Arako and instantly throws him over his shoulder slamming him into the ground behind him. However Lyrx Arako doesn't stay down as he gets up instantly, jumping at Crimson with his claws looking ready to pierce Crimson's flesh, Okara comes in from left field flying in sideways with his feet planted against Lyrx Arako's side. Sending him flying in the process, Crimson's timer was now at fifty seconds.

"We need to hurry!"

As Lyrx Arako bounced along the ground the news reporter began expressing everything to everyone watching the television.

"It seems the heroes are finally putting this to an end! As they work together to end this monster's reign of terror once and for all!"

Cassa and Bell were celebrating by jumping up and down in excitement. Others who were watching were pouring drinks for a victory celebration. However, Lyrx Arako stopped bouncing and slid onto the ground before standing up. His mouth gaped wide and a glow of red appeared before it. Within seconds a wave was fired at Crimson and Okara. Both instantly dodged with ease, however, Arako then pulled his head up dragging the beam vertically as it slices through the news chopper. Crimson and Okara's attentions are thrown to the falling people.

"Crimson! I've got them you-!"

Suddenly Lyrx Arako comes ramming into Okara grabbing onto him and rolling towards the park's pond.

"Shit! Hold on, Okara I'll come back for you!" Crimson shouts as he bursts off to save the falling news people. Instantly as he catches up with the tail end of the chopper, quickly grabbing hold of it and set it down gently.

"T-Thank you, hero! W-What's your name?"

"I'm sorry, but you need to get somewhere safe."

Crimson immediately left the cameraman and reporter to get back to Okara. However, the pilot was still falling at a rapid speed. Crimson quickly looked at Okara and saw Arako trying to bite him in the neck. His fangs against Okara's neck, but Okara was barely holding him off. Crimson's timer was at forty counts and he had to be quick. Instantly he burst off towards the pilot and rammed into the cockpit instantly grabbing hold of it.

"Hey! Do you have a parachute?"

The pilot shook his head no.

"Then hold on!"

Crimson ripped the door off the helicopter and pulled the pilot out holding onto him with his right hand, and the cockpit with his left.

"Okay, you're gonna roll when I drop you closer to the ground."

The pilot shook his head as Crimson dashed closer to the ground instantly the pilot prepared and Crimson let go. Watching him roll forward and stop on his feet.

"Nice! Now to save Okara!"

Okara was still in a pickle as Lyrx Arako's fangs were nearly piercing his neck. As he struggled he could feel his arms giving out against the almost unlimited brute force he was up against. However not a moment sooner, Crimson comes in with the helicopter's cockpit and launches it at Lyrx Arako. Driving him off Okara and forcing Okara to roll in the same direction thanks to the grip Lyrx Arako had. Quickly Okara got up and Crimson deformed back down to his Lyrx form.

"We need to end this now!"


Okara and Crimson stood side by side and pulled back their outer arms. Okara pulls back his right, Crimson pulling back his left. Their other arms remain bent between them as they begin charging their all-out combination attack. Okara's right arm generates a large green Ki orb in his hand. Then his green lightning returns as it sparks off the attack, Crimson doing the same, however his is red, along with his lightning. Then the incredible happens. Okara and Crimson's aura's mix into one giant duel aura instantly flooding into the red. Crimson and Okara look at each other and smirk, and lastly, Okara's green orb changed red, but his lightning-sparked green. As they were ready Lyrx Arako appeared and roared for the final time.

"Here he comes!!"

As he perches on the cockpit Lyrx Arako stares the two warriors down then leaps into the air with ferociousness.

"He's in the strike zone Okara!"

"Then let's knock him out of here! Crimson!!"

In sync Crimson and Okara thrust their opposite arms forward-firing off their one giant red wave at Lyrx Arako!

As the giant wave consumes Lyrx Arako, his body gets driven upwards and directly into outer space. From spaces view, as Lyrx Arako screams vanish, the beam slowly dissolves in space and the battle is finally over.

*Character Analysis's*

Lyrx Arako