A Lucky Fellow 

Meanwhile, back in the library, Xenia focused on her reading and studying, making sure that she wouldn't miss a single detail of what she was reading. Understanding the material carefully, she made sure to put everything she learned inside her head. By the end of it, she was no longer sleepy, but rather, she was more annoyed than anything to even yawn!

"How could he leave me like that? Didn't he enjoy it?" Xenia murmured out with a pout, wracking her brains out on if her kiss was even satisfying to him or not. She even came to the point of smelling her own breath if that was the problem. It was insane. She couldn't even believe how affected she was getting as she shook her head.

"Is he playing hard to get now?" she questioned even more, her eyes narrowing as she recalled a similar situation in one of the books she read.