The Triggering Factor 

At Ebodia Kingdom

King Stephan felt at ease upon receiving the good news about the appointment of a new Seer. Ebodians mourned the loss of Beirut, but they quickly became hopeful again once his replacement arrived just at the right time for their kingdom.

He had a satisfied smile after reading the letters he received from his two daughters. Both of them were doing great. Also, Jayra had just sent him a report informing him of how hands-on King Darius was being in Xenia's training to ensure her position as his Queen.

"There's no doubt that it's the Werewolf King you saw in your vision Beirut," he whispered to himself as he stood up from his seat. 

With the letters in his hand, he walked out of his study to look for his wife. Walking through the hallways, he was just about to reach his wife's chambers when he chanced upon the Queen's chamberlain.

"Where is the Queen?" King Stephan asked the Queen's chamberlain.