Under The Weather

Evelyn arrived at the amusement park early. Half an hour before the designated time.

This was due to her excitement. She imagined the scenarios after looking up the park on the internet, and the giddiness made it hard for her to fall asleep.

She already planned out the day in her mind. She continued to improvise in which order she would get on the rides. It was fine if they didn't go along with her order as well.

As long as they got to spend the time together.

However, an hour had passed, and there were no signs of them. Evelyn's hand trembled. A bad feeling rose in her chest, and she texted both May and Ashley, asking them when they will arrive. She added that she didn't mind waiting.

Ashley didn't respond, but fifteen minutes later, May texted that she was coming.

And when twenty minutes passed, she texted May again. May replied with how she was on the way. Then, upon contacting her another ten minutes later, she learned that May's mom got into accident. She couldn't come. As for Ashley, the girl was completely silent.

That's how, Evelyn's hopes crashed. The day became worse as it started to rain soon. Evelyn didn't move from her place. She stood out the gates of amusement park with her head lowered, and tears fell down from her eyes.

She got on her knees and hugged them, sobbing and uncaring about how she got wet. It just hurt too much, and she wanted to just stop existing.

Why can't she get what she wanted for once?

Was that asking for too much?

That's when her phone rang, and Evelyn received the call absentmindedly.

"Where are you? Grandpa is looking for you," Landon spoke from other side of the phone.

"Grandpa?" Evelyn choked out.

"He heard you are going to the amusement park earlier and worried you haven't returned yet. Are you crying?"

He noticed it?

"I am trying not to," Evelyn expressed, "but I can't. I really wanted to play in the amusement park, but I couldn't. Why did it have to rain?"

"You can't control the rain. You can play some other day."


Evelyn wanted to ask.

"Oh," Evelyn responded, "tell grandpa not to worry. I will return soon."

After she is feeling a bit better.

She looks terrible at this moment and didn't want to bring concern to grandpa Parker. Regardless of how terrible the situation was, she knew how to compose herself. She can do the same right now too.

"Do you have an umbrella with you?" he asked.

She didn't.

Evelyn chuckled.

"Of course I do."

"Alright then. Take care of yourself, and don't get sick."

With those words, he hung up the call after they exchanged goodbyes. Before the call was cut off, she wanted to ask him if he could accompany her. But finding that to be too silly, she changed her mind.

Nonetheless, the small show of concern from him made warmth spread through her chest.

The next day Evelyn felt upset and didn't want to talk to her friends. At the same time, her condition was little under the weather. However, before she could show off her mood, May approached her table and apologized profusely while placing a cupcake on her table. The girl looked clearly worn out.

Maybe she was being honest.

Evelyn didn't care at this point whether or not she was being tossed around. Because of being let down so many times, the hopes in her extinguished, and there was no use in being mad. She was the one being foolish.

She smiled at May and accepted the cupcake.

Later on that day, May asked for her phone, saying she needed to make a call. Evelyn felt a little sleepy that day. Therefore, resting her head on the desk, she passed over her phone to May before drifting off to sleep.