Chapter 36: Letting Go

Felicity looked at Penny and God help her, she was right. She had moved on, and it felt good. There will always be love for Marco, but she had freed herself from the burden of his death. It felt as though her eyes had been opened and she could see things clearly now. “You’re right…I have moved on. But it’s for nothing.”

Penny shook her head, “No, it wasn’t for nothing. You’re ready to live again.”

“You mean love again?”

“Live, City…live again.”

“Are you saying I’ve been dead?”

Penny nodded, “In a way, yeah…Part of you died with Marco and now you’re ready to find life again.”

“Some life I found.” Felicity moped sarcastically.

“I’m sorry that Levi left you. But I can honestly say that I saw how he looked at you and he loves you. I think you’re meant to be, it’s just not a good time. What all did he say in the letter?”