Unwanted Caller

"Cassandra, I just want you to be here in my arms, so I can kiss and hug you tightly and say that you mean so much to me. From that first day that we met, I can't take your pretty little face out of my crazy head. I love you and I want you to be mine." A man in a black tuxedo uttered while he was holding Cassandra's hands in front of a big crowd.

At that time, she already knew what was about to happen, so her pair of cheeks turned crimson red in a flash and she couldn't hide the curves written all over her lips.

"W-What are you saying?" She asked in a bashful manner as the crowd began to cheer for them. She felt butterflies in her stomach and mixed emotions were currently running through her entire body.

"Whooo! Go on, love birds! We're watching!" Some random guys from the crowd cheering for them shouted, so the others followed and began to cheer even more. It became too loud around the surroundings, but Cassandra's attention was only focused on the man who just knelt on the ground.

The man looked up at her as he knelt down and an endless smile was seen on his face. He was shaking, he was feeling nervous, but it was now or never. "I want to see your sleeping face next to me first thing in the morning as soon as I wake up. I want to cook you breakfast and serve it on our bed. I want to cherish my remaining days together with you." He took something out of his pocket, and a ring box was seen. The man opened the ring box and there lay a diamond ring.

The crowd cheered even louder as if they were also included in the scene. Cassandra covered her mouth with her hands in shock. "Oh my God." Those were the only words she could utter.

"Cassandra, will you marry me?" The man asked with his eyes suddenly began to build up tears and so even the crowd became too emotional with what they were watching.

"Y-Yes, of course, I will marry you!" Cassandra blurted out with excitement, so everyone clapped their hands. The man stood up and put the diamond ring on her finger. She looked at the man who was a bit taller than her and put her hands on his neck.

The man shed some tears, so she wiped them for him. A moment later, they looked at each other and the man said, "You just made me the happiest man on earth, Cassy. I love you so much." He leaned closer to Cassandra, attempting to kiss her. She closed her eyes, waiting for his kiss until suddenly everything just went black and it stopped there.


"What?! That was the good part!" Cassandra groaned the moment that she woke up when she realized that it was all a dream. She was just having a really good life even if it was just in her dreams, but it was abruptly cut off because someone was calling her.

She tried her best to reach out her cell phone that was resting on the bedside table and tapped the answer button. "Who the hell is calling?" She greeted the caller with a crotchety tone of voice when she saw that the number wasn't registered to her cell phone.

"Is that how you speak to your boss, Cassandra?" The person on the other line answered. His voice was very familiar, the same as the man's voice who was in her dreams, but he was a bit different. That person was one of the persons she slightly abhorred.

"G-Greyson?" She asked, and this time her voice lowered as if she was a dog talking to her owner. She fixed the way she sat and she felt like she was now fully awakened by his voice. That was when she only realized that she and Greyson had a contract about the marriage.

"So, that's not a dream?" She whispered to herself, referring to the contract that she signed days ago. They really had a contract that the owner of the GA Technologies, Greyson Avery, would be giving Cassandra $200,000 after they finished the wedding.

"Yes, and if you don't want me to make your life a living hell, go get ready. We still have a lot of things to do for the day." He replied in his neutral tone.

"W-Wait, where did you get my number?" She said once more, but she just heard him hiss, so she stopped asking any more questions since she didn't want to anger him any further. "Fine, fine. I'll just take a shower and send me the address where we should meet." Cassandra said before dropping the call.

She swiftly entered the bathroom to take a shower since, knowing Greyson, he didn't want to waste any of his time because to him, time is gold. He was a busy man who couldn't afford to waste time, especially on someone like Cassandra, who wasn't very important to him.

After she showered, she immediately went to where her closet was placed to pick something to wear until she realized something. "Wait, where the hell are we going, anyway? He just called me out of the blue and asked me to get ready." She told herself with her hands resting on her waists.

It took her a few more minutes after she finished dressing up and doing her makeup. Today was Saturday, so it was her day off from work but Greyson was not letting her have some rest. She at least wanted to hang out with her friend, Charlotte since they hadn't seen each other for the past few days.

"Mom? Dad? Where are you? I'm going out for a while." Cassandra uttered, looking for her parents, but to her surprise, they weren't at the dining table nor anywhere inside the house. She looked even further, but she found them nowhere. "Guess I'll have to leave without saying goodbye." She added, then she headed out for the door.


Her attention was caught when her phone rang continuously. She grabbed it in her side pocket and answered right away when she saw Greyson's name on the screen display. He must have been angry this time.

"Where are you? You move too slow, I'm already here. You're five minutes late." Greyson's irritable voice greeted Cassandra as soon as she answered the call.