Development In Character

The dial tone from Greyson Avery's phone was being heard continuously the entire day. He was still trying to contact his fiancée, Astrid, but he could still get nothing from her. At the moment, he was somewhat worried about her whereabouts although he was used to it.

"Fuck, where are you, Astrid? I have been calling you all day. Come on, pick it up." He uttered as if he was talking to her over the phone. His fingers kept tapping the desk while his phone was directed in his ear.

"The number you dialed is presently unavailable or out of service area. Please try again later." The automatic voice operation said,

"Useless effin' phone!" Greyson groaned, then he threw the phone on the carpeted floor of his office. He would always throw his mobile phone whenever he would get upset, but it would never break.

His secretary was looking so afraid of him by the time he got like that, but she still came over to pick his mobile phone up in an instant and placed it back on his desk. Greyson just stared at it, then he shifted his gaze to his secretary.

"Tsk." He clicked his tongue and heaved out a deep sigh to not let his emotion get over him. "Grethel." He called her with a firm tone of voice.

"Yes, Mr. Avery?" She quickly answered with fear.

"What's our schedule for this week? Enumerate all of them, so I would know which one to cancel." He commanded with his neutral tone while scanning the data on his personal computer.

Grethel immediately skimmed through the files she was holding which had Greyson's schedule for the whole month. "P-Please wait for a second, Mr. Avery. Let me check on your schedule." She answered in a panicked manner.

"Just hurry up." He replied, looking too bored.

"Y-Yes, sir." She said with her hands obviously shaking in fear. "I see that you have a meeting together with the Smith Group tomorrow for the re-evaluation of the new gadget launching, then a dinner date with Mr. Yap on Wednesday for his proposal. Random meetings on the next days for the company department leaders' reports, then on Saturday, there is a yacht party with some of our important investors." Grethel informed Greyson continuously with speed because he really hated someone who would move too slow.

Greyson paused for a few seconds and thought about it. "A yacht party?" He asked himself, but Grethel still answered "Yes."

He looked at her very firmly as his eyes were squinted. "Give me further details about that appointment. I need it by tomorrow. Make sure that everything is settled. Hire a DJ, make the most fabulous food or whatever, just make it lively and memorable as much as you can be."

"I understand, Mr. Avery. I'll take note of all of those and make sure to put everything into action." She said with full determination while jotting down notes on a small piece of paper.

Greyson stood up from his swivel chair and began to take his things, preparing to leave the room. "If you need more funds regarding that party, you already know the drill, Grethel. Here's the cheque, just use it by any means necessary." He took the check out of his bag, signed it, and gave it to her, then he was in a hurry to leave the building.

Grethel was in awe to look at the amount of the cheque in her hand, it was something that would just be in her fancy dream. "$50,000 for a single yacht party? How did that happen?" She asked herself with her eyes left wide open.

Meanwhile, Greyson just got inside his car and he called his friend, Sebastian Young, to play golf with him at the golf and country club where only exclusive people were allowed to be granted membership. Since Sebastian Young was also one of those young businessmen who already succeeded in life, he and Greyson decided to sign up because one of their hobbies was playing golf.


"Man, what are you even thinking? You've just been smiling the whole time and no one could talk to you. What's up?" Sebastian said as he sipped on his tea after such a long day playing golf with Greyson.

Greyson would only sneer and look at the calming and refreshing green scenery while his friend Sebastian was talking to him for more than a few minutes now.

"Dude, cut it out. Is it about Astrid? Is she coming back? Your wedding is in a few days from now, aren't you worried about it?" He asked once again and snapped the string. He finally looked at Sebastian and the enthusiasm that was written all over his face was replaced with demise. "Ooh, let me guess, you two have broken up, huh?" Sebastian teased his friend, but it seemed like he wasn't in the mood to take any joke.

Greyson just stared at Sebastian with a fierce facial expression, but he kept on teasing him. "I can't even contact Astrid." He confessed in a low tone.

It was evident on his face that he was surprised a bit, but he composed himself in an instant. "Then, what will happen to the wedding? Are you canceling everything?" He asked,

"The wedding will continue. With or without Astrid, the plans will commence."

Sebastian realized what his friend was talking about the instant he spoke those words. He knew what was going through his head since they had been buddies since childhood and he understood his every action. Greyson was the sort of man who would not declare everything publicly, preferring to solve his problems discreetly and, if possible, alone.

Greyson began to tell everything to Sebastian so he would know what was happening. Besides, Sebastian was the only man he could fully trust so there was nothing wrong with telling him everything.

"Based on your story, something is being developed." He said as he looked at Greyson with a serious expression.

Greyson looked back at him with his forehead creased and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

He was so sure that he was in love with Astrid, that was why they got engaged, but when Cassandra was being involved with the topic, he also couldn't help but be troubled by it. He couldn't deny to himself that Cassandra also had a great impact on him.

His friend scoffed as if the answer was too obvious. "Dude, I think you should try to communicate more through words because not everyone can understand you just staring at them. Speak more, tell the woman how you really feel about something so you can at least avoid mishaps in the future." Sebastian's words struck like a lightning bolt in Greyson's head.