Unfaithful husband

John looked at Rachel seriously, waiting for her answer.

"John... I'm here because I'm sorry I left you two years ago because I fell for Travis' seduction," Rachel said with a bend in her face. "I thought being her boyfriend would be fun because he looks like the ideal guy. he is so sweet, caring, moreover he is an obstetrician, but I don't get along with him, I don't like seeing him treat his patients who are dominated by elite and beautiful women," she continued.

"So you get jealous every time he treats a patient? Is he too sweet to his patients?" asked John.

Rachel just nodded. "So sweet that I feel her sweetness to me isn't anything special."

"Hmm….I think you still love me is the reason you often come here," John muttered, looking disappointed, then immediately drank the champagne that was available in the beautiful glass in front of him.

"That includes," Rachel said.

"Is that true?"

"Yes, because only you can understand me, make me comfortable even though you are a very workaholic, you can position yourself in your attitude," Rachel explained then sighed in exasperation. "But I know I can never be with you again...You have a very beautiful wife and your family likes her."

John smiled faintly. "She is beautiful, but you are better than her in terms of serving me and character. She is too soft," he said.

"Is that true?"

"Yeah... boring..that's why I'm willing to spend time with you these days," John said, holding Rachel's hand gently, then kissing it. "Seeing you, makes me want to feel the sweetness of our love like before," he continued.

"But that's impossible," Rachel said.

"It can happen, even now it can happen. We just have to pretend that we are not someone else's partner, assume that we are together because we love each other..we can do everything on our terms without having to think about our partner's feelings because they don't know and don't understand what we want," John explained with a look so intense. "Do you want to come back with me? Back to how it used to be?"

"John ... but what about your wife and my boyfriend? I can't leave him suddenly, especially since my family has already taken our relationship seriously?" Rachel wondered with an uncomfortable look.

"For that, we will think about another time because the most important thing is that we are together again without having to care about our partners..we are together, and if we believe in this relationship, I promise I will take this relationship to a serious level," said John with his gaze fixed on Rachel's beautiful face.

"Serious relationship, then what about your wife?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah... maybe we can get married..the relationship that we do today is based on getting peace, the accuracy of heart, and course to repair our damaged relationship. If we continue to feel compatible, then our partner is not number one in our hearts, we will get married."

"You want us to have an affair?" Rachel asked.

"Yes," said John shortly.

Rachel was silent in a huff, looking at John who was so sweet and dashing.

"You have to remember, a lot of people get married out there but that doesn't mean love..but many are unmarried but have harmony with their partner, I don't think status is important. ..we are married or not, if you are number one in my heart, then I will make you happier than my wife," said John by continuing to issue his seduction to get Rachel back.

"I think you're right," Rachel said.

"I was right, and I can see that you will accept this relationship," said John with a smile.

Rachel sighed, smiled shyly, and lowered her head.

"Was my guess right?" asked John.

Rachel just nodded.

John immediately smiled in relief, then stood up with Rachel.

"John, why are you standing?" Rachel asked.

"Because we're going out of here," John replied then waved his hand at the waiters.

John immediately paid the cost of the food and drinks they consumed at the cafe, then took Rachel out of the cafe in the opposite direction of the road to his house.

"Where are we going?" Rachel asked.

"To a place where no one will know that we are together, and no one will bother us," John replied then kissed Rachel's hand nine focused on driving.

Rachel was silent and smiled at John who looked like he only loved her like he didn't remember his wife anymore.

'He's very different from Travis. Travis even often leaves me to see his patients who are having an emergency, like I'm not his top priority anymore.. but damn I still love him, but John can afford to love me more than him...I have to let this affair happen, to make up my mind about who is best for me,' she thought with a faint smile, imagining how wonderful it would be to be in a relationship with John again without having to leave Travis.


at home, Phoebe was silent in the room. She was still faithfully waiting for John who hasn't come home yet. The woman is playing with her phone while leaning casually on the couch, looking at video posts about pregnancy and babies.

"Hmm... I haven't had my period for a month..could I..."

Phoebe became curious, feeling her still flat stomach. She imagined that if she was pregnant, maybe John would be very happy, and even his family because they always asked about the grandchild who would certainly be the heir to the wealth of John and his family even if it had to be shared with John's siblings.

Drett ... dress ...

Her phone suddenly rang because there was an incoming call from the contact number named "Alicia", and Phoebe immediately answered it.

"Hello, Alicia?"

"Hey, Phoebe. How are you? We haven't talked in a long time." a woman named Alicia sounded relaxed.

"I'm good...I hope you're good too," said Phoebe with a smile. "We never talked because you never answered my calls, you never replied to my messages on Instagram or Facebook or other social media. I thought you were lost to the earth!"

"Hahaha... no, I'm not lost. I'm just really busy with my new activity. You know, I'm now a maid at a very handsome doctor's house. I'm very busy because I'm the only maid here. After all, the doctor is quite introverted. She doesn't like his house to be too crowded or too many people," Alicia explained, sounding pleased.

"Is that so? How can a doctor be an introvert? I don't understand? So how does he interact with his patients?" Phoebe wondered curiously.

."He's introverted for his social, habitual ... for his profession as a doctor, he's very adaptable..but when he comes home from the hospital, he will turn into a quiet guy who prefers to stay at home instead of having fun with his friends or girlfriend, even his girlfriend often comes here to ask him to have out but he is not willing."

Phoebe frowned. "Then why are you so busy? This explanation has absolutely nothing to do with the reason you are so busy!"

"I'm very busy because I'm the only maid in this house. Just so you know the house is very big and everything has to look clean and hygienic..even the doctor often cooks himself because he likes healthy food ... food according to hygienic and healthy criteria."

"That's only natural since he's a doctor..the doctor knows what is good for our health so he will be very careful in choosing food too," said Phoebe, occasionally glancing at the clock on the wall which showed 9 o'clock, making her think that she had to wait for her husband to come home from work because all of them promised to be home at noon. 11. ..hmm, but her husband is working overtime on other things, not office problems.