manipulative and suspicious

By the time it was 4:00 in the morning, John returned home after spending hours with Rachel. He walked into the house until he saw Phoebe sleeping on the bluish-gray couch in the living room. the man immediately approached his wife, silent with guilt.

'She is indeed a good wife. ..she was very loyal and served me well, but I also wanted Rachel. it's very hard to refuse her presence ... I'm not wrong ... as long as my relationship with Rachel is not known by anyone and I still fulfill my duties as a husband, I am not wrong...I won't hurt her,' he thought justifying his infidelity.

Feeling sorry for Phoebe who was sleeping uncomfortably, John took the initiative to carry her to the room. But when he just wrapped his wife's hand around his neck, his wife woke up.

"John..," Phoebe whispered, squinting her eyes.

John immediately sat down next to Phoebe and looked at her with pity. "Honey, I'm so sorry for disappointing you last night. I fell asleep in the office when I wanted to rest for a bit on the couch. I woke up and I went straight home and it turns out you were waiting for me to fall asleep here." John said very manipulatively.

"I thought you go somewhere and were staying," said Phoebe wearily.

"No honey, I fell asleep on the couch."

"That means we both sleep on the couch but in different places," said Phoebe with a faint smile.

"Yeah..."John smirked and felt relieved that Phoebe believed him. He stood up and grabbed his wife's hand to quickly join him. "That means we now have to go to our room to continue sleeping. This time we sleep on the bed and together."

"Haha...Yeah... That's how it should be," said Phoebe with a chuckle. "I was overthinking last night because you didn't answer my calls at all. I thought you..."

"Honey, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just in the office...I even really regret sleeping there, like wasting my time that I should have spent with you," said John before Phoebe finished her sentence. He took his wife's hand and then led her to the upstairs room where their room was.

arrived at the room, John did not go to sleep immediately but asked Phoebe to prepare warm water because he wanted to take a shower. The man was in the walk-in closet, stripped off his clothes, and switched to wearing a white towel up to his waist.

Drettt... Drettt...

John glanced at his phone which was located on the yellowish-white divan in front of him, then took it. He saw an incoming message from Rachel and immediately opened it.

Rachel: I enjoyed with you tonight. Looks like I'll be staying in this town longer so I can see you often. I love you ...

John smiled faintly, then immediately replied to the message.

Me: I'm also very happy tonight because you finally want to come back to me again. I'd be very happy if you decided to stay longer in this city. I will arrange a time so that we can meet continuously without my wife suspecting it. Following our agreement, we must be good at hiding this relationship until we are sure to go to a serious level or not. I love you ...


John immediately turned towards the open bathroom door and saw Phoebe coming out of it. He tried to be calm and immediately changed Rachel's contact name, then deleted all messages and call history on his phone, he even changed the lock screen password too.

"Warm water is ready," said Phoebe.

"Yes, honey. I'm going to take a shower in a minute. Please make lemon tea and pancakes, because I'm very hungry," he said.

"Okay then, I'll make it now," said Phoebe immediately out.

John rushed into the bathroom with his cell phone, then called Rachel while Phoebe wasn't nearby.

"Honey, we have to talk," said John.

"Why? Why are you even calling me? What if your wife catches you?" Rachel asked over the phone.

"Eh... first I really miss you, then I think we should talk," John replied with a mischievous smile.

"John... we just met..."

"Yeah but I already miss you again. I want to spend more time with you..looks like I have a good plan," said John casually leaning his back against the bathroom wall.

"Hmm... what's the plan?" Rachel asked.

"I'll pretend I'm out of town," John replied casually. ."Maybe for a day or two, we'll use that time to stay together. We're going to my apartment..."

"John, are you crazy? Poor your wife!" Rachel sounded surprised.

"Yeah... but I feel more sorry if you feel alone because your boyfriend is not good...I also don't want to waste your time here. So, somehow we have to be together while you're in this town!" John insisted.

" don't have to think too fast," Rachel said.

"Hmm... But I'll think about it soon...You will wait for news of the plan. I have to take a shower now because I feel your lipstick stains on my thighs," John said ending with a chuckle.

"Haha ... yeah ... You need to get rid of that lipstick immediately so your wife doesn't get suspicious," Rachel said with a chuckle.

John breathed a sigh of relief with a smile that didn't fade from his face, as if he was in love.

"Then hurry up and take a shower."

"Yes, honey. Don't call me if I don't call you first. I love you ..," John said so softly.

"I love you more," Rachel said.

John smiled brightly, then immediately hung up the phone. He put his phone on the sink table, then immediately took a very clean shower, removing the scent or any smudges of Rachel's lipstick on his lower body. Hmm, you bad boy!


After a few minutes had passed, Phoebe returned to her room and placed the pancakes and lemon tea on the table near the couch. After that, she entered the walk-in closet and cleaned up John's clothes which were on the couch.

"Hmm, he really can't be disciplined..dirty clothes should be put in the basket immediately," Phoebe muttered as she grabbed John's coat and white shirt and was about to put them into the black basket, especially for dirty clothes.

"Why does it smell like... like women's perfume?"

Phoebe frowned, then inhaled the scent of John's coat a few times.


Phoebe turned to see John coming out of the bathroom with a phone. This made her even more surprised because her husband had never brought a phone to the bathroom before.

"Honey, why did you take your phone to the bathroom?" Phoebe asked.

"Ehh ... it's okay. I just got a call before taking a shower, then I answered it and put it there until I finished showering," John explained somewhat nervously. 'Damn it, why did she come back from the kitchen? I hope she doesn't suspect anything!' he thought.

Phoebe was silent for a moment and put John's clothes into the basket. She went over to her husband and asked him to come out for tea while she quickly got clothes for him.

'Didn't come home all night, There was the smell of women's perfume on his clothes, then brought a cell phone in the shower ... I felt so anxious. For some reason... I'm worried if he's...' Phoebe became very restless and couldn't concentrate on choosing clothes for John.

''There's no way he's cheating... he's a good and loyal guy... I have to be sure of that," she said trying to convince himself.