Catching a cheating husband

Matheo stopped his car on the side of the road in front of John's office. He turned to Phoebe who immediately took off her seatbelt.

"You're going straight to campus?" Phoebe asked.

"Yeah, I don't want to be late," Matheo replied.

"Okay, Don't be too speeding," Phoebe called out then immediately got out of the car with a cloth bag containing her lunch menu and her small sling bag. She walked into John's office yard and was immediately greeted by the security guard.

Phoebe entered the building, down the corridor to a special elevator for company officials. The woman looked so enthusiastic that she finally got to the elevator and pressed the button for the 7th floor where her husband's room was.

Drett... Drett...

Phoebe heard the sound of her phone vibrating indicating an incoming message. She immediately grabbed the sophisticated object from her small bag, then saw that there was an incoming message from Alicia.

Alicia: Bestie... I'm sick. I'm exhausted….Finally, my employer realized that I needed a partner who would help me with my homework. I'm helpless right now… he chose to do the housework himself while waiting for me to recover because he didn't want to randomly accept a new maid. This sucks!

Phoebe smiled faintly, imagining Alicia who might be lying on the bed while her employer who turned out to be a doctor did the housework.


The elevator door opened. Phoebe put her phone back in her bag, then walked out of the elevator. The woman walked down a not-so-long corridor until she reached the lobby near the secretary's room which was adjacent to John's.

"Mrs. Phoebe," said the secretary.

"Hi, Camille," said Phoebe with a friendly smile at the secretary who called out to her. She paused for a moment, looking at her husband's secretary who was approaching her.

"Mr. John doesn't want to be disturbed. He forbids anyone to enter his room," Camille said angrily.

"But I am his wife….I'm sure he won't be angry when I enter his room," said Phoebe casually, then continued walking towards John's door.

Camille who realized that John was with Rachel who she knew was his ex-girlfriend, immediately stopped Phoebe by blocking her.

"Mrs. Phoebe, please don't come in because I don't want to be punished. I have to hold this mandate… he doesn't want to be bothered by anyone," she said with a pleading look.

"You will not be punished because I will say that I forced my way in," said Phoebe with a frown. "Now get out of the way, I have to go in because I have important things to talk to my husband about," she continued more firmly, making Camille move away from her.

"But, Mrs..."

Camille couldn't stop Phoebe from continuing to walk towards the main door of John's room. She paused in confusion, imagining what would happen next.

"Ugh, I think there's going to be a third world war," she said quietly, rushing back to her room with some fear.


Phoebe opened the door to John's room which was unlocked, then immediately went in and closed it again. The woman walked casually to her husband's desk but her steps slowed when she heard the sound of moaned and the distinctive sound of making love from the couch.

Silent with an awkward feeling, trembling, her heart beating fast, her heart immediately ached, Phoebe saw John who was crouched on top of a woman's body, moving so hotly from time to time he bent down to kiss her. she sick, feeling that she had come to surprise her husband but she was the one who was surprised instead.

Broken, that's how Phoebe felt. She did not expect what she saw, while her husband was still not aware of her presence.

"You should have locked the door when you were about to do something disgusting like this," she said with teary eyes, her hands gripping the lunch bag tightly as if she wanted to throw it because she was so angry.

John suddenly stopped his activities and looked at Phoebe who was silent staring at him with hatred. He immediately got up and fixed his clothes, while Rachel also immediately fixed her clothes.

"Honey, I can explain," said John, frantically buttoning his shirt.

"I think I have to go," Rachel said, feeling irritated and panicked at being caught. She felt so embarrassed, and fixed her clothes quickly, not daring to look at Phoebe at all.

Phoebe who was disgusted with the humans in front of her who seemed so shameless, couldn't hold back her anger anymore.

"You don't need to end your disgusting activities, I will be the one to go!" She said then threw the bag containing the lunch menu at John very strongly.


In the end, Rachel was hit in the head by the threw and bruised immediately, and the bag containing the lunch menu was strewn across the floor. John immediately walked over to Rachel, put his arm around her from the side and looked at the condition of her head, then turned to glance at Phoebe.

"You are too much!" he said in a high voice.

"You are outrageous, you are cheating on me... You are a traitor!" said Phoebe with unbearable tears. She didn't expect that John would care more about Rachel who was only slightly hurt, not worth the wound in her heart.

"But you don't have to hurt her. I can explain everything!"

"There's nothing to explain. I've seen how disgusting you guys are!" cried Phoebe, who couldn't stand being there any longer looking at her husband and blaming her. Her heart hurt so much like it was stabbed by a sharp sword, that she immediately ran out of the room crying as well.

John let Phoebe go, then looked back at Rachel who was in pain, and her forehead was slightly bruised and injured. He invited her to sit back on the couch, then took the first aid kit available in the drawer of the cupboard where the documents were stored.

"Rachel, I'm so sorry," he said.

"You're not wrong," Rachel said irritably, feeling guilty as she remembered how Phoebe had cried in disappointment. "Your wife wasn't wrong either... But our relationship that should never have happened!" She continued and stood up.

"Rachel, what do you mean? We deserve this relationship because we love each other!"

"But your wife already found out, and things got messed up!" Rachel confirmed, then grabbed her bag. "Now I'm going. You have to go see your wife... She must be in shock!"

"Rachel, don't go..let me treat you!" John shouted, taking Rachel's hand, looking at her pleadingly.

Rachel immediately stomped her hand, causing John to release his grip.

"Let me go. I can treat my wounds!" She said firmly, then quickly left the room with brisk steps.

Seeing Rachel leaving, then remembering Phoebe who already knew about his affair, John was annoyed and slammed the first aid kit. He sat on the couch, bent down, and ruffled his hair in frustration, his breath catching up with anger and emotion until his eyes fell on a small disc in transparent plastic that lay on the nearby floor with cloth bags and food was strewn about.

John grabbed the plastic, then took the contents, it turned out to be a pregnancy test kit. He was silent with his gaze so focused on staring at the pregnancy test kit that, saw two red lines which meant that his wife was pregnant.

"She's pregnant ..," John whispered in a shaky voice, suddenly remembering Phoebe who was crying after caught him. The man suddenly felt guilty, imagining that his wife might come to give him this surprise but instead hurt her.

Feeling guilty, worried that if something bad happened to Phoebe who was pregnant with his child, John immediately left the office intending to chase her.