Emotional cry

Silent while crying in a taxi that was speeding, staring at the street that is not too busy, that's what happened to Phoebe. she was still haunted by the scene she had just seen in the office as if the image didn't want to leave her mind.

"Oh my God ..," Phoebe whispered then held her chest which seemed to feel tight because her heart hurt so much. she took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. 'It turns out that behind his sweet attitude, full of promises, treating me like a queen, does not guarantee his loyalty. What I see on this day disgusts me... I don't want to see him again... I hate him... I hate them!' her heart was crying.

"Ma'am, where are we going? You've been like this for two hours, asking me to drive aimlessly ..." The driver wondered.

Phoebe immediately wiped her tears. "Deliver to my address," she said.

"Okay," said the driver, returning his focus to driving.

Drett... drett...

Phoebe heard her phone ringing but didn't want to check it at all because she knew maybe it was John who had been calling her. The woman felt very lazy to hear her husband's explanation because for her there was nothing to explain. what she had just seen seemed to have proven that her husband was not a good man for her, not a loyal person, and maybe this kind of affair would happen again and again.


In the car, John was driving restlessly looking for Phoebe. he even had time to go home, but his wife didn't come home, so he decided to look around the Ohio area.

"Damn it! Why did I get caught so quickly!" John growled at the steering wheel. "What should I do now I don't want Rachel to leave me, I also don't want Phoebe to leave me, especially since she's pregnant with my child!"

Drett ... drett ...

John immediately pulled over to his car, then answered the call which turned out to be Rachel.

"Hello, Rachel. Have you arrived in New York?"

"Yes...I have arrived. I just wanted to say that you should focus on improving your relationship with your wife. I don't want our relationship to destroy your relationship right now... It's too soon, I'm not even ready if I have to separate from Travis...So, I hope you can hold your wife because our relationship is still just for fun."

"Yeah, Rachel, thanks for understanding me," John said irritably, pleased that Rachel still wanted to be with him even though they had to stay away from each other for a while. "I don't know what to do. I love you ... I don't want you to leave me, but I also can't just leave my wife because it turns out ..,"

"What was it?"

"It turned out that she was pregnant. She came to the office suddenly to surprise me….but in the end, we surprised her with our affair," said John in a huff, unable to stop thinking about Phoebe.

"Oh my God ..."

"Now I don't know where she is….I've been looking for her for a long time but I can't find her," said John, glancing around, hoping to find Phoebe.

"John... Our relationship did go wrong... But... But I really can't be away from you. I'm crying right now, I'm in the airport toilet...I'm really sad about this situation..."

John took a deep breath, feeling so dizzy that he massaged his forehead. "Rachel... Don't be sad. Even if Phoebe has a child from me, it won't stop me from loving you."

"I can't force you to leave her either because I can't leave Travis either, but I want you," Rachel said, sounding sad.

"We'll have to be patient for now. I'll continue to look for my wife now. . . I am really worried about her and I also believe that if my parents found out about this matter and found out she was pregnant, my parents would be very angry with me. I hope she doesn't tell my parents about this," said John angrily.

"In that case, okay ... .I'll turn off the phone first," Rachel said, sounding sad.

"Rachel, wait," John called.


"Don't cry ... I promise we will be able to have fun again. This is not the end of everything," said John reassuringly.

"I hope this isn't just a promise," Rachel said and then the phone went off.

John sighed, silent with his gaze straight ahead. The man was really confused, thinking about where else to look for his wife. he had tried to call several times but got no answer, leaving him completely at a loss for what to do.

"I'd better go home. Maybe she's home by now," he said then wanted to buy his car back on the way home.


Phoebe had just arrived home. she went straight to the room at a slow pace, feeling tired, weak, and demoralized. The woman also felt dizzy, even her stomach began to feel unfriendly to the situation because she felt nauseous, making her rush to the bathroom when she arrived at the room.

"Oh my god... what should I do now? I can't go on like this… I don't want to share the love." Phoebe said weakly after throwing up in the bathroom. She leaned against the wall, then closed her eyes for a moment as if trying to calm herself down.

Phoebe was silent and remembered when John was so hot pump Rachel who sighed with pleasure, made her feel disgusted and curious since when her husband started the affair.

"He touched another woman….he used his hands to touch another woman's body, then after that, he was with me again… This is disgusting… I don't want to be touched by him again, I don't want to!" Phoebe screamed, then opened the bathroom door and threw her bag away to the walk-in closet..after that, she locked the bathroom again and began to strip her clothes leaving only her bra and black underwear, then turned on the shower.

Phoebe sat huddled up, letting the cold water soak her body a little to refresh her. She cried, ruffling her hair in frustration, imagining how her husband had always been nice to her and yet still wanted to make love to another woman.

"I hate you, I hate you..!" said Phoebe in tears of emotion, even started rubbing her body very roughly saying, "I don't want to be touched by you again, I don't want to ... I don't want to get touched by your dirty hands. I hate you, John. I hate it! "

dizzy, cold, hurt, and constantly thinking about what she saw in the office earlier, Phoebe couldn't control herself anymore. Breathing heavily, she leaned against the wall weakly bending her knees. the woman looked so pitiful, silent with a blank stare and drenched with such messy hair, lamenting her bad luck. giving no parents, no possessions, made her feel like a useless human, like a stupid human who ended up just being betrayed.
