painful explanations and facts

John entered the house that looked deserted and continued immediately to the room by jogging across the stairs until finally arriving at the room and looking around in hopes of finding Phoebe.

"Phoebe... Phoebe, I can explain everything..we can fix everything," said John as he walked to the balcony terrace.

Arriving on the balcony terrace, John still couldn't find Phoebe. He went back into the room and then entered the walk-in closet room until he heard the sound of gurgling water looking for the bathroom. The man immediately approached the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Phoebe... Are you there?" John asked, tapping his face close to the bathroom door. "Phoebe… Please give me a chance to explain everything. Please don't be like this….I'm sorry, and I just found out that you came to tell me that you're pregnant... I'm so happy about the news!"

Repeatedly knocked and talked, but still did not get a response from the direction in the bathroom. John immediately opened the door which was not locked, then entered and his eyes successfully widened when he saw Phoebe slumped limply on the floor with water still running down her body who was only wearing a bra and underwear.

"Oh my God, Phoebe...!"

John panicked, immediately turned off the shower, and took a towel to cover part of Phoebe's body. He rushed to take his wife into the room, then put her on the bed and wiped her body until it was a little dry. the man immediately wrapped his wife's body, then sat beside her, trying to wake her up.

"Phoebe... Wake up. Please don't be like this? I don't want to be bad to you or I'll never be able to forgive myself!" John said with worried, looked at Phoebe's pale face, and lightly patted her cheek.

Phoebe slowly woke up, opening her eyes to see John smiling at her. She immediately shifted, moved her body away from her husband, and looked at him with teary eyes.

"Do not touch me!" She said.

"Phoebe, I know I was wrong... Give me a chance to make things right!" said John pleadingly. "Please don't torture yourself just because of this problem, because it could endanger your health, the health of my future child!"

"Don't act like you care, bastard!" Phoebe cried, crying uncontrollably, thinking back to when John was so hot making love with Rachel. She leaned against the headboard, bent her knees, and ruffled her hair in frustration, refusing to look at her husband again. "I can't accept that, I can't... You are mean, you have the heart... You use your hand to touch another woman, then after that, you come back to me again. That's disgusting!"

"Phoebe, I did that because she teased me!" said John loudly.

"And you are tempted, you can't take care of yourself!" said Phoebe in emotional tears. "If you are tempted and then you want to have a relationship with her, it means you will continue to be like that. You are not a loyal man!"

John sighed, and fell silent with his face bent, feeling that what Phoebe said was true.

"I didn't think you didn't do this. It turns out that your sweet attitude doesn't guarantee your loyalty, you are evil... You bastard!" said Phoebe.

"Yeah….I was like that, but it was all over," said John resignedly.

Phoebe took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly, trying to calm herself down. She glanced back at John, always remembering the incident a few days ago inhaling the scent of women's perfume on his clothes, then seeing him carrying his cellphone in the bathroom and going out of town for 2 days without being able to be contacted.

"Since when were you with her?" She asked.

"Just a few days," John answered honestly.

"Are you out of town with her too?"


Phoebe sighed, closing her eyes for a moment, tears welling up again, for her heart ached as a thousand needles had stabbed her. John's confession completely broke her heart, but she came to know that her husband was not good for her.

"You don't love me," she said sadly.

John looked directly at Phoebe. "I love you... Even though I'm with her, I never forget you...You are still number one in my heart, you are my wife... You have me and I have you. Of course, I love you!"

"But you were with her...."

"Because she's teasing me, and I can't avoid it either... This is hard, it's not as easy as you think!" John confirmed, turning to blame Phoebe. "I was unfaithful, but I still love you... I made you the main one, I fulfilled all my duties as a husband. I made you happy without demanding anything from you, even I raised your degree... gave everything for you whereas not much you did for me. You should be grateful that I still love you!"

For a moment Phoebe was silent with feelings that were getting sicker, because the words seemed to belittle her, demeaning her as a poor wife who was unable to make her husband happy.

"I don't need your love or you make me happy if you are unfaithful. It's all useless, totally useless….even this wealth means nothing to me... What I want is your loyalty and love... not your money!" She asserted with increasingly emotional tears. "Why do you say that...You say as if I am just a poor woman who should be grateful because I got you who has everything. Yeah, I'm grateful, but that doesn't mean you can act arbitrarily on me by betraying me... It's the same as you don't love me. You're mean!"

"Sorry...I can't control myself. I know I suck, But I don't know what to do because it's already been," said John with annoyance.

Phoebe sighed, glancing at John who had pleaded guilty. "Then stop your affair."

"I can't."

Phoebe is crying again. "Why? Do you love her more than me?"

"I love you both and I don't want to lose any of you!" John emphasized, remembering Rachel who had called earlier in tears.

"Does that mean you will have two wives?" Phoebe asked as she continued to cry, it hurt even more when John confessed that he loved the love that women. It made her feel no longer special as a wife, feeling unable to share the love.

"I don't know," John whispered, turning his head away.

Phoebe fell silent again and glanced at John who had no longer made her the main one because there was another woman in his heart, without even refusing to admit that he loved her. Her heart was breaking, even more, feeling unable to continue all this, because she felt that she would be left out, felt that her husband would stand up for that woman more, and of course, she didn't want to share the love. it never occurred to her at all, it was like a nightmare for her, even for all women in this world.

"Let's just divorce," she said quietly.

Quickly John stood up, and turned his head, staring at Phoebe with a sharp gaze. "Are you crazy? Do you want to divorce me when you are pregnant with my child? That will never happen!" He emphasized emotions that just peaked.
