decision to go with Matheo

After confirming that John had left the house, Matheo immediately entered the room and approached Phoebe who was sitting curled up on the bed crying. Seeing his sister who was so pitiful, the teenager felt crushed and weak.

"I've heard it all before," he said.

Phoebe immediately wiped her tears, then turned to look at Matheo. "you're home. You came home earlier than usual."

"The lecturer only reviewed one material because he suddenly had important business," Matheo explained as he sat on the edge of the bed. "We'd better get out of here. This is not a good place for us, especially you," he continued.

Phoebe sighed, trying to calm herself down.

"John doesn't seem worthy of being your husband. I also don't want you to be hurt continuously," said Matheo bending his face.

"If we leave from here, it's useless because he must be after me. After all, you haven't finished college yet….I don't want your college to be ruined just because of the impact of my problems," said Phoebe steadfastly. "For the time being let it be like this ... I don't want your future to be ruined. Where are we running to anyway... We have nowhere to go but to Canada. but it was useless because he would definitely come there and pick me up again. It's not easy to run away from this reality," she continued sadly.

"Don't think too much about my college...I can handle it by compromising with my professor and with my friends who might be able to help me. I will explain the current situation so they will help me," said Matheo, then turned to look at Phoebe with pity. "Let's get out of here. We're looking for the safest place then your crazy husband won't be able to find us. I don't want you to be here holding on to heartache that will only bring you down... then pain... You're more precious than anything."

Phoebe fell silent with a bend in her face, feeling that what Matheo said was true. She'd be hurting even more if she stayed here with John, who was with her but loved another woman and might still be seeing her in secret.

"Sis, let's get out of here," Matheo said softly.

"But where are we going?" Phoebe asked in a hoarse voice.

Matheo was silent for a moment, then reach into his jacket pocket. "I'll try to call a friend of mine who has family in New York," he said.

Phoebe sighed, waiting for Matheo who was looking for a solution. She also chose to get out of bed, then walked to her suitcase which was lying on the floor in front of the walk-in closet. looking at the suitcase, she thought back to how John was so angry when she was about to leave, then dragged her to the bed.

'This is the first time he's been so rude to me just because he doesn't want me to leave and also wants to maintain his affair with that woman. maybe he can continue to be rude if I choose to stay here...then it's not happy that I get from this marriage, but only suffering and maybe my child will also suffer because will see father love another woman besides me,' Phoebe thought, feeling her stomach which was still flat. 'I haven't even been to the obstetrician to check my pregnancy.'

"Sis, I've found a solution," said Matheo.

Phoebe also turned to Matheo who stood up and approached her.

"We're going to New York today too..then when we get there we will occupy one of my friend's apartments which are not occupied because he is in this city," said Matheo enthusiastically.

"But... Is that okay?" Phoebe asked anxiously. "I mean ... what if his parents don't agree with us living in his apartment?"

"His parents are very rich. He said his parents wouldn't mind us living in his apartment," Matheo replied calmly, looking down at his older sister who was shorter than him. "You don't have to worry. Now you better get ready. We have to get going before that damn John comes home and stops us," he continued enthusiastically.

"Okay then..." Phoebe nodded her head. "You'd better pack up soon too...We have to hurry because John said he'd be back soon."

"I'll help you first," said Matheo immediately taking Phoebe's suitcase. He immediately helped his sister to pack up as quickly as possible, he also booked a plane ticket to New York soon.

Phoebe took out some of her clothes from the closet, then Matheo put them in the suitcase. she also brought some things that she used frequently in her daily life, then took off her wedding ring and put it on the divan.

"Matheo, but after this, we won't have any money," she said.

"The problem of money we can find. I'll find a job when I get there. Maybe work part-time so I can focus on college," said Matheo casually.

."For the time being, we can live comfortably without working because I have savings from my work before marrying John. We can use it to meet our needs, pay for your college ... .or maybe open a small business," Phoebe said, picking out some of the two pretty good sandals available on a shelf filled with plush sandals and heels, then stuffing them into her suitcase.

"For the time being it has to be because I have to deal with my lecturer..after that, I promise I will soon find a job to meet our needs," said Matheo, quickly stuffing Phoebe's clothes.

"Matheo, you'd better pack up now..I'll continue camping by myself," Phoebe exclaimed, afraid that John would come back soon and mess up her plans with Matheo.

Matheo immediately left the room and went to his room to pack too.

phoebe closed her suitcase, then took her out of the walk-in closet. She immediately put on light make-up, then put her make-up equipment into a medium-sized sling bag, then took out her phone which was located on the table near the bed.

"I can't use my phone's SIM card anymore because that would allow John to find me," she said, quickly pulling her sim card out of her phone. After that, she put the phone in the bag along with the charger.

Feeling ready, Phoebe immediately walked out of the room dragging her suitcase. she stopped when she reached the doorway, looked back, and stared at the atmosphere in the room. The shadow of her and John spending those lovely nights in that room flashed through her mind again, making her feel sad that such a sweet thing would never happen again.

'I must be strong… I must not be weak. .being here constantly will only make me constantly despised by John... He will continue to do it arbitrarily just because he is rich and caters to all my needs and Matheo's too. I can even raise my child,' she thought, then quickly walked out of the room with all the determination in her heart. The woman did not have any doubts about leaving her husband, because her heart was very disappointed and hurt.
