hit by the situation

When it was five o'clock in the afternoon New York time, finally Phoebe and Matheo arrived at a fairly luxurious apartment. They went straight to floor number 9 where Matheo's friend's apartment unit was located.

"Sis, are you okay?" Matheo asked when he noticed that Phoebe looked weak and pale.

"I'm fine, Matheo. I just need to rest and... A little hungry," Phoebe replied calmly.

"Hemm, I'll order food immediately," said Matheo then immediately reached into his jacket pocket, then tried to order food through food delivery.


The elevator opens. Matheo and Phoebe immediately got out of the elevator dragging their suitcases and carrying their bags down the metallic corridor until they arrived at Matheo's friend's apartment unit.

Matheo uses a code his friend told him to open the apartment door, while Phoebe takes his cell phone to pick out food.

beep beep...

Finally, the door opened. Matheo carried his suitcase and Phoebe's suitcase into the apartment, while Phoebe continued to follow him after successfully ordering food.

Phoebe looked at the atmosphere of the apartment with a metallic nuance, then stopped at the living room which was quite spacious, equipped with a modern interior that was dominated by silver color. The woman chose to sit on the bluish-gray couch, then leaned her back because she was tired.

"Is he going to find me and find out I'm here? Or maybe he's just silent Because he already has another woman in his heart?" Phoebe sighed, then took out her phone which was stored in her bag. She looked at the wallpaper which was a photo of her together with John when they were still doing honeymoon in Paris a few months ago. "I miss him but I hate him too….I didn't think the love he gave was not completely given only to me, but also to his old love."

Phoebe started crying again as if she still couldn't accept this fact. it feels like just yesterday she made a holy promise before God with John, and now that sacred promise is like being broken like it is destroyed and is no longer useful and has no meaning anymore.

"Oh my God..." Phoebe sighed, clutching her chest which felt tight from this situation. Hunger, nausea, dizziness, pressure, as if mixed into one.

Too tired and dizzy, finally Phoebe fell asleep on the couch. Matheo who had just come back from the room after putting down the suitcase and cleaning the mattress immediately carried her to the room and laid her on the bed.

"Oh my God, I thought by getting a rich husband, my sister would be happy. But not….now she's suffering more, has a burden ... I really can't see her like this," Matheo whispered while glancing at Phoebe who was sleeping with a face that looked wrinkled, it was clear that her face was still a bit damp and puffy from crying a lot..yeah, the fact is that when she was still on the plane, the woman also cried a lot, because she was still thinking about her husband's lecherous behavior.

'I'd better start contacting my professor now and persuading him so I can be allowed to study online only. I can't leave my sister here alone ... Nor can I go back to Ohio because John will definitely meet me, or maybe follow me when I get back here. That would make my sister insecure,' Matheo thought as he stood up. he immediately came out of the room while trying to contact his lecturer and also waiting for the food that was ordered earlier.


John stopped his car in the yard, then immediately got off and walked into the house hastily. The man walked while unbuttoning his shirt because he felt hot, and felt like taking a shower. Hmm, even after making love to Rachel and then getting caught by his wife, the man hasn't even had time to take a shower.

"Why is it so quiet? Could it be that she's still in her room and crying?"

John was curious when he arrived in the living room. He immediately went to the upstairs room by crossing the stairs feeling a little worried because the bedroom door was open while he knew that his wife never left the bedroom door open.

Arriving in the room, John immediately looked at the empty bed. He walked toward the balcony, and back into the master bedroom until his gaze fell on the dressing table.

"All her make-up equipment is gone... Could she possibly leave this house?"

John immediately entered the walk-in closet. He opened his wife's wardrobe, his eyes suddenly widened when he saw that some of his wife's clothes were gone, even the suitcase that he had thrown away was gone.

"Damn it, she's gone!" John shouted, then slammed the closet door shut. His emotions immediately spoke, his breath caught imagining his wife who went pregnant while he still loved her and couldn't decide whether to stay with her or with his mistress. he wasn't ready to lose her at all, making him feel like he wanted to find her right away.

John returned to the master bedroom, sat on the edge of the bed, and tried to contact Phoebe.

"Damn it, the number is no longer active. She must be doing this on purpose so she can run away from me so I can't find her!" said John furiously, clenching his strong fists. "I'd better call the people related to Matheo. I'm sure she went with Matheo... I'll find him soon!"

John switched to contacting someone else.

"Hello, Sam. I want you to find my wife right now!" said John.

"But . . . Where has your wife gone?" asked someone named Sam over the phone.

"You stupid!" snapped John. ."If I knew where she was, I definitely wouldn't have told you to look for her!"

"Uh, sorry. I was wrong earlier. What I mean is, what's the reason your wife left?"

"Never mind, it's none of your business. But for sure you have to help me to find my wife..she is crazy, even now she is pregnant. I don't want anything bad to happen to her!"

"Okay ... I'll look for it now. I hope I will get a good reward," said Sam casually then the phone was disconnected.

John sighed, then lay down with his legs dangling over the edge of the bed. He stared at the ceiling, imagining what had happened today was so stressful. the man was afraid that his wife would never come back to him, and his relationship with Rachel was also unclear.

'Oh my God... what should I do now? I'm not ready to lose her... She is a good and loyal wife….but I also couldn't shake off my love for Rachel . . . not at all. I'm such an asshole... I don't know why I have to love two women at the same time... I can't even choose one of them!'

John massaged his forehead, feeling dizzy by the situation. He was also worried that his parents would come to see him and find out that it was his wife who ran away from home, and it was all because of his affair with Rachel...