Phoebe's plan with Alicia

After almost 30 minutes of waiting, the food Phoebe ordered finally arrived. Matheo immediately received the food from the food delivery officer, then brought it into the living room. The young man immediately went to the room to wake up his sister who was hungry but had fallen asleep.

"Sis, wake up, the food is here," said Matheo, patting Phoebe's cheek lightly.

Phoebe squirmed a little as if to stretch her stiff muscles. The woman slowly opened her eyes and glanced at Matheo who was sitting beside her.

"The food has arrived..we should eat now and then after that you clean up and continue to rest," said Matheo then walked out of the room.

Phoebe immediately got up and washed her face in the bathroom. after that, she followed Matheo into the living room, immediately sat there, and looked at some of the food menus she ordered. The food menu consists of two burgers, two servings of french fries and there are also drinks.

"You shouldn't eat food like this because it's not good for your health...I know you're pregnant," Matheo said casually while devouring french fries, swiping his phone screen as well.

"Did you hear the whole conversation I had with John?" Phoebe asked.

"Apparently," Matheo replied in a huff. "At that time I just entered the house and I heard you guys talking in a loud voice like you were emotional. I heard your crying voice and finally, I overheard your conversation...I didn't think that John was like that, even though before I admired him and made him my inspiration to become a man who can treat his wife well. But it turns out that behind that kind attitude he is very cruel to you, cruel in terms of feelings."

"I didn't think so either."

"That means it's true that during 2 days out of town, he was with that woman. Today's affair has gone quite a long way. Not just having an affair by communicating, but they must have done..." Matheo didn't dare to continue his sentence because it was already a taboo subject.

"It's true they've done it I saw them do it at the office," said Phoebe remembering the time John made love to Rachel. ." I will keep remembering that incident so I can hate John. I have to hate him because getting back with him will only make me hurt," she continued then immediately ate a burger.

Matheo nodded, then ate while playing on his phone. Phoebe just remembered that Matheo should have deactivated his phone sim card because if it was still active it would be tracked by John.

"Matheo, are you still using the cell phone number that John knows?" she asked.

"No, I used a new card that I happened to have...I threw away my old card when we were at the airport. You don't have to worry, he won't be able to track us down." Matheo explained casually.

"Then I'll borrow it for a bit. I have to call Alicia because she must be looking for me," said Phoebe.

"Wait a moment."

Phoebe went back to eating the burger until it was gone because she was too hungry. After that, she also ate French fries, occasionally drinking a drink in the form of orange juice that was available there.

"You can contact Alicia via telegram. It will be very safe...You can't open an Instagram account or anything else," Matheo exclaimed as he handed his phone to Phoebe.

"Okay. I'll download the telegram later," said Phoebe as she grabbed Matheo's cell phone who was calling Alicia. she also stood up while carrying the french fries earlier, then walked towards the side terrace.

Phoebe tried to contact Alicia several times, but finally got connected.

"Alicia, it's me... Phoebe. I using Matheo's cell phone," said Phoebe.

"Gosh, I guess who because it's a new number and no photos at all!" Alicia sounded panicked and then asked, "Where is the cellphone going? Why did you have to borrow your brother's cell phone?"

Phoebe sighed and then sat on a beige lounge chair on the side terrace which was quite spacious with a beautiful view around the building.

"I still have my phone but I want to throw my sim card away because I don't want John to call me," she explained then said, "John cheated on me. I don't want to keep our marriage if he stays in a relationship with that woman..but he's still in a relationship with that woman and asked me to stay at his house, isn't that crazy? That's why I left him immediately, I left Ohio."

"Oh my God, John cheated on you, then you left!" Alicia sounded even more panicked. "I didn't expect this to happen to you while what I know is that your marriage relationship with him is very harmonious."

"And harmony doesn't mean happy, Alicia," said Phoebe with a bend in her face. "It turned out that John was unfaithful. He kept another woman in his heart….even his affair with the woman was quite far ... They had spent two days together when John said he was out of town on business," he continued.

"Outrageous! Then where are you now? Are you sure you can be safe from his pursuit?"

"I'm in New York now," said Phoebe.

"What, are you in New York? Which part of New York? Please tell me your address so I can come to you after I recover!" Alicia sounded so enthusiastic, maybe because she was also in New York right now.

"I live in Matheo's friend's apartment..I'll send the address later," said Phoebe with a faint smile because of Alicia's enthusiasm. "But if you don't recover by tomorrow, it seems like I'll just come to your place of work because I feel like I need a job," she continued with an idea that popped up instantly.

"What? .you want to work here with me?"

"I don't know but I want to see the situation there. if I feel like it, then I will apply for a job there," said Phoebe with her heart saying, 'I won't tell about my pregnant state so that nothing can stop me from working..maybe work for a few months I still can, by covering my pregnancy which has not expanded.'

"If that's what you want, I agree, Phoebe. I will persuade my boss to accept you if you are interested in working here," said Alicia this time sounding calm. "But if you come here tomorrow, you have to be careful. Don't let John's people find out where you are," she continued.

"Yeah, Alicia. I'll be careful. Now I'll turn off the phone... I have to continue eating, then rest again. I'm so tired..later I will contact you with my account on telegram," said Phoebe then ate French fries again.

"Okay then, I'll sleep. I use this pain to laze in the room," said Alicia.

"Hahaha... you madman. You're happy on top of your body's suffering!"

"Hahaha, yeah ... But that's the truth. Maids can only rest when they're sick," said Alicia with a chuckle.

"Well then, see you tomorrow," said Phoebe then hung up the phone. she immediately got up from the chair, then walked back into the room because she still felt uncomfortable. 'I get worried if John asks his people to look for me. I don't want to go back to him….I have to work in a closed place like home, because if it's in a shop or restaurant, it will be easy for people to find me!' she was afraid.
