Selfish couple

The next day ...

John stretched, stretched his stiff muscles, and then tilted his head and groped his side as if to hug someone. The man was silent and opened his eyes, staring at the empty place where Phoebe should be there.

"Where is she now? is she okay? She's pregnant... She must be having a hard time and probably no money either." John said wearily, then shifted so that he leaned back against the headboard. . . the man reached his hand towards the bedside table and took out his phone.

"Sam should have told me the progress of finding Phoebe," he said then immediately contacted his confidant.

After calling several times, John finally connected with Sam.

"Hello, Sam. Have you found a clue as to where my wife is?" asked John.

"She's most likely in New York," Sam replied, sounding like he'd just woken up.

"New York?" John frowned.

"Yes. Yesterday I checked the passenger history at the airport...I found data on your wife and her brother transiting to New York on one of the planes there," Sam explained.

John was silent with a blank stare, thinking about what Phoebe was doing in New York because he knew that none of her relatives lived there.

"Why did she go there? Then where does she live? Is she renting a house?" John wondered.

"John, I'll do another search later. Now let me sleep," Sam called out.

"Ok you can sleep now," said John and then immediately hung up. he continued to think about Phoebe and Matheo. "Okay... I'm going to New York today. Maybe I can meet Rachel too because I miss her. I want to see her okay... I can't help but care for her too," he continued in a huff.

John got out of bed. Immediately walk to the walk-in closet room until you get there. The man immediately took off his clothes, put them in a special basket for dirty clothes, then entered the bathroom. He immediately pressed the power shower button, then his body was immediately splashed by the cold water.

"Damn it, it's so cold!" cursed John while lowering his head while his hands began to run his hair until it was completely wet. 'If there was Phoebe, she would have prepared warm water for me before I showered. Even breakfast will always be available. But today I have to eat breakfast outside, and the house is going to be a mess because nothing is done. Looks like I'll have to hire a maid,' she thought.


In a luxurious white house, in the room to be precise, Rachel was sleeping so soundly on a Queen size bed with a white bed sheet.


Open door. a man dressed as a doctor entered the room and went straight to Rachel. The man wearing black pants combined with a dark blue top and a white coat sat on the edge of the bed, then stroked the girl's forehead with a surprised look.

"Honey, how come your forehead hurt like this?" he asked.

Rachel woke up, squirmed for a moment, and glanced at the man sitting beside her. "Travis," she said wearily.

"What happened to you, why did you get hurt?" asked the man who turned out to be Travis, Rachel's lover.

"I'm fine. It's just minor harm from a bump when I was at grandma's house," Rachel lied and then put her arm around Travis' waist and closed her eyes again. "I didn't expect you to come here so early," she continued.

"I came because I missed you..since yesterday you haven't contacted me ... I miss you, I can't stop thinking about you," Travis explained as he brushed Rachel's slightly tousled hair.

"I'm busy with my friends there..we spent time together while I was there," Rachel lied, then glanced at Travis who looked like he was about to leave for the hospital. "I thought you were here to spend time with me since I haven't seen you in a long time. But you're leaving for work."

Travis sighed. "I can't leave my duty. But I promise when my hours are over I'll be here again."

"That means you can still hold back your longing for me. There you don't miss me that much," Rachel said curtly, shifting her back to Travis. "Now you can go, work is more important than me," she continued somewhat annoyed.

"Oh my God, why are you even angry?" asked Travis in frustration.

"I'm not angry," Rachel replied.

"But you act like this… You don't understand me, Rachel….You know, my job is also about the health of my patients who are pregnant women... They need to ensure the health of their babies. .I, as their doctor of choice, have a huge responsibility for the health and safety of their baby," Travis explained in frustration, then stood up. "I can't help but wonder why you always fuss about this like you don't like my job?" he asked.

"Because you don't prioritize me at all," Rachel replied irritably. "You say you miss me, but you will still leave me even though you see I'm not okay...You could have postponed your job but you didn't do that because you care more about your patients than I do."

"Okay ..." Travis sighed, feeling like he wanted to go along with all of Rachel's requests. He was about to sit back down but suddenly his phone which was in his white coat pocket rang. The man immediately answered the call as he walked away from the bed.

"Hello, Anne?"

"Dr. Travis, you must come to the hospital immediately because there is a patient with an urgent condition," said someone named Anne over the phone.

"Okay, I'll be right over," Travis said quickly and then hung up. he turned back to Rachel who was now staring at him, making him feel guilty for having to leave her.

"Go away," Rachel shouted curtly.

"Honey, I promise I'll be back when I'm done with this one patient," Travis said, realizing that Rachel had overheard his conversation with Anne.

"I know, you can go now," Rachel said.

Travis walked over to Rachel, then kissed her forehead briefly. After that, he immediately left even though he knew that his lover was very disappointed. The man could not put his lover first because his patient who was in an urgent condition needed him.

"And when you treat a critical patient, you won't come home or come here until the afternoon or evening. You'll be in the hospital all the time... You care too much about your patients," Rachel whispered with an annoyed look at Travis who was getting further away, and passed from her sight.

Feeling fed up, annoyed, and not wanting Travis even more, Rachel turned to call John. Yeah, John was all she wanted, which was always a relief.

"Hello, John."

"Rachel, are you okay?" asked John sounding worried. "I've been calling you since earlier but you didn't answer..are you in an unsafe situation to talk to me?"

Rachel smiled faintly, imagining John's handsome face. "I'm fine, John. I didn't answer earlier because I was still sleeping," she said.

"Thanks for that," said John, sounding relieved.

Rachel smiled faintly. "What about your wife?"

"She ran away from home with her brother. And just so you know, she went to New York. I'm planning to go to New York today to look for her," said John anxiously. "I was hoping you could come to see me for a bit when I wasn't looking for it... I Miss you."

Rachel fell silent, remembering that Travis was busy taking care of patients. She thought it was the right chance to meet John.
