to Travis' house

Phoebe removed the seatbelt that was attached to her body, while Matheo sat beside her glancing at the house near the taxi they were riding now.

"This is your friend's place of work?" Matheo asked.

"Yeah, this is the address she sent me," Phoebe replied then opened the car door and got out. She walked closer to the gate but before she turned back to look at Matheo who was still in the car but opened the window. "You don't pick me up later...I'm going home alone," she continued.

"No, I will come here around 05.00 and you have to be ready to go back to my friend's apartment. You have to obey because it's for good," said Matheo with a flat look. "John could have asked his people to scatter looking for you. And that would get you caught if you took public transportation like the train or bus ... So I don't want to take the risk."

"Okay then at 5 p.m. you come here," said Phoebe then walked towards the closed gate. She immediately glanced at the gaps in the black gate and saw that there was security who immediately opened it.

The security guard, dressed in black and blue, let Phoebe in, then immediately closed the gate again. Security, who is a man with a dashing stature, aged around 40 years, looked at Phoebe who was staring at the magnificent white house in front of her.

"Miss, did you come here looking for Dr. Travis or something else?" asked the security.

"I'm not looking for a doctor but I came here to meet my friend who works as a housekeeper here," said Phoebe, then took out her phone and showed the security guard Alicia's photo. "Her name is Alicia and she told me she works here," she said.

The security nodded his head when he saw Alicia's photo. "She does work here and you can see her just go in, you can call her so she can get out of the room because she's still not very well," he said.

"Okay then, I meet her now," said Phoebe then immediately walked into a luxurious house with clean white nuances that were very classic but elegant. there are several large vases complete with ornamental flowers around the terrace, complemented by a small elongated pond filled with clear water and ornamental fish.

Phoebe stepped on the pure white floor of the terrace, making her feel like she had to make sure that the sandals she was wearing were clean so they wouldn't stain the white floor. The woman wearing a gray suit continued walking until she arrived at the door and immediately contacted Alicia while knocking on the door.

"Alicia, now I'm at your master's door," said Phoebe when she connected with Alicia.

"Then you just go in because the door is unlocked," Alicia exclaimed, sounding finished. "You don't have to be shy because there's only me in this big house," she continued.

"Okay I'll come in," said Phoebe immediately hung up the phone.

Phoebe immediately opened the large white door with both hands, then looked at the atmosphere of the living room which was so majestic. The woman walked slowly into the luxurious house, looking for the location of Alicia's room until she passed several rooms.


Phoebe looked back when she realized someone was calling her. She looked back and saw Alicia standing by the door of a room that was probably hers. She immediately walked over to her friend and hugged her.

"Finally we meet again!"

"And we met with very bad conditions. You are hurt while I am physically sick," said Alicia as she let go of Phoebe's hug. She smiled, look weak and pale wearing a gray suit and let his hair down just like that. "Did you come alone or did you come with Matheo?" She asked.

"I'm alone because Matheo is on important business, but he will pick me up at five o'clock," Phoebe replied casually, then glanced at the atmosphere of the house. "Your boss's house is magnificent, even grander than John's," she continued.

Alicia sighed and immediately led Phoebe to walk to the sofa in the living room, saying, "This house is indeed more luxurious than your husband's house. And I am very tired of having to clean this house every day."

"I think you will be very tired if you clean the house alone every day. Maybe I can help you by working here for a few months," said Phoebe taking advantage of her current condition, which did not look pregnant because her stomach was still not distended.

"Are you serious?" asked Alicia with a look.

Phoebe nodded then said "it's better than just sitting in Matheo's friend's apartment. I also work because I need money because I don't get money from John anymore."

"Makes sense ... .and continuing to be here won't get you discovered by John or his people. This is the safest place for you," said Alicia seriously. "I will contact my employer now to inform him of this. I hope he agrees right away."

Phoebe just nodded then Alicia got up from the couch and went back to the room to get her phone.

In her room, Alicia took out her phone which was located on the medium-sized bed which was covered in gray. She sat there and then tried to contact her employer.

"Hello, Dr. Travis. I have good news for you," said Alicia when she was connected to her employer, who turned out to be Dr. Travis, who is Rachel's lover.

"What good news, Alicia? please get to the point because I'm really busy," Travis called over the phone, sounding a little stern.

"I have a friend who came from Ohio. She needed a job and she was willing to work here for a few months," explains Alicia.

"Is she diligent and can cook?"

"Of course. She is very diligent, beautiful, and good at cooking," said Alicia, making Phoebe look good in Travis' eyes.

"Alright then, you accept her and from tomorrow can work to help you..but watch out, if she's not what you say she is, then it causes trouble, you're the one responsible," Travis said seriously. "I'm busy. I turned off the phone."

"Yes, doc."

The phone connection is lost. Alicia immediately got out of bed and walked out of the room. She rushed over to Phoebe who was staring at the photo on the wall in the living room.

"They're all doctors," Phoebe mumbled as she saw the family photo hung on the wall with its massive black frame. The photo shows a large family who is all dressed like doctors, wearing white coats.

"That's my employer's extended family..they have one big hospital in this city and then there are branches in other cities," Alicia explained as she walked over to Phoebe. She tiptoed slightly towards the photo, right at the man standing on the far side. . . "It is my master who will be our master because he accepted you," she continued.

"Wow... Turns out he's the introverted employer," said Phoebe with her eyes focused on Travis. "He's handsome," she continued.

Alicia smiled faintly. "He is handsome, sweet, gentle and he is an obstetrician. You can imagine how if he became his wife he would be very happy because he knows how to treat pregnant women."

Phoebe suddenly fell silent with fear, afraid that she would find out that she was pregnant because her employer was an obstetrician who might know about the signs of a pregnant person.

'Huh, I hope I don't get caught,' she thought nervously.

