Rachel's Arrival

At 10:00 am, Phoebe can finally rest after finishing cleaning up. The woman was grateful that her employer's house was not too dirty so it was easy to clean and everything was done quickly. She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled up a pillow to lean on.

"Lucky I'm used to tidying a big house like this so I'm not too tired," Phoebe muttered then massaged her shoulder. "But my shoulders are a little sore… My waist feels hot too. And I'm also a little dizzy….Is this the effect because I'm pregnant?"

Phoebe felt her stomach which was still flat, imagining that there was a fetus there from her love with John. The woman feels sad when she remembers that her sweet love story finally ended in bitterness and is now on the brink, just waiting for the time to run aground.

"Baby, no matter what happens, mommy will continue to fight to keep you by my side when you are born. Mommy will protect you, will not let you be taken by daddy because he is not good for you," said Phoebe while remembering John's manipulative attitude and still wanting to break up with Rachel even though he knew she was pregnant.

Drett... Drett...

Her cell phone on the table by the bed rang to the tune of Lana Del Rey's song Chemtrails over the country club. She immediately took the sophisticated object and saw an incoming call from Matheo, then answered it.

"Hello, Matheo?"

"Sis, are you okay? How was your work today? Is your boss so grumpy that you work hard?" Meteo immediately wondered.

Phoebe smiled faintly. "You don't have to worry. I'm fine and my master is also very kind..my work is not too tiring because in this house there is only me, him and Alicia and there is one security guard," she answered.

"Thankfully then I'm relieved to hear that. Now I'm looking for my new job," said Matheo.

Phoebe frowned. "Matheo, you better watch out. I'm worried if John and his men find you."

"You don't have to worry, Sis. I'll find some homework. Maybe be a driver or a gardener or whatever. I avoid public places."

"It is better ... .but while you're looking for a job like this, you have to be careful because I'm sure John and his people are looking for us. I don't want to go back to him."

"You take it easy, Sis. I can take care of myself...Now I will take the bus because taking a taxi will make my money run out quickly," said Matheo.

"Well then, be careful," said Phoebe then the phone was disconnected.

Silently imagining Matheo who is used to living in luxury with the facilities provided by John, then now returns to living a poor life and has to look for work, which must always be difficult, Phoebe sheds tears. She feels like a failure as the only sister who has to take care of her brother, she feels everything is falling apart because she doesn't want to stay with John.

"I'm sorry, Matheo. All the trouble you got because of me," she said sadly.


Travis is working out in the workout room which is available on the ground floor to be exact near the side terrace. The man looks so sexy, wearing black shorts combined with a white t-shirt which is a bit wet because he is very sweaty.

Drett... Drett...

Travis stopped what he was doing lifting the barbell, and switching to his cell phone which was sitting on the chair. He saw an incoming call from Rachel, then answered it.

"Hello, honey."

"Honey, don't tell me you're going to the hospital today," Rachel said, sounding intimidating.

Travis smirked. "No, I'm not going to the hospital. It's a day off for me," he said.

"Okay then, now you go out because I'm already in front of the house," Rachel said.

"Is that true?"

"Hmm, I'm almost home now."

Travis immediately hung up the phone and hurried to wipe his body with the small towel that was available there. He took off his slightly wet t-shirt, left you shirtless, and walked towards the living room.

Rachel entered the living room and saw Alicia who was walking toward her room.

"Alicia, make me a drink," she called flatly.

"Okay miss," said Alicia immediately walking towards the kitchen.

Rachel put her red branded bag on the couch in the living room, then looked at Travis who came up to her and immediately kissed her on the lips.

"I miss you," Travis said.

"I miss you more," Rachel said, wrapping her arms around Travis' neck. "Why don't you get dressed?

did you just workout?" She asked.

"Yes, honey. A weekend without a workout is incomplete, and without you, it's also incomplete," Travis replied then kissed Rachel's soft cheek.

Rachel smiled faintly, then slipped her arm from Travis' neck. She pulled her lover to sit on the couch.

"What did you do yesterday that you didn't contact me at all?" asked Travis.

"Yesterday I went to a friend's house to talk about our online business...I will start receiving endorsements from their products, it will keep me busy on social media to promote their products," Rachel replied, whether it was a lie or not.

"That's good, at least you have activities. But..."

"But what?" Rachel asked, looking at the suddenly uneasy Travis.

"Don't accept to promote bras, underwear, or anything that makes you look sexy," Travis replied with a hopeful look, staring at Rachel who looks so sexy, wearing a dress that is very tight to the knees, can't hide her sexy chest and buttocks. "I don't like you wearing tight clothes like this. You should wear a blazer or coat so no one sees your sexiness," he continued.

Rachel let out a shaky breath, glancing at Travis who was starting to sort it out. "By the way, this is my body so I can do whatever I want."

"Did you forget that you are my fiancé?" asked Travis.

"I know, and I've never forgotten that status," Rachel replied, nodding her head. "But that doesn't mean you have the right to control me. After all, looking sexy is common, and it's like I'm expressing pride in my body. Please don't stop me... I'm yours, and looking sexy doesn't mean I'm willing to belong. others."

"But you will be seen by a lot of people, that means your sexy body is not something special to me anymore because that's what people are used to seeing," Travis said disappointedly and turned his face away. "I always wanted to be the special man in your life..that in the sense that only I can see your sexiness," he continued.

Rachel let out a shaky breath, looking at Travis who was so different from John who always gave her freedom.

Travis kept silent, somehow he remembered Phoebe who was so beautiful in simple and not sexy clothes. He glanced back at Rachel, imagining that if she dressed modestly and simple she might look very elegant and respectable, fitting perfectly with him as a doctor.

'Even I saw her looking like a bitch,' he thought.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Are you starting to regret having a fiancé who doesn't look sexy to your liking?" Rachel asked curtly.

"No," Travis replied with a faint smile always embracing Rachel from the side. "We'd better talk about something else..and maybe it's true that I have no right to control you because we are not married," he continued.

Rachel was silent, tired of Travis's dramatic attitude. She couldn't understand how she could spend all day with that man when she was already uncomfortable.

'If I hadn't been engaged to him, maybe things wouldn't have been so difficult. Maybe I should just leave him and then I go back to John. .and I'm not going to let John know I'm engaged to Travis Because I don't want him to be disappointed and leave me,' she thought.
