Phoebe meets Rachel

Feeling hungry and thirsty, Phoebe left the room and headed for the kitchen. She also thought about cooking for her employer, because she felt she didn't deserve a salary if she only worked to tidy up the luxurious house.

Arriving in the luxurious kitchen in black and white and furnished with modern furniture in color to match the nuances, Phoebe saw Travis grilling a slice of meat wearing only black shorts, revealing his stout upper body, more muscular than John's.

"Dr. Travis," she said.

Travis looked back, smiled at Phoebe who came over, and then focused on grilling meat.

"Phoebe," he said.

"I should be the one to cook because I work as a teacher," said Phoebe as she stood next to Travis. "You'd better sit down and let me continue," she continued.

"That's not necessary because I'm used to cooking myself," Travis said casually. "Besides, I cook for my fiancé," he continued.

"Your fiancé?"

"Yeah… she's here," Travis explained with a smile.

Phoebe was silent, imagining how beautiful Travis's fiancé looked. She felt she must be very lucky to have Travis who was so kind, had everything, and was so caring. .but she wasn't that impressed by all that because John was like that back then but it turned out to be all just a cover because kindness doesn't guarantee loyalty.

"If you want to cook something just do it but let me cook it myself now," Travis shouted, breaking Phoebe's thoughts.

"Ehh yeah... I'm just going to make a sandwich and hot tea," Phoebe said a little nervously. She immediately took three glasses from the shelf, then made hot tea. After that, she also made three sandwiches filled with various types of vegetables, corned beef, sauce, and mayonnaise.

Travis placed the cooked steak on a white plate, then added the vegetable topping as a garnish. He glanced at Phoebe who was baking sandwiches using the machine available in the kitchen.

"Why did you make 3 sandwiches and hot tea?" he asked.

."Because Alicia and the security guard must be hungry. They also need to eat," answered Phoebe casually.

Travis smiled faintly. "Yes, you're right."

Phoebe just nodded, waiting for the sandwich to be baked. She turned to the tray for the three cups of hot tea, while Travis was about to leave the kitchen.

"Honey, you've been cooking too long," Rachel said, walking over to Travis.

Hearing a female voice, Phoebe looked back while carrying the tray containing the three cups of tea as she was about to put it on the pantry table. She sees Travis face to face with a girl who turns out to be Rachel, mistress of her husband.


Phoebe accidentally dropped the tray and glasses filled with tea because of her shock. She had no idea that Travis's fiancé was Rachel, and of course, that made her feel sorry for Travis who must not have known about Rachel and John's affair.

"Phoebe..!" Travis looked at Phoebe who was still in shock, as did Rachel so shocked that her eyes widened.

"Ehh ... So... Sorry," said Phoebe immediately crouched down, picked up the broken glass, and put it on the tray.

Travis placed the plate of steak on the table, then helped Phoebe clear the floor of the broken glass.

"Oh my God, how come you brought them down?" he asked in surprise.

"Sorry, Doc... I didn't mean to," said Phoebe as she was about to pick up the broken glass and her heart was going, 'Oh my God, I didn't think Travis's fiancé was Rachel. Rachel is so outrageous, how could she betray Dr. Travis who was so kind and ideal as a husband.'

Rachel was silent, looking at Phoebe who already knew about her affair with John. Of course, it worried her that she would expose her affair with John to Travis when she wasn't at all ready for the mess. She remembered that John was also looking for Phoebe, and it turned out that Phoebe was here at her fiancé's house.

"Travis, who is she?" She asked pretending not to know.

Travis finished helping Phoebe, then stood up while Phoebe immediately threw the broken glass into the trash by putting it in the plastic first.

"She's the new maid here," Travis said, turning off the sandwich grill so it wouldn't burn, then walking over to Rachel. "She just started work today and she may be still in the situation here because she's never worked as a maid before," he continued.

Rachel nodded her head, looking at Phoebe who was now making tea again. "That means she is unprofessional. Then why did you accept her?"

"Because she needs work," Travis said then took the plate of steak. "We'd better eat now while the steak is still warm," he continued.

"Okay..." Rachel said, quickly following Travis but she often looked back to just see Phoebe. 'I don't think John knew she was here, and she was here to hide from John. I had to take advantage of the situation, I had to shut her up, I wasn't going to let her tell Travis about my affair with John,' she thought.

Phoebe was silent with an awkward feeling, feeling annoyed because she ended up being in the environment of the girl who became her husband's affair. She couldn't deny that she started to remember the incident 1 day ago when she caught John making love with that girl, it made her heart feel sick again even though she had felt comfortable and could forget the disgusting incident.

'If I hadn't been working here I probably wouldn't have met her. And now if I have to resign, it's very doubtful because it's very comfortable here. Dr. Travis is a very good boss and not too demanding...So unfortunate that he was betrayed, just like me, who was sincere but also betrayed,' she thought sadly.


Travis sat on a chair and placed a plate of homemade steak on the table, then started slicing it with the little knife provided there.

Rachel sat across from Travis, already unsettled as she began to think her lie might be exposed by Phoebe. She devoured the steak Travis had given her, then fiddled with her cell phone wondering if she should tell John about Phoebe's whereabouts.

"Why are you silent? Don't you like my steak?" asked Travis.

"No, I've always liked your steak," Rachel replied with a smile.

Travis smiled in relief, then fed Rachel again.

Rachel ate, glancing at Phoebe who came out of the kitchen with a tray of three tea and three sandwiches.

'I just remembered, she's also pregnant... How could she be pregnant but still working? Could it be that she was desperate because she didn't want to go back to John again? Then it's a very good thing for me because John can be completely mine. But I have to make sure he doesn't dare tell Travis the truth, because I'm not ready to separate from him and be hated by her family.'

"Honey, what's wrong with her? why are you staring at her so seriously?" Travis wondered, staring at Rachel who was staring at Phoebe out of sight since she had left the dining room.

"Ehh ..." Rachel focused on Travis again. "There's nothing wrong but I'm just wondering if she's in trouble that she has to work as a maid even though she's never been before."

"She's like that because she needs a job so she can quickly buy a new house..she said her husband needed her financial help," Travis explained as he cut the steak.

Rachel sighed and nodded her head, knowing that Phoebe had lied to Travis too...