Phoebe and Rachel's Debate

1:00 p.m. Rachel was in the room with Travis sleeping clutching her stomach while she fiddled with her phone. The naughty girl put down her phone slowly then glanced at her fiancé and made sure he had a good night's sleep.

'He's been very soundly ….looks like now is the time for me to meet Phoebe,' she thought.

Slowly, Rachel let go of Travis's embrace and quickly got out of bed very slowly. she took her phone back and walked out of the room.


Phoebe was in the kitchen, arranging some food items that were not neatly arranged. The woman continued to work because Alicia was in the room to rest because she wasn't feeling well.

'Could it be that she's still communicating with John and then will tell him about my presence here? but if that happens I can expose her affair with John to Travis, moreover, I have evidence of a bruised forehead that I threw at her with the food yesterday. but I hope that doesn't happen because I'm comfortable here, and I don't care about her affair with John anymore.' Phoebe said to herself in her mind, remembering how shocked she was to see Rachel this morning.

Phoebe threw away some vegetables that were no longer suitable for cooking, then switched to arranging the available ingredients in the cupboard until she thought that the ingredients for the food there were not complete, which meant it was time to go shopping.


Phoebe turned her head back when she heard someone calling out to her. she turned to face the person and it turned out to be Rachel who was walking casually toward her. seeing that girl disgusted her, disgusted at the thought of her affair with John and now still acting sweet to Travis.

"How can someone who is pregnant but still work? Or maybe you deceived your employer by hiding your pregnancy?" Rachel said sarcastically, looking down at Phoebe because to her she was just a poor woman who couldn't do anything.

"It's none of your business, and I was accepted here without me having to tell if I was pregnant or not," said Phoebe curtly.

"Of course. This is my business because Travis is my fiancé," Rachel said.

Phoebe smiled faintly at Rachel who was so proud to say that Travis was her fiancé. ."If you're so proud that he's your fiancé and feel entitled to meddle in all his matters, then why are you still in touch with my husband? Is making love to one man not enough for you?"


Phoebe immediately got a slap from Rachel and didn't have time to dodge it because it all happened so fast. The woman held her hot cheeks and looked at her husband's mistress with a slightly ragged breath with emotion.

"Watch your word, bitch!" Rachel exclaimed with a glare.

"But what I said was true!" said Phoebe with a sharp look. "You made love to my husband in the office, even the day before you were together for two days. Then Now you are here at your fiance's house….you're being so sweet to him, you received a kiss from him after your lips, your body, your hands, have touched my husband it means you don't feel enough to touch one man!"

"It's about feelings... And the matter of me being touched by some guy is none of your business..and you should know why your husband is after me? It's because he's completely dissatisfied with your service… He says you're so boring… He says you're too mushy, and he…"



. Rachel held her cheek which was very hot because of Phoebe's strong slap. she looked at the woman with a sharp gaze, not expecting that the woman would dare to slap her.

"It's possible that my husband said that to you because he seduced you . . but actually he loves me more he is more comfortable with me, and maybe you are just a distraction for him!" said Phoebe annoyed.

"Well ... If it's just a distraction that's not a problem because I still have a better future with my fiancé..and here the one who suffers the most is you ... You left your husband even though you know he chose you over me ... You are so stupid ... You prefer to be here as a maid than with him," Rachel said curtly.

"That's because I don't want to be touched by a man who has touched you! I don't want to share love, and I'm sure your fiancé will never share love either!" said Phoebe firmly. "I can't imagine how he would hate you so much if he found out about this..even I can tell him now!"

"Don't you dare tell him, or I will reveal the secret that you are pregnant and you ran away from your husband!" Rachel exclaimed with a glare.

"Just do it, maybe I'll just get fired, then I can find another job!" said Phoebe not at all scared. "Maybe the impact I get is no worse than the impact you will get. I just lost your job while you lost your fiancé and were hated by your family because you are a cheap woman!"

Rachel smiled faintly, looking at Phoebe who was being brave at her. "And you won't be safe anymore because I'm going to tell John and his people that you're in this house. Even now I can tell him because he's in town, looking for you and your brother!"

Phoebe was silent for a moment, imagining Matheo outside the apartment, wandering around looking for work, and John or his people might find him. she thought it would be good if her brother returned to his friend's apartment and stayed there without having to look for work because she still had money saved.

"I'm sure if he met your brother, he might be free to roam around without his knowing that John was looking for her," Rachel said then showed her her cell phone. "I'm going to call John right now so he can come to get you . . he and I could have compromised if you told Travis about our affair, so he would never believe you because you lied to him from the start! .travis will trust me more because I've been with him longer than you who are just new to him!"

Phoebe was about to take Rachel's cell phone saying "Rachel don't tell John!"

Rachel dodged, laughing evilly at the terrified Phoebe.

"Rachel, please don't tell John where I am!" Phoebe exclaimed sternly.

"Then don't ever tell Travis about my affair with John!" Rachel said. "You've got to stay quiet and focus here as a maid and I'll never tell Travis about you being pregnant. Let's just say we're supporting each other with this lie. You're still working here, and maybe... meet John."

Phoebe paused with her breath slightly ragged with emotion, staring at Rachel in complete astonishment. she doesn't understand what the purpose of the girl in front of her is because she already has the perfect fiancé but still wants to have a relationship with someone's husband. .it sounded like a bitch to her.

"Rachel, you already have Travis then Why do you want to be with John too? What's the real purpose?" she asked, imagining how sad it must have been for John to be so adamant about his relationship with Rachel while Rachel was so adamant about her relationship with Travis.

"I want them and I can have fun with them..maybe it's like you said earlier, one man is not enough for me," Rachel replied with a sly smile as if she had no guilt at Phoebe who incidentally was John's wife...