
With eyes still closed, Travis felt beside him and sensed that Rachel wasn't there. The burly man who only wore shorts and a white t-shirt opened his eyes and frowned when he realized that his fiancé wasn't in his room, so he immediately got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to just wash his face and brush his teeth.

"Where is she? Is it possible that she came home without permission like usual? Sometimes she looks like she cares about me but sometimes she acts casually!" Travis squeaked in annoyance as he recalled how many times he had argued with Rachel today.

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, Travis walked out of the room. He continued across the stairs gazing at the very quiet atmosphere of his stately home, trying to find his fiancé's whereabouts until he arrived on the ground floor. The man kept looking for his fiancée all over the room until only the kitchen he had not visited.

"Could she be in the kitchen? But what is she doing in the kitchen? There's no way she's washing dishes or making food for me ..." Travis wondered. He walked into the kitchen and across the dining room.


"Okay agreed, if either of us betrays this agreement then you will receive very bad consequences for yourself and your brother," Rachel shouted firmly then was about to leave the kitchen but she was surprised by the arrival of Travis.

Rachel paused with worry, worried that Travis would overhear her conversation with Phoebe.

Phoebe was also silent, not knowing what to say because she was really in a trapped state, unable to reveal Rachel's ugliness for the safety of herself and her brother.

"What are you doing with her here?" asked Travis with a probing look.

"Eh… I…..I just took a drink because I was thirsty and then chatted a little with her because she was checking the ingredients here," Rachel replied lying, occasionally glancing at Phoebe who was just silent with a curt look. not appreciated her as the employer's lover.

Travis let out a shaky breath. "I thought you were home."

"No, I can't just go home like that especially when you were sleeping," Rachel said with a smile and then wrapped her arms around Travis. "Now we better hang out because I'm very bored at home all the time," she continued.

"Honey, I don't want to be going anywhere today. We'd better go for a swim, looks so fresh," Travis said.


"Yeah, honey... It's better than a hangout that will tire us out...You know when I'm on holiday I'd rather stay at home than hang out," Travis explained as he walked out of the kitchen followed by Rachel who put her arm around him.

"I know when you're on holiday it's better to rest at home..but don't you want to please me for a bit with a hangout for an hour or two?" Rachel asked so irritated that she let go of Travis's arm.

Travis let out a shaky breath, stopped, and stared at Rachel patiently.

"If we were hangout, where do you want us to hang out?" she asked.

"Shopping ... I want to go shopping because I want to buy new clothes because starting tomorrow I will be going live on Instagram a lot and that means I have to look different," Rachel replied.

"Okay then, let's go shopping," Travis said with a smile, pinching Rachel's cheek lightly. "Come on, don't frown anymore. I will fulfill all your wishes," he continued.

"Alright, then you better get ready soon...I'll wait here," Rachel exclaimed as she walked to the dining table. She sat there relaxed, wanting to eat the fruit that was on the table, occasionally glancing at Phoebe who was back at work.

Travis jogged out of the dining room until he bumped into Alicia.

." Dr. Travis, hold on a second," Alicia called.

Travis stopped and looked at Alicia with a frown. "What is it?"

"Dr. Travis...Looks like I have to go shopping now because I just remembered that some of your favorite ingredients are no longer available in the kitchen," explained Alicia, who looked as if she was going to leave. The girl wore black jeans combined with a dark green top and tied her hair in a ponytail.

"Then you just go shopping..take Phoebe too so she doesn't get moldy in here," Travis said casually. "Just use your credit card because I'll send the money to your card," he continued.

"Okay, sending more is fine too," said Alicia with a clumsy smile.

"Hmm... Alright..I'll give you and Phoebe a bonus," Travis said then continued walking to his room.

Rachel glanced at Phoebe, then said, "Hey, get a drink in the fridge!"

Phoebe was silent, glancing at Rachel who was taking advantage of her position. "You can take it yourself!" .she cried curtly.

"Hey, here you are a maid, you must obey all the wishes of your master!"

"And I don't think you're my master!" said Phoebe curtly then walked out of the dining room which almost merged with the kitchen.

Alicia froze in the doorway, staring in wonder at Phoebe and Rachel noticing her presence. she didn't expect her friend to be unfavorable to her master's lover, making her immediately approach her master.

"Miss Rachel, sorry for my friend's behavior," said Alicia angrily.

Phoebe just kept quiet and quickly left the dining room, not wanting to care about Rachel or Alicia.

"Next time you teach her how to behave with masters!" Rachel exclaimed in annoyance then threw away the apple she had bitten earlier.

Alicia was silent with her head lowered, slowly glancing at the apple as it rolled under the table. Okay, she has to find a broom to get the apple, or she's going to go under the table.


Arriving at the room, Phoebe immediately took her phone which was on the table, and then called Matheo. The woman sat on the edge of the bed, anxiously waiting for her brother who never answered her call.

"Matheo, come on answer me!" said Phoebe in a huff, getting up and walking back and forth.

After several calls, Phoebe finally connected with Matheo.

"Matheo, where are you? Are you still in public?" Phoebe immediately asked while placing her left hand on her waist.

"I'm at the cafe, Sis. I met one of my friends," Matheo replied, sounding relaxed.


"Yes, Sis. This cafe is closed, I'm sure there is no John and his people here. I don't feel like anyone is following me, and maybe he doesn't intend to look for us," said Matheo.

."Good grief!" Phoebe patted her forehead, then sat on the edge of the bed. "Matheo, listen to me. There's an unexpected fact here. I can't tell you right now. For sure, you should get back to the apartment because John and his people are looking for us!"

."Is that true?"

"Yes, Matheo. Go quickly. I don't want John or his men to catch you. I can't calm down!" Phoebe confirmed.

"Okay, I'll be right back to the apartment," said Matheo then the call was centralized.

Phoebe let out a breath that felt tight, the effect of her very uncomfortable mood ever since she met Rachel and got the news about John being in this town.