
After confirming that Travis and Rachel had left the house, Alicia walked over to Phoebe in her room. The girl was embarrassed and disappointed by her friend's attitude towards her employer's girlfriend for being impolite as a maid.


Phoebe turned her head and glanced at Alicia coming towards her. the pregnant woman was moving clothes from the suitcase into the closet because she hadn't had the chance to do so since she went straight to work.

"Alicia, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Phoebe, you should be respectful towards Miss Rachel..your attitude towards her puts me to shame as the one who brought you here. If she reports your attitude to Dr. Travis, surely Dr. Travis will be mad at me for bringing a friend like you here!" said Alicia angrily.

"Sorry, I wasn't in the mood," said Phoebe curtly.

"Hey, in the mood or not, we have to respect the master," said Alicia then sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Phoebe who was previously John's wife who had everything. ." I know you used to live in luxury before, you were also like the previous master... But now things are different. Here you are a maid, you have to be humble," she continued.

Phoebe sighed, turning to face Alicia who didn't know the truth. She walked over to her friend and sat beside her.

"I wouldn't have behaved like this if she hadn't started a fire against me," she said in disappointment.

Alicia turned to Phoebe with a furrowed brow. "What do you mean?"

"She's John's mistress."

Alicia immediately widened her eyes, looking at Phoebe in surprise.

"Phoebe... Are you kidding? She's John's mistress... She's the cause of your rift with John?" She wondered while holding Phoebe's shoulder.

"Yes….she's the cause of the breakdown of our marriage," Phoebe said angrily, remembering seeing John making love to Rachel in the office. "I didn't think she was Dr. Travis' fiancé."

"Oh my God," Alicia whispered then turned her face away, imagining Travis who was so loyal and always patient with Rachel, that Rachel betrayed him. "Even though Dr. Travis was perfect for her, why would she be interested in cheating, even cheating on someone's husband?"

"She's John's ex….I don't know since when they got close again, for sure they had spent two days together lying to me, then finally I still knew they were cheating at the office," explained Phoebe languidly.

"Then let's just tell Dr. Travis all this!" Alicia exclaimed enthusiastically, glancing at Phoebe who wasn't even excited.

"It's not that easy Alicia," said Phoebe.


"Because she'd tell John I was here if I dared expose her affair with John to Travis . . I had no choice but to remain silent for the safety of myself and my brother," Phoebe explained in a huff, then said, "I feel sorry for Dr. Travis. I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't. I couldn't possibly break my agreement with Rachel to cover up her affair with John...I'm pissed... I don't know what to do but stay here to protect myself from John's pursuit."

"That means she and John are still in an illicit relationship?" asked Alicia.

"Yeah, they're still in touch," replied Phoebe.

"Oh Lord ..." Alicia wonders, imagining that Rachel, who always acts like the queen of this house, has become the lucky girl to have Travis, but still cheats on him. "Actually why is she like that? Even though Dr. Travis is already so perfect ....even now the affair is continuing? She's crazy!"

"I don't know how to think. She's so greedy she wants to have John and Travis..they're so sad...they don't know how Rachel's attitude is so disgusting as a girl."

"I didn't even think..."

Phoebe sighed, then climbed into bed and was about to lie down saying, "Never mind, don't talk about her all the time because this will make me in a bad mood...Don't ever tell Travis about this because I promised not to tell him or tell anyone but I told you instead. The point is you have to keep this a secret because it concerns the safety of me and my brother. Now I will take a break ….My back hurts a bit."

"I thought I'd take you to the supermarket to do some shopping," said Alicia.

"Of course, I can't come because now I'm wanted by John and his people. You'd better shop for yourself."

Alicia let out a shaky breath. "Okay, then I'll study alone. Do you want me to buy something for you? I just happened to get some money from Dr. Travis."

Phoebe was silent, thinking about the food she wanted right now but she didn't want anything..the woman remembered that she was currently pregnant and needed vitamins to increase the strength of the fetus and herself because every day she would work.

"Alicia, if you have time to stop by the pharmacy..please buy me vitamins because I've been feeling dizzy lately... maybe because of lack of vitamins," said Phoebe angrily.

"You must be like this because of the trouble you've had and it's all because of Rachel," said Alicia, looking at Phoebe with pity. "I didn't think that your husband was her mistress. The fact that you just told me took me by surprise. Maybe after this, I can't have much respect for her anymore because she's not a respectable girl... She's a cunning and heartless girl ."

"Hmm….let it be. Let her do as she pleases. Besides, I don't care if she's still in touch with John or not," Phoebe exclaimed as she tilted her head, hugged her bolster, and started playing with her phone.

Alicia didn't go away, instead of thinking about Travis being so kind. The girl felt like telling the master, but it was also very risky for Phoebe who had just calmed down there, even just working today. It seems impossible to tell now, let alone no solid evidence.


at the mall, Travis accompanies Rachel who is choosing clothes at a special boutique containing women's clothing. The man was bored, while his fiancée was very enthusiastic about choosing clothes and what was even more boring was that the clothes she chose were always sexy.

"Travis, if you're bored you just wait outside the boutique. When I'm done picking out clothes I'll call you," Rachel said.

"Okay ... I'll wait outside," said Travis immediately exiting the boutique area. he chose to go to a special boutique that sells men's clothing not far from the location of the boutique where Rachel was. Maybe they were about 10 meters apart but were blocked by the clothes attached to the mannequins and the barriers.

until a few minutes passed, Rachel had finished shopping and was about to hand over her chosen clothes to the cashier but she was surprised by someone who was there.

"John..." She said quietly.

John immediately turned to Rachel and smiled wryly. "Rachel, it turns out you're here!"

"What are you doing here?" Rachel asked, not daring to get close to John, even though she occasionally glanced outside for fear that Travis would come and see her with John who could have hugged her as usual, that would have aroused some suspicion even though Travis didn't know John.

"I'm looking for Phoebe….I tried to ask the cashier if she saw Phoebe here... but she didn't," said John angrily.

Rachel was silent with increasingly anxious feelings because she was afraid that if John left her and met Travis who was not familiar to him, John might ask about Phoebe and show him her picture. That could have led Travis to say that Phoebe was at his house. .ugh, if all that happened then chaos would start!