Everyone avoid John

"Rachel, did you come here alone?" asked John.

"No, I'm not alone," Rachel replied then glanced outside the boutique. "I was with my boyfriend," she continued.

"Is that true?" John looks disappointed.

"Yeah, you better not get too close to me...I don't want him to be suspicious," Rachel explained, glancing at the door and finally Travis come. She got so nervous she put the groceries onto the counter so that she could stand next to John. "Please, get out of here," she said softly.

John fell silent with a sudden feeling of irritation, and jealousy and for some reason, he didn't like seeing Rachel care more about Travis than him. The man kept glancing at his mistress only with a feeling of disappointment that couldn't be hidden anymore but he also couldn't do anything because right now he also wanted Phoebe back.

"Honey, are you done shopping?" Travis asked casually over to Rachel who was standing with her back to him.

Rachel immediately turned to look at Travis and smiled awkwardly. "I'm done, but I think I need to buy one more shirt. But I want you to choose for me," she said then took Travis' hand.

"Okay, let me choose clothes for you," said Travis with a smile.

Rachel immediately pulled Travis towards the clothes in the collection there, ignoring John.

John stared at Rachel and Travis who finally passed from his sight because it was prevented by the clothes in collection there. The man chose to immediately leave the boutique because he did not want to continue to feel disappointed and jealous.

Drett ... Dress...

John stopped in his way when he reached the door. He reached into his trouser pocket to take out his phone and saw an incoming call from his mother and answered.

"Hello, Mom?"

"John, where are you? Why is your house empty... Are you and your wife traveling far?" asked a woman over the phone.

John took a deep breath, then massaged his forehead as he felt dizzy thinking about what to say to his mother? The man was confused because he would get angry with his mother if he knew about his messy household because of his own doing, especially since his mother loved his wife very much.

"John, why are you silent? Are you still there?"

"Mom...Phoebe and I were indeed on a long trip. He was feeling a bit bored at home all the time... So I took him for a little vacation," John lied.

"Well then... Don't be away for too long because the company isn't doing well..sorry dad, you will be in trouble if you are on vacation at a critical time like this," exclaimed John's mother.

"Yes, Mom. Phoebe and I will be back soon," said John confidently. He still had faith that he could soon find his wife and bring her home.

"That's okay then, mommy, turn off the phone first."

"Yes, Mom..."

John hung up the phone and then immediately left the boutique because he wanted to continue the search for Phoebe. The man chose to leave the mall, thinking of looking elsewhere by giving information to the people he asked to join in the search for his wife.


Matheo just got off the bus, then walked out of the bus stop area. The young man who was not yet 18 years old continued to walk toward the apartment, occasionally stopping and looking back because he felt someone was following him.

Two burly men dressed like bandits walked after Matheo. One of them tried to contact someone while walking on.

"Boss, we found Matheo," said one of the thugs when he was connected to someone on the phone.

"Then catch him and don't let him escape before I get there!" someone said over the phone.

"Okay, Boss." The man hung up the phone and continued down the road following Matheo until they arrived at the parking area around the skyscrapers.

Matheo stopped in his tracks, looked back, and saw the two thugs walking toward him. He who was afraid that the thugs were John's orders, immediately ran as fast as possible to avoid the thugs who immediately chased him.

Running and running away from the apartment, Matheo didn't know where to hide. He kept running until he came to the highway.

"Hey, stop!" shouted one of the thugs.

Matheo turned to the thugs who were about 10 meters away from him. He continued to run in a special area for pedestrians, occasionally almost bumping into people who were walking there.

'Ugh, damn it. Where should I go?' Matheo thought as he continued to run.

After a few minutes of running, Matheo finally arrived at the residential area. He hid behind the ornamental grass, panting there because he was so tired of running.

"Matheo, you can never avoid us!" exclaimed one of the thugs while glancing around which was very quiet because at this hour everyone must be doing their activities.

"Matheo... Come out!" Another thug shouted who was standing a bit away from his partner. the stocky man also seemed to be panting because he had run too far. "We won't kill you. We just want you to meet our boss!"

Matheo kept quiet, still panting and wary. the screams of the thugs seemed to make him feel even more unsafe and had to leave the place immediately to find a safer place to hide. He glanced around until he realized that he was already in a not-so-elite residential area.

"Matheo, come out!"

"Matheo... Do you like violence? Show yourself right now! Fight me, and if I lose, then you will be free!"

Matheo continued to be silent until his gaze fell on the drink can beside him. He took the can and threw it the other way.

The two thugs immediately ran towards the sound of the can being thrown by Matheo, while Matheo immediately came out of his hiding place.

"Hey, there he is!" said one stocky thug while pointing at Matheo who was running.

"Let's catch him!" another thug called out. He immediately ran after Matheo who was quite far from him.

Matheo kept running, finding no place to hide until he saw a simple house with a white dominating, then ran towards the house because the main door was not locked.

a girl who was lying on the couch, was very surprised when Matheo entered her house and immediately closed the door.

"Hey, who are you?" the girl asked as she sat down, staring at the terrified Matheo.

"Sorry, I was just trying to hide," Matheo replied angrily, then locked the door. He rushed to the window, then peeked at the two thugs who were on the street in front of the house.

The girl also followed Matheo, took a look at the street, and found two thugs there looking for someone. She turned to glance at Matheo who looked very tired because he was panting and sweating.

"Are they chasing you?" She asked.

"Yes," said Matheo briefly then walked away from the window because he didn't want the two thugs to see him.

The girl continued to monitor the street until the two thugs left. She turned to look at Matheo who was sitting on the floor, leaning against the door with his right leg bent.
