Help Matheo

Feeling sorry for Matheo who looks tired, the girl who owns the house gives him a drink and sits next to him in a facing position. the girl looked pityingly at the young man who was drinking but was also curious about why he became a fugitive from those creepy thugs earlier... ugh, she couldn't imagine if the handsome face of the young man in front of her would-be battered because of the thugs' actions if he didn't hide in her home.

"Actually why were you being chased by the thugs earlier?" asked the girl with a probing look.

"It's a personal matter, I can't tell," Matheo replied with a crook of his face, placing the water bottle beside him. 'There's no way I'm telling the truth because she could be an unbelievable girl,' he thought.

"Okay if you don't want to tell because it's also none of my business," said the girl then stretched her hand towards Matheo. "I'm Angelica Van Houten," she continued introducing herself.

Matheo grabbed the hand of the girl named Angelica and said, "I'm Matheo Rae Jackson, just call me Matheo."

The girl smiled and nodded then pulled her hand back. She didn't know what to do because she wanted to get rid of Matheo who was a foreigner but she couldn't bear it because he was very tired.

Matheo was silent with a blank stare, imagining what if he got caught by John, everything would be a mess, especially Phoebe would be back in agony.

'I have to call her right now. she can't leave her employer's house because her husband's crazy people roam this city,' he thought then reached into his jacket pocket to take out his cellphone but he didn't find it. The young man stood up, touch his pants pocket, and searched his bag but did not find the sophisticated object.

"What are you looking for?" Angelica asked, looking up at Matheo.

Matheo continued to search his bag until he took out all the things inside. "I think I lost my phone. I feel like I brought my phone when I left the cafe, but why isn't there now," he said confusedly.

Angelica was silent, looking at Matheo who was confused and looking for his phone. "Maybe you put it in your jacket before, then it fell while you were running," she said.

"Is that possible?" Matheo asked as he reached into his jacket pocket, imagining the possibility of his phone falling as he ran to avoid the thugs.

"It could have happened," Angelica replied.

Matheo immediately went limp, dropped his bag, and sat back down on the floor. he ruffled his hair in frustration, regretting that his cell phone just disappeared when he had just changed to a new number and that was the only way he could communicate with his sister. besides that, he was also worried if the cell phone was found by the thugs earlier, then looked for his sister's phone number.

"It's messed up, even really messed up if I they find that phone!" he said annoyed.

"Eh..." Angelica got confused. She wanted to invite Matheo to look for the phone together but the situation was not possible, because the thugs must still be around the area near here.

Matheo was silent, thinking over and over about what he should do to keep his sister safe.

"Matheo, is there anything I can do for you? I want to help you..." Angelica offered help with a pitying look at Matheo. She immediately took her phone which was on the table then sat on the floor, facing the young man. "Maybe I can help you with my phone. Or maybe I'll be out how to find yours..."

"No, I don't think it's necessary because someone else might have found my phone and then sold it... But the worst thing is that it was found by the thugs earlier...I'm worried that if they find the phone, they will find my sister's number and start tracking it so they can find my sister's whereabouts," Matheo said angrily.

"Eh... What happened that made you and your brother chased by the thugs earlier?" asked Angelica.

Matheo was silent and glanced at Angelica who had been curious about the problem for a long time.

"Just tell me who knows I can help you," cried Angelica seeing the doubt on Matheo's face.

Matheo sighed. "My sister ran away from her husband's house because she didn't want to share the love..her husband cheated on her ... Her husband was not willing to end the relationship with his mistress so my sister chose to leave. Now her husband and the goons must be looking for her….I was really worried that if my cell phone was found by the thugs earlier, they would find my sister's number and track her down."

"That means you have to call your sister to turn off the number," said Angelica with a very serious look, imagining how Matheo's sister looked. it crossed her mind that she must be beautiful because the young man was also very handsome and cool even though he only had a simple style.

"I don't have a cell phone anymore," Matheo said with a frustrated face.

"Then... do you remember your sister's phone number?" Angelica held out her phone to the young man. "You can use my phone," she added.

Matheo shook his head slowly as he looked at Angelica. "Not memorized….I don't remember at all because my sister used a new number," he said, which made Angelica take a deep breath as she pulled out the phone...

"Then do you know where your sister is?"

"I know... He works quite a bit far from here."

"Well then, Come on, I'll take you to meet her!" said Angelica enthusiastically.

Matheo looked at Angelica with an uncomfortable look. "But why do you want to accompany me? Don't you find it difficult?"

"No, absolutely not….I sincerely want to help you," said Angelica with a reassuring smile and then stood up. She pulled Matheo to stand up and led him to walk out of the house.

Angelica takes Matheo to a small garage that looks dingy and neglected.

Angelica pulled the slightly rusted iron garage door, then entered it followed by a confused Matheo.

"What do we ride?" Matheo asked because he didn't see any cars in the garage.

"Get on this," answered Angelica placing her hands on the seat of an old light blue Vespa.

"Not by car?" asked Matheo with wide eyes.

"You know yourself here there are no cars..better to just use a motorbike, it's more comfortable and fuel-efficient," said Angelica lowering the standard two on the Vespa and taking it to the yard. Matheo went outside and helped close the garage door.

"You can ride a motorbike?" asked Angelica.

"Yes, but... is this Vespa still okay? ..I mean, this Vespa is working fine?" Matheo looked doubtful.

"Don't worry... Even though it looks old, the overall engine of this Vespa is still good. Come on, hurry!" Angelica gave the helmet that was hanging on the Vespa handlebar to Matheo. The man put on the helmet, then tried to turn on the Vespa.

"You wait here a moment. I'll take my bag and lock the door," Angelica shouted while Matheo was still trying to start the Vespa.

Matheo was just silent, focusing on trying to blame the old Vespa. .lThe young man was sweating because several times he tried to start the Vespa by stepping on the crank but it didn't turn on...