Phoebe's Fear

Matheo stopped the vintage Vespa he was driving on the side of the road right in front of Travis' house. He immediately descended with Angelica, then walked towards the gate which was only slightly ajar.

"Security, I want to meet my sister," said Matheo.

"Just a moment, I'll call her," said the security guard as he left the security post. He walked towards the house, while Matheo and Angelica waited outside the gate.

Angelica looked up at Travis' mansion, feeling a little amazed and imagining what the owner of the mansion looked like, then what Matheo's sister looked like.

Until a few minutes passed, the security guard finally came back out of the house with Phoebe who looked worried. The woman immediately came out and looked at her brother who came with a girl, then glanced at the girl's antique Vespa.

"Matheo, what's wrong? Why did you suddenly come here without telling me?"

"I came here to tell you about John and his people who are hanging around this city. They almost caught me, but it didn't work because I was hiding in a stranger's house," explained Matheo occasionally glancing at Angelica who smiled awkwardly at Phoebe. . "My phone is lost, that's why I had to come here to tell you. You should turn off your phone number because I'm worried if my phone is found by them and can trace your number. You must turn off your number right now!"

After hearing Matheo's statement, Phoebe immediately looked scared, especially since Rachel's presence here was already known. She now took her phone out of her dress pocket and handed it to Matheo.

"You immediately take the sim card, then just use this phone by buying a new sim card," she said.

"But, Sis ... You also need a phone. I can use my savings to buy a new phone," Matheo said doubtfully.

"No, just keep your use my cell phone so you can communicate with your friends and your professors... If you want to know my condition, just call Alicia," explained Phoebe with a reassuring look. "Don't worry... Later when I receive the salary, I will buy another cell phone," she continued.

Matheo stared at Phoebe's phone which was already in his hand, again filled with guilt because if he used the phone, his sister would feel lonely. Can't play games, see social media, or anything, even though he also feels ashamed of Angelica who has been a listener.

"It's okay, Matheo. Besides, I don't need the phone," said Phoebe.

Metheo sighed then nodded his head, looking at Phoebe with a stoic smile. For some reason seeing his sister made him even sadder because his sister was pregnant but still working.

"I hope work doesn't overwhelm you, I'm worried about my nephew," he said softly.

"You don't have to worry... I already asked Alicia to buy Vitamins," said Phoebe then turned to Angelica and smiled. "Thank you for being willing to help my brother..You're very good," she said.

"Eh, yeah." Angelica smiled and nodded. "I will help him while I can. I feel very sorry for him because suddenly he came into the house and was scared."

"You must have been very surprised when he suddenly entered your house."

"Yeah, very surprised." Angelica nodded with a shy smile. "Eh... By the way, my name is Angelica." She extended her hand to Phoebe.

"I'm Phoebe," said Phoebe, grabbing Angelica's hand for a moment until her attention was drawn to the car that had just arrived, which made her quickly step aside to let the car in after the gate was opened.

Because it was Travis who came, Phoebe immediately asked Matheo to leave because she didn't want her brother to be interrogated by Travis and things would get complicated.

Matheo was back on the Vespa, followed by Angelica who sat in the back seat.

"Be careful, and after this, you stay in the apartment for a few days. I'm sure that John who won't look for us constantly," she said with a worried look.

Matheo just nodded, then immediately drove Angelica's Vespa away from Travis's area.

Phoebe heaved a sigh of relief, then turned back into the courtyard and saw Travis waiting for her on the terrace alone, which made her think that Rachel might have been driven home.

"Who's he?" Travis asked.

"Uh, he's my brother..coincidentally he also lived in this city for college. He comes to inform me that his cell phone is missing. So he's been using my phone for a while," explained Phoebe with an awkward smile.

"If he uses your phone, that means you don't have one anymore? Then how do you communicate with your husband?" Travis wondered with a frown.

"Maybe I'll borrow Alicia's cell phone or use the landline here," Phoebe replied and then turned to look at Travis's car parked in the yard. "Where is Miss Rachel? why aren't you with her anymore?"

Travis sighed heavily then walked into the house saying, "she asked me to just take her home."


Phoebe walked into the house with her but was suddenly startled when Travis stopped and turned to her. They nearly collided so he stepped back and nearly fell backward but Travis quickly grabbed her right hand while his left gripped her waist.

Travis fell silent, staring at the silent Phoebe with a shocked expression. Her naturally beautiful face, beautiful eyes, and naturally pink lips made him swallow her saliva and didn't deny that she was beginning to be fascinated.


"Phoebe, I didn't buy vitamins for you because the pharmacy was closed," said Alicia as she entered the house but was immediately surprised when she saw the scene in the living room.

"Eh... Sorry," Phoebe said as she stood up straight and Travis let go of his grip on her hands and waist.

"Next time you'll have to be careful," Travis said dryly, then turned his attention to Alicia. "What vitamins do you mean?" he asked.

"Eh, vitamins for Phoebe," replied Alicia while glancing at Phoebe.

Travis furrowed his brows, then looked at Phoebe probingly. "What vitamins do you need? Are you in a bad condition or are you sick?"

"Eh..." Phoebe was getting nervous and scared that Travis would check on her and realize that she was pregnant. 'Oh my God, what should I do now? What should I say to him so he doesn't check on me? I'm sure it was very easy for him to find out I was pregnant since he's an obstetrician! He must be well versed in the characteristics of a pregnant woman... And I shouldn't look weak!' Phoebe said to herself in fear.

."Phoebe, answer me, why do you have to take vitamins?" Travis asked again.

"Ehh… It's because I feel less bloody. After all, I feel often," Phoebe replied nervously. ." This been a health problem for me since long ago, I always have a problem of lack of blood and I often take blood-boosting vitamins," she explained lying.

Travis fell silent, staring at Phoebe who looked nervous when she shouldn't be. he thought that if the woman was seriously ill but still worked at her house, it meant that she was a bad employer.

Phoebe just stood there looking away, unable to meet Travis' eyes that were constantly on her. She didn't understand why her master was looking at her so seriously, making her afraid that her master didn't believe her explanation jus. ow. .