craving maid

When night fell exactly at 9, Phoebe didn't know what to do because she had nothing to do. But suddenly she wanted to eat something but felt reluctant to make it in the kitchen because right now she was just a maid.

"Ugh, I want to drink hot tea with pancakes," she said in a huff, feeling very eager to fulfill her wish but she was very afraid and doubtful. Hmm, maybe she's craving.


Phoebe glanced at the door and saw Alicia coming into her room carrying coffee and bread with chocolate and peanut butter. The woman who was wearing an old turquoise green dress immediately sat down, welcoming her friend who immediately sat on the edge of the bed.

"You can eat to your heart's content here? Is it okay to make food here other than the meal schedule?" she wondered, looking at Alicia who looked relaxed in her maroon pajama suit.

"Of course we can because our employer is not stingy..but he will forbid us to eat heavy meals at 11.00 or 10.00 pm because he thinks it is not good for health," explained Alicia then devoured her bread. She glanced at Phoebe who looked uneasy, then asked, "are you hungry?"

Phoebe nodded her head slowly with her innocent look.

"Ha ha ha ...!" Alicia even chuckled amused seeing Phoebe who looked so innocent. "If you are hungry then make something to eat. Don't feel shy or afraid because our master is not stingy at all. he won't even know if you are reducing the ingredients in the cupboard or not because he rarely checks the cupboard. He has no time for trifles..."

Phoebe smiled shyly then said, "don't laugh at me because this is the first time I've become a maid. I don't dare to do as I please like when I was still living at John's house..."

"You can do whatever you want as long as you don't violate Dr. Travis's rules," said Alicia casually and then drank her coffee little by little. "You see for yourself I can drink coffee now. Sometimes I'm even allowed to cook what I's very free here but sometimes it's tiring and annoying when Dr. Travis doesn't agree with what I'm doing. If I make fast food that is not properly made, he will throw it away because he thinks it will make me sick."

"He cares and knows everything because he's a doctor. Rachel was very lucky to have him but she cheated on him with John," said Phoebe, regretting Rachel's attitude towards Travis. she immediately got out of bed then said, "Then I'll make hot tea and pancakes because I've been wanting that for a long time."

"Then I'll be waiting for you on the side porch," said Alicia as she got up and left the room as well.

When she was in the kitchen, Phoebe immediately took a small bowl and then put the ingredients for making pancakes and stirred it using a small mixer. after that, she took a small Teflon and then put it on an electric stove that was turned on at a temperature that was not too hot.

after the dough was well mixed and the Teflon on the stove was hot, Phoebe immediately poured the dough little by little using a spoon.

"Ugh, baby. We can finally eat what we want," Phoebe mumbled while feeling her still flat stomach.

"Phoebe..." someone called.

Phoebe immediately looked back and realized that the person who called her was Travis who looked cool even though he was only wearing casual pants combined with a thin white t-shirt. she immediately fell silent with a surprised expression, worried that her master would hear her words just now.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Why are you so shocked?" Travis wondered with a frown, approaching Phoebe but his attention was drawn to the pancakes being baked in Teflon. "You have to turn it over because it's going to burn," he exclaimed.

"Eh... Yes."

Phoebe immediately flipped the pancake using a spatula. For some reason, she became very nervous because her employer seemed to pay so much attention to her.

"Why do you only make small portions?" Travis asked, glancing at the bowl containing a dough.

"Eh, because I'm the only one who eats it," Phoebe replied as she lifted the cooked pancake using a spatula and placed it on a small white plate.

"You better make some more dough because I'm going to eat these pancakes," Travis said then took the small plate of pancakes and ate them. "Hmm ... It tastes delicious. Not too sweet. It seems we have almost the same taste," he continued while eating.

Phoebe just smiled faintly, feeling a little annoyed that Travis had eaten the pancake she had almost eaten, even though she had wanted it so much. she tried to hold back her annoyance because she recognized that at this time she was just a maid. the woman poured the last dough and then made the dough again while the employer sat on a chair near the pantry while enjoying his homemade pancakes with the addition of strawberry jam.

Travis was silent as he ate, staring at Phoebe who was mixing the dough with a small mixer. for some reason seeing that woman made him so happy he even smiled to the point of not continuing to eat.

'She is very naturally beautiful, feminine, and seems to be good at cooking too. I can't imagine how her husband would be happy to be around her or get attention from her. she's very simple but she's much better than Rachel who is very glamorous and spoiled and never cooks for me,' he thought as he focused on Phoebe.

Phoebe, who was kneading the dough, noticed that Travis had been staring at her for a long time but didn't dare look back at him.

'Oh, damn it. Why does he keep staring at me? Could it be that he started to suspect me because he heard the sentence when I held my belly? or maybe he just didn't hear... But why does he stare at me all the time, like... Like he's attracted to me.' Phoebe wondered to herself. 'No, there's no way a handsome and perfect doctor like him would want me… I can't be overconfident!'

"Phoebe," Travis called.

Phoebe immediately pulled the mixer, staring at the dough that was already very fluffy. she turned to Travis who was now standing, even walking towards her. Oh my God, she's getting nervous!

"What's the matter, Doc?" she asked.

"After this...I mean after you eat, meet me in my workspace," Travis exclaimed.

"Eh, yes," said Phoebe, nodding.

Travis had left the kitchen while Phoebe was silent, feeling confused and unsettled. considering that her employer was an obstetrician, she was sure that the shape of her employer's office must be like the rooms of doctors she had seen. the woman became worried if her employer told her to come because he wanted to check it out, maybe because he heard what she said earlier but pretended not to hear. She became very afraid that the secret about her pregnancy would be revealed. ugh, she's getting so overthinking and no longer in the mood to eat pancakes.