something interesting

Matheo failed to talk to Alicia for not answering his calls at all. He kept glancing at the door and kept hearing the sound of the bell ringing, making him even more curious about who the guests were.

"If he was a bad person like John's people, he would have broken down this door," Matheo muttered, then grabbed the door handle.

Very wary, Matheo twisted and pulled the door handle open. He breathed a sigh of relief after seeing who it was.

"Angelica….it turns out you came," he said relieved.

"Who do you think?" Angelica asked, raising her eyebrows.

"I thought it was my brother-in-law or his people," Matheo replied as he walked towards the couch.

Angelica also follows Matheo. "Is that why you didn't open the door right away?"

"Yes ..."

"There's no way they'll arrest you here because there must be security guards here..this apartment is quite elite, it must be very tightly guarded and will not let anyone indiscriminately enter, especially if you dress like the bandit who hunted you earlier," said Angelica then sat on another couch, looking at Matheo who looked disheveled. The beautiful girl wearing blue jeans combined with a black t-shirt and wearing a sling bag glanced around the quiet surroundings, not seeing any traces of food at all. "Have you had breakfast?" She asked.

"Not yet ... I haven't had time to order yet," Matheo replied with a shy smile because he didn't expect Angelica to come to see him either.

"Then I'll order some food so we can have breakfast together."

"No, I'll just order it," said Matheo immediately took his cellphone which was in his pants pocket. "I'm also planning to buy a haircut machine," he continued.

"Are you going to cut your hair?" asked Angelica.

"Yeah, since it's impossible to go to a barbershop...I'm worried that I will meet my brother-in-law or his people," explained Matheo while busy fiddling with his cellphone maybe ordering food and at the same time choosing a hair clipper at an online shop.

"You bought a shaving machine, then who will shave you?" asked Angelica.

"I'll shave."

"Can you shave your hair? Wouldn't that be very difficult and not good results ..." Angelica looked unsure, staring at Matheo's hair who was already very long but very cool.

Matheo smiled faintly, looking at Angelica who cared about him even though they had just met. "Maybe I'll shave my hair without imitating the style so I look cool. Because the most important thing is that this hair is shaved because I don't like long hair..maybe I'll shave only 1 cm left rather than not shaving at all."

Angelica frowned while imagining Matheo would look ugly in a bald manner.

"No, don't shave your hair until you have 1 cm left. You will look so ugly!" She exclaimed very seriously.

"It doesn't matter. Looking ugly or handsome is not from the hair but the face," said Matheo with a chuckle. "You don't have to worry. I'll still look good," he continued confidently.

"Yes, but it will look even more handsome if it is neatly shaved."

"Do you have a knack for shaving?" Matheo asked.

"I can because I often shave my father's hair if he doesn't have the money to go to a barbershop," answered Angelica, who comes from a poor family. "I can shave you if you allow. At least better than you shaving your hair carelessly or your head will look bald," she continued.

"Okay, you can shave me later. We'll just have to wait for the machine to come because I already ordered...I've also ordered food," Matheo said casually. "But what exactly did you come here for?" he asked.

"I want to see where you live and I also want to make sure that you're okay," Angelica replied casually then said, "I still remember when you suddenly entered my house because you avoided being chased by those annoying was so crazy and I can't forget how scared you were."

"I could fight them but I'm not sure I can beat them yet. And if I get caught it means my sister is in danger..that's why I kept running until I saw your house was open and then I just walked in," Matheo explained with a chuckle. "This is the first time I've entered someone's house randomly. Luckily the owner of the house was not fierce."

Angelica just smiled.

"I hope we can be friends," said Matheo.

"Yes, of course," said Angelica with a faint smile, looking at Matheo who smiled so sweetly and secretly stole her attention. Ah, maybe they will fall in love with each other.


At Travis' house, Phoebe was preparing breakfast at the dinner table. The woman made a full breakfast of avocado toast accompanied by French fries and a drink of lemon tea.

"Breakfast is ready," muttered Travis, who had just entered the dining room dressed as if he was going to the hospital. The man wore black pants combined with a blue shirt and white medical coat and combed his hair in a pompadé style. He immediately sat down on a chair, staring at the food in front of him that Phoebe had prepared. "Have you had breakfast and took the vitamins I gave you?" he asked.

"I'll have breakfast later then I take my vitamins," Phoebe answered in her very soft voice.

"Then let's have breakfast together."

"But, Doc... I'll have breakfast with Alicia and security when you finish breakfast," said Phoebe, who looked elegant wearing a blue dress and tied her hair in a ponytail.

"But you have to have breakfast soon, then can take vitamins. Now sit down, pretend it's part of the job," Travis exclaimed.

"But, Doc..."

"Don't argue," said Travis with a serious look.

Phoebe immediately sat down, opposite Travis who was enjoying her homemade avocado toast. The woman immediately took a small plate and filled it with avocado toast and French fries, then ate it slowly, occasionally glancing at the handsome employer eating voraciously.

'In the past, I used to make breakfast for John. He even prefers to eat at home because he likes my cooking. Is it possible that now he is still looking for me, still misses me, and wants me?' Phoebe wondered to herself, somehow remembering John she loved so much.

drett ... dress ...

Travis stopped his breakfast because his cell phone rang. He took his cell phone out of his coat pocket and answered the call.


"Dr. Travis, there is one patient who has an urgent should go to the hospital immediately," said a woman over the phone.

"Get some first aid, I'll be right there," Travis shouted sternly and then hung up. he immediately stood up while putting away his cell phone, his gaze fixed on Phoebe who looked curious. "I have to go to the hospital immediately because one of my patients has an urgent condition," he said.

"But you haven't finished breakfast yet," said Phoebe, standing up.

"Breakfast I can do later. Now I have to go because it concerns my patient's life," Travis said in a hurry to leave the dining room.

Phoebe fell silent and turned to glance at Travis who was in such a rush for the sake of a patient who was probably a pregnant woman about to give birth. .she thought about how she would give birth later, maybe only accompanied by Matheo and only to the midwife who didn't charge a high price because she had to be frugal...