intimidating gaze

Around 10:00 am, Matheo had breakfast and then received his order, namely a hair clipper equipped with scissors, a mirror, and a comb. The young man was sitting in a chair opposite the dressing table, not wearing a top and only wearing white boxer shorts. .he let Angelica start cutting her hair using a shaver connected to electricity.

"If the results are good, then I will ask you to come here to shave me every time my hair is long," said Matheo with a little chuckle looking at the mirror that reflected Angelica who was focused on shaving her hair.

"It doesn't matter as long as you pay me..calculated from the amount of fuel I used for my motorbike when I brought it here, then the time service fee I had to use to shave you, then the power service to shave," said Angelica casually.

"Well . . . It seems more expensive than going to the barbershop."

"Yeah, it fits the bill."

"Then I will shave until only 1 cm is left," said Matheo with a smile, feeling happy to see Angelica who was focused but still able to chat. Occasionally the girl looked into the mirror and smiled as if smiling at him, that sweet smile shook his heart, making today feel more colorful than the previous days.

"I was just kidding...If your hair is already long again, I will come here to shave you without being paid," said Angelica again focusing on shaving the back of Matheo's hair. The girl looked so focused that she occasionally bent over because Matheo's sitting position was too low.

until a few minutes passed, Angelica finally switched to using scissors to shave the top and front of Matheo's hair, using a comb as well.

"I think the results will be very cool, you are talented as a male barber," said Matheo with a satisfied smile.

"Talent if you don't have something that supports it will be useless. I don't have the capital to open a barbershop," said Angelica.

"Then you can start by working at another barbershop while looking for customers."

"I don't like working in other people's places because I prefer to create a place of business for myself. I am waiting for capital from my father ... Besides now I am also still in college," explained Angelica.

"I'll help you when I get a job and a salary."

"But it looks like you'll have a hard time getting a job since you're the one being will be very dizzy having an attachment to a job while you also have to protect yourself from being chased by your brother-in-law," said Angelica while combing Matheo's hair in a spiky style, looking in the mirror. "I think you or I should look for work online so we don't have to be busy hanging around outside or being slaves to the boss. Like being a content creator it must be really fun if you have a lot of fans."

"Content creators?"

"Yes...I see a lot of young people who are successful in becoming content creators on Tik Tok, YouTube, or Instagram. But for sure it's because they have talent that can be displayed then they also have fans….it all must have started hard because there weren't a lot of fans at first," Angelica explained then said, "this shave is really good ... your hair type is very easy to manage and your face shape is very attractive. You are suitable to be a teenage model ... .or maybe become content creators because there must be a lot of girls who follow you and then give you gifts that can turn into money."

"What if we create content?" Matheo asked with an ambitious look as if he was thinking about something.

"We create content?"


."But you're hiding from your brother-in-law and his people. You'll be caught if your video with me goes viral. He can definitely track you down and find you here," said Angelica angrily.

"I'll wear a mask," said Matheo.


"Masks like anonymous or spider-man?"

Matheo immediately shook his head. "If I wear a mask like that then my good looks will never be seen at all. I'll wear a special mask for the eyes like Robin or Batman. I don't think I'll be recognized that way."

Angelica smiled and nodded her head. "But what content are we going to create?"

"Hmmm ... I will think about it because I need inspiration," said Matheo as he started to think about what he should do to be with Angelica to attract followers.

Dress... Drett...

Angelica glanced at the bed where Metheo's cell phone was ringing. "Looks like someone called you."

"Maybe my brother."

Matheo got up from the chair then walked to the bed and took his cellphone. He saw that there was an incoming video call from Alicia, then immediately answered it.

"Hi," said Matheo while pointing the camera at his face while smiling at Phoebe who was frowning.

"Matheo, you just shaved your hair?" asked Phoebe who looked like she was resting in her room.

"Yes, Sis. Isn't this cool?" Matheo asked.

"Yeah, that's cool….but who ..." Phoebe didn't continue her sentence but seemed to see something. "You brought the girl to your room? What are you doing? Why do you dare to bring a girl into your room… Isn't she Angelica?" Phoebe continued to wonder with an angry look.

"Uhh...". Matheo looked back and glanced at Angelica who was sweeping her cut hair that had fallen on the floor.

"Matheo, what did you do with her? Where you guys going date so you ..."

"Sis, she is in my room because she shaved my hair," said Matheo before Phoebe finished her sentence. "We're not dating and we don't do anything but chat as friends then she helps me shave my hair because my hair is already long...I also can't go to the barbershop because right now I have to hide!"

"Okay then... But don't do anything indecent with just any girl, don't even do it before you get married. No sex before marriage!" Phoebe confirmed with a look of horror.

"You don't have to worry, she and I are just friends and maybe we'll have a collaborative project so we don't have to work outside," Matheo explained, occasionally glancing at Angelica who was keeping his hair in a plastic bag. ."I have to help hee clean up first. . . I'll call back later."

"Yeah... Don't let you do anything indecent!"

"Yeah...Yeah, don't worry!" Matheo exclaimed then disconnected the video call. he immediately helped Angelica clean his hair and tidy up the shaving equipment earlier.


Arriving in Ohio, John did not go home but went straight to the office because the secretary said that there was something urgent that he had to go there...The man got out of the elevator, then walked until he finally arrived at the door of his room.


John opened the door, walked in at a leisurely pace until he realized his mother was sitting on the couch.

"Where's Phoebe, why didn't she come home with you?" asked Jannet, John's mother, who looked glamorous in a black suit and pulled her hair up in a bun and wore a bit of make-up.

John part with mixed feelings, imagining how his mother would be angry if she know that Phoebe left him because he had betrayed her.
