Alicia's release

Sitting huddled still wearing clothes like yesterday, which is dark blue knee-length pants combined with a gray t-shirt, that's what Alicia did. She was in a prison with two other prisoners who were women and were also new prisoners.

"If you are innocent, you don't have to cry all the time!" said one prisoner with short hair and a scorpion tattoo on her neck. She looked annoyed at Alicia who had been crying since last night, making her feel stuffy as if she wanted to gag her mouth...The woman who looked to be around 30 years old was sitting near a wall about 5 meters away from Alicia.

"Hey don't scold her!" yelled the prisoner with long hair tied in a ponytail. She sat next to Alicia who was curled up reluctantly to look at her friend. "She's crying it's natural because she's innocent but should be imprisoned. Unlike you... you don't cry you're not sad because you are indeed guilty!"