"The Theory of the Death Drive II"

[Warning Mature Content]

Fighting to stay awake, I can slowly feel myself starting to fade into the darkness. No matter how angry I was getting, it wasn't going to stop the fact that I was being strangled to death. It started to feel like my eyeballs were going to pop out of my skull and I grinded my teeth so hard that it felt like they were about to break and shatter to a thousand little pieces.

Facing death, Daniel was the last person that popped up in my head. I wondered if he got away or if... No, I know Daniel isn't foolish enough to get caught while at work. A little piece of me is hoping that he will storm through the door and rescue me but how silly I am to think something like that will happen. Daniel... Daniel... How much I loved him, he would never know.

"Let go of her", the Scar spoke up as he gazed into my dying eyes.

The man releases me from his tight grip, and I quickly gasp for air. The air that I was desperately fighting began to hurt with every inhale. The man must've crushed my windpipe, but I am still here and alive. I drop the attitude and look up at the man that choked me, "Hey get me out of this chair. I can see it in your eyes, you don't want to do this."

The man just gazes down at me with a look of pure ambivalence, like my existence makes him feel disgusted.

"Still don't want to talk, huh?", says the Scar. He stands up from the chair and then proceeds to exit the room leaving me with the man behind me. With him now gone from the room, I looked back at the man and begin to plead, "Please, mister, help me get out of this chair. I told you guys all that I know. Whatever that was pinned on us is false! Me and my husband aren't guilty of breaking any NAC laws." However, the man just stood there gazing at me.

"Grab that bitch's hand!", shouts the Scar as he came marching back from wherever he went. In his hand, he had a pair of rusty, old pliers. I begin to scream as the man who stood behind me moved in front of me and grabbed my hand with his tight grip.

The scar positioned himself in front of me and began to dig those old pliers under and over my lifeband fingernail. "Last time I ask, Mrs. Walsh, are you guilty of the crimes that you and your husband have committed?"

"No, no, ok fine everything is true, I did all that! I helped them!", I begged as I feel the pliers dig underneath my nail and slowly tear away at all the nerves, "I did everything you guys say I did and more!"

Regardless of all my pleas and crying, I can still feel the motherfucker slowly lift away from my finger. In excruciating slow manner, I can feel my nail bed be ripped along with all the precious nerves until it was all bare. It was possibly one of the worst pains I have ever felt in the smallest part of my body. While it was being done, I can hear the sadistic bastard giggle a little.

When it was done, all I can do us squirm and wiggle in my chair from all the pain. I can feel my finger pulsate from the trauma that it experienced.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mrs. Walsh. Now, for the real reason why we have your grace this evening, how does you wish to repent for your sins?", asks the scar in a joking manner and still slightly giggling.

Hearing how much fun he was having made me pissed off. With tears in my eyes, I look at him with so much hatred for this smug bastard.

"You have two options; do you want to be offered to the Voice for the wellbeing of your "country" or do you want to be enlisted in the New American expansion effort?", the Scar asks.

His joking manner had gone away, and his intense stare has returned. He's telling me that I have two options, but I really know what he is asking me. The Scar is asking me how I would like to die; from being publicly executed or to be sent into the remnant and be killed there by whatever lurks out there.

"So... What will it be. How do you want to go?", the scar asks.

"I want to", I take a second to think. If I really just want to die, I will just pick to be executed. However, there is a chance that I can find Daniel or even my brother in the military. But that would mean there is a chance that I can be ripped to shreds by whatever beast there is out in the Remnant. It's better to try than it is to just give up. "… join the expansion effort.", I finished.

Giggling to himself, "Alright, we got ourselves a winner!" I look at him, confused and he continues as he stands up, "We are glad you said that because this is one our favorite parts about being on the job."

I watch the Scar exit the room and alongside him was the man behind me. "Did they leave for good?", I thought. But before I can relax, they've returned. But this time, the Scar had something glimmering in his hand. A small scalpel.

"Hold her again, will ya!?", he shouts while brandishing his knife. The man grabs me by the hands and begins to steady it.

"Let go of my fucking hand!", I screamed while kicking and moving, just anything to get out of the man's vice grip.

The Scar kneels down and looks up at me, "The more you fight, the more there is a chance that I am going to fuck up. So will you please stop moving?"

"What the hell does he mean?! What in god's name is he going to do with my hands!?", I screamed internally. However, I soon found out what he meant, he started to place the scalpel under my finger and begin to remove my fingerprints.

I screamed as each thin piece of skin on my fingertips was sliced off with the sharp knife. I can feel each methodical slice of the blade, slowly removing the thin skin exposing muscle. All 10 of my fingers were brutalized.

"Now, you no longer exist in the world. That was fun, wasn't it", the Scar said in a happy beat.

"My fucking fingers, why would you-", I cried as blood dripped.

"Because you fucking deserve everything that is coming to you! I fucking hate people like you!", the Scar yelled back. He then started to swing the blade close to my face and laughed, "Look at her! she's scared!"

"You took something that is sacred and ruined it. You aren't worthy of having something so special. People like you don't even deserve the basis of any soul, their humanity", the man behind me finally began speaking as he let me go.

"What the fuck-", I cried before being cut off again by the Scar, "Maybe I should cut something else off if she's no going to get it!"

"That's enough", the man behind me said, "Her fate is already destined and whatever you are going to do to her can't compare to what's going to happen to her out there. Just give her the dose."

"Dose!?", I think out loud.

"You already want to pull the plug?", says the Scar to the other man.

"Yeah. I don't want to see you play with her", he replied.

In disbelief, the Scar just watched at the man with an open mouth. "What happened to you? You used to be fun. Remember when we pulled out that guys teeth and cut his ears. Ugh, what was his fucking name?", thinks the Scar to himself.

"It doesn't matter what his name was."

"What the fuck are you going to put in me?!", I yelled in desperation but the two still ignored me.

In a calm and collected voice, the Scar asks, "You don't want to at least… you know? It's been a while since we got a girl. These opportunities don't always come to us." What the hell did he say? Are they going to-

"That was never my thing", says the man.

"Oh, thank god", I sigh with relief, but I still wanted to know what was going to happen to me, but then a terrifying thought overcame me. "My family, what happened to my family? Please what happened to my family?!", I began to cry out

The Scar turned to me annoyed and said, "We killed them."

"My whole family is dead?"

Without a hint of sympathy, he sighs, "Mhmm yeah." Then he turned back his attention to the man and said while raising his eyebrow, "Come on, you can do things to her that Edith doesn't let you."

"I told you I'm ok. Hurry up and give her the dose", the man persisted.

Looking defeated the Scar stands up from kneeling and grabs a small black bag that was behind him. After scrouging through it, he takes out a long needle that was filled with some strange yellow liquid. It kind of looked like piss.

He grabs my wrist and begins to aim the needle at me, "What the fuck is that! Don't put that in me!", I screamed. But once again he ignored me, "Are you sure this job isn't getting to you? Don't tell me you're going soft", he said to the man while injecting me with that piss-colored medicine.

"Don't say that. I'm positive, I just want to go get a beer", the man said as I begin to feel the sting of the needle penetrating through my forearm.

Unconvinced, the Scar invites himself, "I can go for a drink too. Did you want to go Carmelo's?"

"I don't know, I was thinking somewhere closer to my house."

The painful feeling of the sting began to disappear, and my whole body felt like it was vibrating. I lean my head back in the chair and stare at the ceiling as it began to swing. Their voices became distorted, "What about…", then suddenly a bright white flash engulfs me.