Chapter 24

Don't say that Zhuo Zhi tried hard, he didn't dare to sit down at all.

If it is said that the smell is lingering while protecting Li Qinyue on the bus, then it is now falling into the cloud made of marshmallows, and all the senses have been awakened at a tenfold magnification.

Fragrant, soft, and warm, Li Qinyue embraced her waist, pressed her body close to her back, and rested her chin on her shoulders.

"How do you feel?" The air flow slid to the side of his face, which was actually sweet.

"Cough." Zhuo Zhi cleared his throat.

Li Qinyue laughed silently, and a small shock was transmitted to Zhuo Zhi: "Don't be so nervous."

"No, not nervous." Zhuo Zhi looked straight at the office door.

"Aren't you nervous?" Li Qinyue squeezed her abdomen with his hand, "the abdominal muscles are stretched out."

Zhuozhi's part has not been touched, especially in this position, every touch is magnified, and the psychological shyness is transmitted to the skin, itching like an ant crawling over the hair.

Zhuo Zhi almost jumped up. When he bowed, he was slapped on the shoulder by Li Qinyue: "Go down."

So he sat down tremblingly, and only dared to touch Li Qinyue's leg with his butt.

It is tantamount to a Zama step training that does not know when it will end.

Outside the office, An Qi, Apple, and Baby Zhang gathered together.

The three of them didn't even bother to make a greeting. The absolute competitive relationship made them only have the energy to look at each other the moment they saw each other.

For example, An Qi was pretending to be too tender today. She actually wore a sweater with angel wings, her hair tied with a pair of **** and two **** of yarn, thinking she was six years old.

Apple has made a new Sassoon head, which can be used as a knife, and it is stained with purple, which is very inconsistent with the current radio and television audit standards.

Baby Zhang's face seems to be smaller, and his eyes are a bit bigger. The filled apple muscles smile a little stiffly, and they look fake more and more.

Dong Xin came over with the review sheet and asked them: "Are you ready?"

"All right!"


"All right…"

The answer to the same two words is really Yingying Yanyan, each with its own characteristics.

"Come in." Dong Xin led people over and knocked on the door.

Li Qinyue heard a knock on the door, but she did not move.

He turned his gaze on the computer screen and continued to watch the pre-selected video, rubbing his arm against Zhuo Zhi in his arms.

Zhuo Zhi knew what she asked herself to do, but his throat became dry and he couldn't make a sound.

Li Qinyue was not in a hurry, holding Zhuozhi in one hand and sliding the mouse with the other.

The knock on the door rang again, and Zhuo Zhi finally said, "Come in."

When a group of people outside the door came in, Zhuo Zhi only looked up and then lowered his eyes.

Because the male secretaries in charge, even though they tried to control their expressions, were shocked by their current posture until their pupils were slightly enlarged.

The heat on Zhuo Zhi's face went up, and he felt that there was really no moment in this life that could be more panicked than it is now.

Dong Xin paused and said, "Mr. Li, everyone is here."

Li Qinyue raised his head and glanced, "Yes."

An Qi stepped forward and first yelled sweetly: "Good for Mr. Li, my name is An Qi."

After looking at Zhuo Zhi, although he couldn't meet his gaze, he nodded and said, "Hello, I'm glad to meet you."

Baby Zhang was about to learn to speak, Li Qinyue raised his hand and said, "Let's start."

"Eh, okay." An Qi smiled immediately, "Then I'll come first, "12 Freshmen" is a girl group draft, so I have been practicing singing and dancing recently."

Li Qinyue pushed Zhuo Zhi in his arms: "Look."

Zhuo Zhi raised his head, seeing everyone's eyes condensed on her.

It's embarrassing. I don't know what to say, so just laugh.

So in the eyes of Dong Xin, An Qi, Apple, and Zhang Baobao, the boss's new love was very aggrieved, stiff, and uncomfortably pulled at the corners of their lips.

Is this... hostile?

Dong Xin hurriedly handed over the audit form in his hand: "Mr. Li, then I will go out first."

Soon, it went away.

An Qi stared at the audit forms, and Li Qinyue raised his hand and pushed the watch to Zhuo Zhi.

Just like adding an additional test item suddenly, Zhuo Zhi frowned and looked down at his watch carefully.

An Qi looked at the judge, who was obviously very young, with his brain running at high speed and temporarily changed the track.

The idol that girls of this age will like is just the popular boy group.

An Qi cleared her throat, chose the hottest new song of the men's group, and began to dance with a cappella.

It's a bit off-note, it's okay, just imitate the expression of the boy group.

It's a bit messy to step on, it's okay, just stare at the judge and discharge it forcefully.

It's not enough to attract the boss, it doesn't matter, the girl sitting on the boss's lap has already begun to draw a picture on the watch with her head down.

come on! Angie! To that girl, release your most charming charm!

Before the performance of the girl named An Qi, Zhuo Zhi told Li Qinyue that these people still had a trace of suspicion about her.

But when the performance began, An Qi's eyes seemed to be stuck on Zhuo Zhi. She kept raising her eyebrows at Zhuo Zhi, grinning diagonally, drawing a circle in the middle, shooting in the chest, with a fierce expression, as if Zhuo Zhi had stolen her home. Two barrels of oil.

At this time, Zhuo Zhi understood that Li Qinyue was indeed right.

An Qi resented Zhuozhi, because Zhuozhi occupied this position in Li Qinyue's arms, and the benefits she might obtain through improper means were in vain, so at this moment, she couldn't wait to eat Zhuozhi.

In the face of vain hostility, Zhuo Zhi still expressed his hostility through singing and dancing, which Zhuo Zhi was totally uncomfortable at. Zhuo Zhi was a little helpless and could only suffer from it, so embarrassed that his legs started to tremble.

This is really an ultimate zama-step training that tests not only physical strength, but also psychological endurance.

An Qi danced for three minutes, and sang the whole song one syllable without pulling it before stopping.

She looked at Zhuo Zhi sweatingly, and bowed slightly, her eyes full of emotion and meaning, Zhuo Zhi only glanced at it, but did not dare to look again.

Li Qinyue ignored the movement here. In order to finish quickly, Zhuo Zhi could only raise his hand and said, "Next."

Apple smiled, full of contempt for An Qi, raised its head and said to Zhuo Zhi: "I am me, I will not cater to any standard, and I will not choose to give up after a failure."

Zhuo Zhi: "!" Don't you give up if you have a girlfriend?

"I will defeat any enemy standing in front of me," Apple stared at Zhuozhi, "Breaking out at all costs."

Zhuo Zhi: "!" Is it so straightforward? Do you want to fight? !

Apple: "Singing has always been my strong point. Today I am going to sing "Bloody Love Story"."

Zhuo Zhi: "..." It's really straightforward, is it a threat?

Apple began to sing: "The sweetness you have tasted is the fruit of loneliness. It is me who has been cut from my heart..."

Zhuo Zhi: Okay, yes, I see, it's a threat.

Apple's singing voice is strong, the high pitch is loud, and when the chorus is sung, he stares at Zhuo Zhi, hoarse and resolutely: "Let me follow you closely, let me write a horror novel for you, who is suspicious, who is pitiful, who is innocent , Whoever stays alive, I have seen the final result..."

Zhuozhi's horse step was really unstoppable.

She pushed away Li Qinyue's hand and jumped off her leg without hesitation, causing Li Qinyue to stare dissatisfied.

Zhuo Zhi jumped aside and moved his hands and feet. Apple smiled evilly at her, with the lyrics and singing, making Zhuo Zhi Han's hair stand upright.

Open guns are easy to hide from hidden arrows and hard to defend. This shield is really too difficult to be used.

Baby Zhang, who was standing by the side, saw the present all the way. Seeing that Apple attracted the judge with a song and stood up with excitement, he secretly cried out.

She is not as good as Apple in singing, and not as good as Angel in dancing. At this time, if she can no longer highlight her uniqueness, there is no hope of winning.

So after Apple's song was finally finished, she suddenly ran up to the judge, staring at this young girl who didn't know where it came from but was crucial, and said: "My greatest advantage is me. This face."

She pointed to her face: "Whether it is a man or a woman, no one will dislike a beautiful face. Good-looking is my most powerful weapon."

Zhuo Zhi's eyes widened, and in the face of a provocation that was more blatant every time, he decided to start resisting.

"You..." She paused, and pointed at Li Qinyue, "It looks good without Mr. Li."

Baby Zhang was stunned, Li Qinyue was suddenly cueed, turned his head to look at Zhuo Zhi, and smiled.

Baby Zhang looked at this unexplained death smile, panicked, and hurriedly said: "That's naturally not comparable to Li, and I don't need to be compared to Li."

Zhuo Zhi thought for a while, and that's right, Li Qinyue's criteria for finding a target may not be more prettier than himself.

There is no need to compare with Li Qinyue, the most necessary is naturally to compare with her Zhuozhi.

Zhuo Zhi looked at Baby Zhang, carefully observed her facial features, and compared with his own.

Then, the tone is calm and authentic: "From my personal aesthetic point of view, whichever one of your facial features picks is more beautiful than mine, but when they are combined, they are not as harmonious as mine."

Zhuo Zhi took a step back, and after reconfirming, repeated: "Yes, there is no harmony with me."

Zhang Baobao's expression was completely stunned. She didn't understand why the boss' Xinhuan had to compare her face to her. The only reason she could figure out was that this person would also come to participate in "12 Newborns".

This can also explain why the boss who has always been no matter what happened suddenly came to the company to watch the pre-selection video, why he should watch it with Xinhuan, and even gave Xinhuan the right to decide on the contestants.

This was not a show of talent at all. It was a war that was caught off guard. Faced with powerful enemies with nepotism, they fell into their mouths and personally sent themselves to the guillotine early.

Baby Zhang suddenly looked at An Qi and Apple, these former opponents, to this day, are both fallen into the world.

An Qi frowned, but Apple still hadn't figured out the situation.

Li Qinyue looked at a few people and suddenly laughed, the kind that made a sound, but it was not a laugh that expresses joy.

"Haha," she said to Zhuo Zhi, "you are whiter than her, and you look more attractive."

Baby Zhang's face was as gray as death, and Apple finally reacted.

The three of them now unified their gazes, and when they looked at Zhuo Zhi, they finally completed the match with Zhuo Zhi's brain circuit.

Zhuo Zhijia coughed twice, hoping that Li Qin would be more restrained and stop giving her hatred.

But Li Qinyue has never been able to fulfill Zhuozhi's wish. This person who has been lazy and careless about the scene suddenly stood up and walked towards Zhuozhi.

Zhuo Zhi took a step aside, but couldn't avoid it.

Li Qinyue stretched out his hand and squeezed it on Zhuozhi's shoulder, with extremely affectionate gestures and smile, and the words were full of flattering meaning: "You said how long you are, you run around the world and you can't get tanned, right? It's so jealous."

An Qi, Apple, Baby Zhang: "!"

Jealousy was discovered!

Li Qinyue: "Sometimes I really want to hide you from anyone, because I am alone. I think you are so good and you should be seen by more people to let them know what I have. Baby."

An Qi, Apple, Baby Zhang: "!"

Sure enough, it is coming to compete with us for "12 Freshmen"!

Zhuo Zhi looked at Li Qinyue, the goose bumps on her body rose and fell, and fell and rose again. He really admired Li Qinyue's acting skills. I don't know how she managed to say these nasty words in front of so many people. The face is not red and the heart is not beating.

Li Qinyue squeezed her shoulder: "What do you think I should do?"

The hint is full of meaning, Zhuo Zhi remembered that the two of them had a three-chapter appointment. At this time, they must cooperate with the performance, so he hurriedly cleared his throat and replied: "You don't need to be seen by too many people, just show it to those who are necessary. "

By the way, express my opinion, I hope Li Qin understands that the fewer occasions for fake girlfriends, the better.

An Qi, Apple, Baby Zhang: "!!!"

What does she mean? She rejected the debut opportunity provided by the rich and powerful backers? !

She looked around and felt that it was more important to hold the boss's heart than to fight for our debut? !

We don't even know whether we should despise her for being short-minded and short-sighted, or we should envy her for being indifferent and having fun in time!

and also! The dialogue between these two is too exaggerated and pretentious to be a bubble idol at 8 o'clock! !

Is it true that the tyrant loves this one? !

Li Qinyue caught a glimpse of the changing faces of the three people standing beside him, and he was overjoyed.

She desperately wanted to share the joy of the moment with Zhuo Zhi, so she tugged at the scoring sheet in her hand and asked, "How is it done?"

Zhuo Zhi was stunned, and hurriedly said: "It will be fine soon."

She lowered her head to write and draw for a while, then handed the form to Li Qinyue: "My personal opinion."

"Yeah." Li Qinyue looked at the three people aside, "You have worked hard, I will give the review form to President Chen."

"Thank you, Mr. Li." The three bowed and exited the office.

Before I walked far, I heard laughter and stumbling on tables and chairs in that office. They stared and shrugged, expressing shock and contempt at the office play of the second-generation Dan Fu boss and Xin Huan.

Coming here today, they are not sure what impact the results of the pre-selection will have, but what is certain is that they have caught a glimpse of the boss's privacy and eaten fresh gossip.

The three eagerly parted ways, and the next second they took out their mobile phones to deliver the latest news to their small group.

-Hey, that little Li always knows if he is sexually female! Female!

-I like pure ones and don't even use makeup!

-But you must be stubborn and contrived. I don't want money or reputation. I only want you in this world!

-Little Bailian, the overbearing president, beg everyone who wants to learn and learn!

Zhuo Zhi didn't know all of this. She didn't have time to think about how many waves arose from today's fake girlfriend's performance. All the energy she used to think about the inner world of adults and people in the city was just enough to let go. On Li Qinyue.

For example, if this person is crazy, I don't know which point of stimulation he has been subjected to, so it is just a rotation to hug her.

Zhuozhi kicked out with his legs, knocked to the table, kicked to the chair, groaning.

Li Qinyue laughed, not enough to whip her once, but a second turn.

Zhuo Zhi closed his legs and hugged Li Qinyue's legs. He tried so hard that neither of them could move anymore, finally letting Li Qinyue feel at ease.

"Baby," Li Qinyue looked at her, breathing at her close distance, "You are so funny, so funny."

Zhuo Zhi was helpless and asked her: "Sister Qin Yue, do you like me?"

"I like it." Li Qinyue answered without hesitation.

"I still don't know many things," Zhuo Zhi was very sincere. "If you like me, just tease me and play with me less, okay?"

"You let me kiss and I agree." Li Qinyue looked at her cheerfully.

"You are playing with me again!" Zhuo Zhi called Tian Tian not working, called the ground to be unwilling, and wanted to get off Li Qinyue, but she was bound tightly by her.

"I broke your arm!" Zhuo Zhi threatened.

"You are willing."

"I'm not willing, you will get hurt."

"Let me hug for a while."

"Just a while."

"Just a moment."