Chapter 25

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Li Qinyue answered the phone.

Zhuo Zhi listened here, to the effect that someone had an appointment for dinner for the evening, Li Qinyue agreed, and Zhuo Zhi heaved a sigh of relief.

She stayed in this office with trepidation, for fear that Li Qinyue would stir her up on a whim. When they went out for lunch at noon, many people had already looked at her frequently.

Li Qinyue hung up the phone, turned off the computer after a while and got up, and said to Zhuo Zhi, "Let's go."

Zhuo Zhi almost bounced off the sofa: "So early."

"Well, it takes more time on the road." Li Qinyue took his coat and walked out, and suddenly stopped when he walked to the office door.

Zhuo Zhi stopped one meter away from her.

Li Qinyue turned to look at her: "Come here."

"Huh?" Zhuo Zhi didn't move.

Li Qinyue bent his arm: "Do you believe it or not now that the entire company knows you are my girlfriend?"

"Trust." Zhuo Zhi was deeply moved by this.

"Then come here quickly and perform a full set of acting." Li Qin Yue shook his arms.

"Oh." Zhuo Zhi rubbed it reluctantly and put his hand in her arms.

Li Qinyue opened the door with one hand, clamped Zhuozhi's arm in one hand, and said with a smile: "This posture is really old-school."

The posture of the two girls holding their arms can express intimacy, but not too much.

This is much more relaxed than when Li Qinyue hugged her to go out at noon.

Along the way, few people will cast their eyes directly on them, but Zhuo Zhi habitually uses the peripheral vision to observe the surrounding movement, and can still feel a lot of dark glances.

When I got into the elevator, it's okay. At this point, it's not off-hours, and there are only two of them in the elevator for the time being.

Zhuo Zhi stared at the button and asked, "Mr. Li, do you lose one?"

"Why are you going to the first one, and there is no car to pick me up." Li Qinyue looked at her with a grin, "On the first floor, we have to catch the bus."

Zhuo Zhi sighed deeply, wondering when Li Qinyue's strange fun will end.

The two of them left the office building, went to the nearest bus stop, and got on the bus smoothly.

Li Qinyue was a little disappointed. Even if this bus passed through the city center, there were not many people in this meeting. Not to mention the crowded, there were still two vacancies in the back row.

Zhuo Zhi swiftly occupied the vacant seat and waved to Li Qinyue. Li Qinyue looked around, and there was no one old, weak, sick or young.

She sighed and walked towards the back row, sat down by the window that Zhuo Zhi had deliberately left for her, and played with her mobile phone boredly.

Zhuo Zhi is still a strange new youth who never takes out his mobile phone at a non-essential moment.

She just sat calmly, her eyes steadily placed in the carriage, not knowing what she was looking at.

Li Qinyue played two rounds of fun, secretly logged into the small group of "Shengle" companies, and took a look at the gossip between himself and Zhuo Zhi. He had a good time for a while.

It's a pity that the person involved is by his side, but because his face is too thin, he is too courageous to share.

Li Qinyue was a little bit emotional. For so many years, he has been in the world for so many years, so that Zhuo Zhi, a little girl, can put herself in the mood for the other side's mood when she is playing.

Can't help but tease, but also tease step by step. I couldn't help but want some physical contact, but I had to find reasons and excuses, restrained the time and degree, tusk.

Li Qinyue received the phone and looked at Zhuo Zhi. Zhuo Zhi's gaze was immediately retracted, and she met her.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Zhuo Zhi asked.

"What are you looking at?" Li Qinyue glanced into the carriage. There were a lot more people than when he first got on the car, but there was nothing worth noting.

"Look at people." Zhuo Zhi said.

"What's so good about people," Li Qinyue said from his mouth, his eyes circled again, "Which person?"

"Everyone." Zhuo Zhi smiled and lowered his voice, "The grandmother and the granddaughter are in the front of the double seat. The little girl has just entered the first grade. The big sister in the yellow scarf on the left in the middle has a bad right leg, it should be Arthritis. One of the four ducks in the uncle's bag on the right is dead..."

"Not three?" Li Qinyue looked up.

"There is another one at the back, and the air hole is also taken out, which is blocked by this angle."

"how do you know?"

"The volume is obvious."

"Tsk." Li Qinyue gave her a thumbs up, "Maori Xiaozhuozhi."

"Hahahaha..." Zhuo Zhi laughed, without refuting her ridicule, and paused, "Looking at the people in the car, I am more familiar with it."

"Familiar?" Li Qinyue said, "Don't you know me?"

"But I guess everyone's general life, unlike in your company, I don't understand."

"Really?" Li Qinyue smiled, "I think they are very easy to guess, those who want money, those who want power, those who want fame and fortune."

"I don't understand." Zhuo Zhi shook his head, "You think things will have to turn a few turns. I just thought I understood this turn, and you turned to another one. I don't know what I am. Should I stop at this corner, or should I go to the next corner..."

"You cross the Yellow River." Li Qinyue turned sideways and put his hand on the back of the chair. "You, including me?"

"Yeah." Zhuo Zhi lowered his head and scratched his fingers.

Li Qinyue looked at her slender eyelashes and the tip of her nose: "What's the difference? People living in the world don't want those things? Do you think these people in the car are working at home? At that time, don't you think around the corners?"

"No, mainly because I am familiar with their bends. I grew up in this environment." Zhuo Zhi raised his head and smiled, "Sister, your world, I have to study."

"Small serious." Li Qinyue's hand on the back of the chair rubbed Zhuozhi's head, "You should study hard and look at this dirty world..."

"Don't say that." Zhuo Zhi said, "The world is still very beautiful."

"Yes." Li Qinyue snapped the tips of her ears, "and you are so cute."

In the following time, Li Qinyue gave up the boring mobile phone and stared at the people in the carriage with Zhuo Zhi.

The two did not communicate, and each looked at each other. Li Qinyue's harvest was to discover that in this era, there are still people begging on the bus.

In addition, what surprised her was that Zhuo Zhi, a decent, righteous, kind, and innocent little cutie, did not change his face to a person who hadn't been begging.

Just one stop away, the beggar got out of the car with the bleak music, Li Qinyue bumped Zhuozhi's arm: "What? No change."

Zhuo Zhi frowned: "His broken leg is fake."

"What if it's true? Would you give it?" Li Qinyue asked.

"No." Zhuo Zhi replied decisively, "This kind of begging is industrialized, and they never want to get something for nothing. They earn a lot like this, and they won't let their children go to school. They are drawn out at a very young age. Begging."

"You understand this kind of thing very well." Li Qinyue rubbed her head.

"Sister, I have been sitting for thirteen stations." Zhuo Zhi reminded her, "How long is there?"

Li Qinyue took out his phone and looked at the map: "There are still twelve stops."

Zhuo Zhi's eyes widened: "So far?!"

"Huh? Is it far?" Li Qinyue said, "It's okay, it's less than two hours' journey."

"Such a distance is still more convenient to drive, right?" Zhuo Zhi asked cautiously.

"Don't worry, just go for a meal." Li Qinyue paused, "You come down from the mountain, don't you know the importance of protecting the environment? Take public transportation more to reduce carbon emissions. I contribute to the earth. , Understand?"

"Understood." Zhuo Zhi nodded.

"Moreover, the scenery on this line is pretty good." Li Qinyue turned his head and looked out the window, feeling very happy, "There are mountains and rivers, but there are few people."

This line is indeed very scenic, because it takes the road out of the city.

Since Li Qinyue has lived in a mountain village halfway up the mountain until now, Zhuo Zhi is not surprised that Li Qinyue's friend asks Li Qinyue to go out of the city to eat.

Maybe it is about returning to the original farmhouse with wild game, Zhuo Zhi only thought that if there are rare animals by then, she will have to popularize the law for Li Qinyue.

The bus circled a dizzy circular interchange and got onto the bridge across the river.

The sky has dimmed, and the river surface is deep and foggy.

Li Qinyue stared at the river intently, Zhuo Zhi stared at the illuminated bridge and counted the passing vehicles.

The old lady in a cotton-padded jacket suddenly stood up, ran to the driver, and asked a few words.

The dialect taste is too strong, Zhuo Zhi can only listen to a general idea.

It should have been after the station, missed the stop sign on the other side of the bridge, and then had to go back, and had to wait until the bridge was crossed, and then took the car again.

The driver's voice was loud, and he turned his head back a few words in dialect. The old lady was stunned, and her voice suddenly became sharp.

The few sleepy passengers in the car were so excited that they all looked over.

The old lady looked agitated, muttering loudly, and soon turned into a yell, repeating it so that everyone in the car could hear her appeal.

"Stop! Stop! You let me down! Let me down! Go home! Far away!"

The driver shouted: "Can't stop, can't stop, stop after passing!"

An aunt yelled, "I can't stop here. The driver will be fined. Stop over the bridge!"

The word fine irritated the old lady even more. She stamped her foot, a little hysterical: "You hurt me! You hurt me!"

Li Qinyue frowned, and Zhuo Zhi stood up and walked to the front of the car.

She wanted to persuade the old lady in the past to tell her that it was not the driver who could not return home because of the money, and that she could not stop at non-stops. The traffic rules were for everyone's safety.

But as soon as she stepped into the carriage, the old lady suddenly fell to the ground and started crying, waving her hands and feet wildly.

The driver bowed his head and shouted: "Get up!"

The old lady lifted her foot and kicked over, kicking the driver's seat.

The car became agitated, Zhuo Zhi ran over and grabbed the old lady's arm and pulled her back.

"Grandma, grandma, don't interfere with the driver's driving, it's dangerous!" Zhuo Zhi said repeatedly, "Don't worry, you will cross the bridge right away, and you will stop after crossing the bridge. You can go home one stop in the opposite direction. …"

The driver was so angry that he bowed his head and shouted: "Get up! Fuck!"

The old lady's legs and feet were like an electric motor, and she kept kicking out, as if she had grown on the ground, Zhuo Zhi couldn't pull the person up in two strokes.

The old man's bones were brittle, she did not dare to use brute force to pull it, so she could only persuade the driver and said to the driver by the way: "Master, please drive well and pay attention to safety."

This sentence made the old lady beat Zhuo Zhi into the ranks of the drivers, and slap Zhuo Zhi with her backhand: "Don't pull me! My leg hurts! My arm hurts! You people who have suffered thousands of swords! Harm me! Harm me!"

Zhuo Zhi escaped the first and the second, and could not escape the third under the predicament that he couldn't work hard and couldn't leave.

With a "pop", the old lady's hand was thrown on Zhuo Zhi's neck, very powerfully, with a loud voice.

Zhuo Zhi expected this kind of result, but he was not surprised. He was born with it, and he didn't dare to let go of her hand to let her influence the driver again.

But Li Qinyue exploded, and a sentence of "Fuck!" resounded through the carriage, drawing everyone's eyes away.

This glamorous girl, who was so beautiful and fashionable as if she shouldn't have appeared on this bus, rushed to the front of the bus, took out a delicate wallet from the bag she was carrying, and threw it on the ground. .

The wallet spread out beside the old lady, and it was full of bank cards and a wad of cash.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. The driver looked over, and Li Qinyue yelled at him: "You concentrate on driving your car!"

The driver hurriedly turned his head back, did not dare to look again.

Li Qinyue screamed at Zhuozhi: "What! I didn't feed you enough for noon! You can't pull this old bone up or you can't get it out! How much effort does it take you to throw the front of the car and the rear of the car! 10% skill, dare Come out! Dare to come out!"

Zhuo Zhi was a little helpless: "Sister, she is old, I dare not try hard."

"Yes!!!" Li Qinyue roared louder than anyone else, "How much energy do I give me so much!!"

The old lady finally reacted from shock, kicking her legs again, and said mechanically: "You hurt me!"

Before she yelled a second time, Li Qinyue answered, "I **** hurt you! Your house is a golden nest and a silver nest! Or I can sell you! Then I will inherit your throne." what!!"

Someone in the car laughed "poof".

The old lady stared down her legs fiercely. She couldn't listen to good or bad things. Her only weapon was to continue spreading on the spot. This was the most familiar way.

The direction she kicked was Li Qinyue's leg. Li Qinyue took a small step back and kicked back.

The two legs collided, and the old lady howled: "My leg is broken!"

"If you break it, go to the hospital!" Li Qinyue pointed to the wallet on the ground, "You can choose the top three in Nanhai City! This province will be cured for you, I will take you to the capital! If China is not cured, I will take you to the capital! Mom takes you to the United States! If you don't give me a comminuted fracture, cerebral infarction and hemiplegia today, the ICU life-long service I prepared for you will not be used!"

The old lady was stunned, and Li Qinyue glared at her: "Do you understand human language! Do you want me to show you the dialect again!!"